What is the CHEAPEST Movie Cinema anywhere in Australia?
I'll start off:
("Cinema Paradiso" - Ettalong, NSW Central Coast - http://www.cinemaparadiso.com.au/images/programs/Ettalong%20… )
What is the CHEAPEST Movie Cinema anywhere in Australia?
I'll start off:
("Cinema Paradiso" - Ettalong, NSW Central Coast - http://www.cinemaparadiso.com.au/images/programs/Ettalong%20… )
Any in Newcastle, NSW cheaper than $6?
Nah, but Lake Cinema Boolaroo is $7 all sessions if that's close enough…
The Cineplex South Bank has a first come first serve seating system. So no seat selections and arrive early to get the better viewing seats.
Not just at Southbank but also at Hawthorne and Bulimba and has built a new cinema at Victoria Point. Even cheaper on Tuesdays I think. The owner is raking it in as they are all very popular.
Also at Nerang on the Goldy I see. And there are parking deals with participating restaurants (free parking) at Southbank.
Yeah, South Bank Cineplex is fantastic.
$5.50 during the day weekdays for students.
You do have to sit thru ~30-40 minutes of ads and trailers though, but you can normally just rock up a bit later and skip them, or just chat thru them.
Also free parking for 4 hours if you see a movie, which is nice for South Bank.
Dumeresq St Cinema Campbelltown NSW - $6 all tickets all sessions. Candy bar refreshments at supermarket prices.
Do they still have free sandwiches there at lunch time as well?
That I am not sure of. This was the deal Free Sandwich Lunch*. *10.30am Weekday Sessions only - Not available during Public or School Holidays.
Couldn't believe it when we were asked if we were staying for lunch at the time.
Gotta claim best value for this cinema. $6 tickets, free ticket and candy bar for your birthday (club) and free lunch after attending 10.30 am sessions
Info here in this newspaper article
That is great price. I am paying $10 tickets from optus or telstra. Is sound and quality acceptable in this theatre ? Will try next time and see.
yep, these guys are the cheapest, i use to go there a lot before the kid came along..
There was me thinking Hoyts at Charlestown was the cheapest!
Is this the only Australian University with its own cinema?!
From my experience many uni's have a film society. They meet up once or twice a week and have a film.
It's actually $4 for onsite pre-sales, or $5 for online sales or sales at the door. Plus a $2 surcharge for 3D movies.
Factor in the free shuttle buses from a large chunk of Wollongong, and it's very good value.
Not only is UOW pretty much the cheapest around — it's actually a good setup too — full 4K projection, 3D, and HFR 48fps capability.
What do these cinemas survive on?
The better question would be, What do the other cinemas do with all the money they make? For example Dumaresq St cinemas have been in business for many years. If they are not making a profit they would have wound up. It IS possible to sell cheap tickets and make money.
Well, i think the main thing is rent. They're not paying We$tfield extortionate fees and they probably don't have any advertising budget at all. I'm sure those would be the main 2 costs.
I also can't see Monuments Men on their listings. Maybe there are licensing deals they just don't get? (or they've already shown it/it's not popular enough)
Started March 13. http://www.dumaresqstreetcinema.com.au/films/m/monumentsmen/…
From what I remember a philanthropist independent hardware shop owner, now gone, purchased the cinema complex and gave back to the community affordable movie entertainment.
Windsor at Brighton, SA. Was $6 for 2 movies (double feature) now is $10-$12 last time I checked.
I only go when its free.
In case you are a union member you can buy tickets which cover many of the independent cinemas for $11 + 5.75 fixed postage.
Not cheap at all!
Morrabbin Victoria. $15 a year membership. Movie every Wednesday morning. Shame it's during work hours.
Astor Theatre, St Kilda is always reasonably priced (no more than $15), Candy Bar is fairly priced, and they often have double features… two for one!
ATM I'd go with groupon+HOYTS movie combo. Got 2 hoyts tickets for 12$ and $12 as groupon credit. Link : https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/139432
Getting in the topic, I also am keen to know about cheaper cinemas in Perth.
It's $11? I think for Grand cinemas members
They'll often have discounts for certain movies too, I've seen them for as low as $6, most of the time they're down to $8
Orpheum Cinema @Mosman: after 5 every Monday for student, 2D Movie: $5
Events may have specials for students on Monday Day time(double check the day, only could recall it's a weekday)
Hoyts has weekly special for members for $10
Free Korean Movie:http://koreanculture.org.au/regular-events/cinema-on-the-park
2nd Tuesday of the month, Marrickville Movie club Free Movie: http://www.marrickville.nsw.gov.au/en/outandabout/events/eve…
Aust Fair was $7.50 when I was living on the gold coast last year…
Heddon Greta Drive In. $30 per vehicle for up to 8 people, that's $3.75 per person.
2 Movies is $50 per vehicle. That's $3.13 per person per movie
3 movies is only $70 per vehicle. That's $2.92 per person per movie.
It's a great night up there too, nice family atmosphere! :)
Drive In movies, I remember them. Can't remember any movies though.
Years ago Singleton had an open air movies with fires in 44 gallon drums to keep one side of you warm.
2 negs. Well that's the last time I mention a way to get free/cheap anything.
+1 for sharing.
Ace Cinemas Rockingham
$25 gets you a bowl of popcorn, soft drink, leather recliner and most importantly distance from unsupervised children and teens that require a smack across the back of the head. Silence is golden my friends, even for an OzBargainer.
Reading Cinemas $8.50, Harbourtown, Gold Coast, QLD. Booya!!!
In Vic:
Astor: Buy a book of 10 movie tabs for $120. Lasts a year, plenty of double features. If you haven't been to the Astor then you're really missing out. They will pause a movie if someone is using a mobile phone and tell them to get out. Give them your money.
Cinema Nova: Monday $6/$9 tickets. I go on Mondays every 1-2 months and have a movie marathon. Topped my previous record by seeing 7 in a day a few days ago. Half the fun (well sorta…) is trying to schedule a program so you have absolute minimal overlaps and gaps that aren't too large.
Buy multi-film passes for film festivals e.g. Japanese Film Fest.
$10 tickets at Hoyts/Village for everything else. Use discounted gift cards where possible.
Odeon star Semaphore (SA) Used to be $8 but now $9 http://odeonstar.com.au/