Dialup internet....


does anybody know anybody with this or does anybody have this?

I want to find them and hear about their experience and perhaps laugh a little.

TPGs dialup internet is $16.99 for unlimited and $9.99/month for the 'wild' bundle where you get 80MB for the month..

wat is life.

imagine if we still had dialup internet.



  • And extra $$$ for a local call each time when dialling up?

    Must admit I did pay monthly for old dial up just to keep my email address with Optus so to stay in touch with old friends. Then Facebook and Linkedin arrived…

  • I wouldn't touch dial up even if I get paid.

    • should be able to get satellite if they are rural, I'm surrounded by mountains with no reception of any kind far away from the nearest town but satellite is available

  • Gawd i would rig an antenna (to get 3G or 4G -never want dial up again ;))

    -and i am sure real rural get satellite subsidised.

  • +2

    sometimes, my internet connection is slower than dial-up.

  • +1

    Art thou blind?!

    The future of our Great Colony, the Glorious Motherland and Her Majesty's Empire remains bright under the guidance of Duke Anthony Abbotton, as we look toward a future where Sirs and Dames shall once more rule over the wide lands, and where ching-chongs and blackies can again be rightfully called as they are.

    Do not doubt this futuristic invention, once known as 'dial-up', and practically invented by Her great servant- Lord Malcolm of Turningbull, which will henceforth be referred to as the 'NBN' (Noble Broadband Network), and will bring many joys to Her simpletons, providing several long minutes of enjoyment after long, hard hours spent toiling in the foundry in Her service.

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