Ear and Eye Protection for gardening

Hello Guys,

Any recommendation for Ear and Eye Protection to use during lawn mowing etc?



  • Hey there, we bought these things from Bunnings. Pretty cheap there. Have a look. Some other folks might have better inputs for you though :)

  • My recommendation is always, you only get one set of each in a lifetime.
    I generally use the expanding foam type or over the ear head phone type depending on the hat I wear for the ears and protective sunglasses for the eyes.

    Age and noisy environments without ear protection in my early years has made me realise how important it is.
    As for eye protection you can get some stylish ones nowadays for a few dollars.

  • Mowing helps keep your garden healthy. Proper care should be taken while mowing like checking mower blades, mowing during daylight, wearing eye protection, etc. These are some of the frequent tips given to me by lawn mowing north shore. You can also check out their website.

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