I've been looking into the opal card, if it was any cheaper for me. Which it is cheaper by $1.70 per a week.
But going through the ordering a card set-up. I realized, you can get multiple cards with different names, such as word card, or personal card, and have a separate balance on each card.
I'm wondering, if those cards are linked in any way.
Such as the rule, you only pay for 8 trips a week, then the rest is free. If i took 8 trips with one card, then i used the other card, would it take into consideration the other cards trips, and grants a free trip?
Also, unrelated with the multiple opal card.
With the 8 rule, if i took 8, 10km trips, then the 9th trip(meant to be free) was a 40km, would i be charged extra or remain uncharged?
It's on a card by card basis… Otherwise what would stop my company from setting up an account and most people getting free travel lol! I think even the deposit is too.
Once you are on the 9th trip, it's free. You could travel around Sydney a few times if you like…