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Philips HQ6990 Electric Shaver $99

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Seems like it is an older model as they have cut it to half the RRP. Just remember rotary electric shavers aren't for everyone, particularly if you have sensitive skin. I bought mine today and despite it supposedly taking two weeks of use to function best had a very satisfactory shave. This is one of the better reviewed electric shavers on amazon and if maintained properly only needs a blade replacement every 2 years. Just remember you can substitute the expensive 'shaver cleaners' with regular isopropyl alcohol from the chemist/bunnings.

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closed Comments

  • +2
  • -2

    Rotary shaver is not for me.

  • would love to except I've got 2 of them - I dating from the early 70s where I changed the blades once and another which I bought in case the first broke down!
    still going strong!

  • +1

    "Just remember you can substitute the expensive ‘shaver cleaners’ with regular isopropyl alcohol from the chemist/bunnings"

    And you can substitute isopropyl alcohol for warm water from your tap, it does the same job!

    • But the shaver doesn't seem to recognise the water as a valid cleaning solution (on automated cleaning models anyway).

      • +1

        So you save $100 and dont buy the automated cleaning shaver.

        Its really no harder to use water than it it to place in the cleaning cradle.

        Aside from that id rather not put isotropy alcohol around my face thanks to some of the denaturing and other chemicals which will linger on the shaver head once it is used.

        Isotropy alcohol can also discolour the plastic on the shaver, meaning the plastic is being eaten away.

        Grain alcohol denatured with bitrex would be a better alternative (and is what the real cleaning solution uses)

  • Real men have beards…

  • I don't think its that cheap. I bought the same one a few months ago for $70 or $80

  • Forget to mention you can get the slower charging model for $70.

    With regards to isopropyl alcohol it evaporates quite quickly and is used to treat cuts so should be safe for the skin. Wary of using water when the shaver and documentation both have do not expose to water warnings. Some googling seems to reveal that most shaver cleaning agents are made of denatured alcohol (grain alcohol) with citrus oils which is basically metho but metho is not pure enough and has dyes so is not a good cleaning agent. Personally I have used isopropyl alcohol on plastic without issues and as it is the cheapest and most easily acquired cleaning agent I will stick with it. Also handy for cleaning dvds, lcd monitors and computer components.

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