Hottest Deal - HTC One (M8) $819 Free Shipping or Pickup (Kogan $849 + Shipping $23, HN $899)
100% Au Stock, 2 Years Warranty, GST Inc(TRS Eligible)
- HTC One M8 $819
Samsung Galaxy Zoom $319
Samsung Galaxy Gear $229
Samsung Galaxy Zoom $319
Samsung Galaxy Gear $229
title updated.
Hi rep.
Could you make a good offer for Lumia 1020.
error in title. got me all excited about Lumia 1320 for $219
Any deals for Nokia 925?
Or a similar discount code for an S5 pre-order?
Supposedly get the m8 for under $800 at Telstra store if you haggle.
I hate how the M8 wastes space with it's HTC logo on the front. If they fixed that and the lacklustre camera, I'd get one in a blink of an eye!
Your dreaming mate. Plus as leonheart said the bezel destroys the look of the phone and the edging doesn't feel as nice as the old One nor does the slippery brushed aluminium, overall it's a disappointment
"Rather than having capacitive navigation keys below the display, the new flagship will sport on-screen buttons" - text from preview
…but they just fitted Logo up there.
designers should be slapped for this.
you had the s5 for 849 preorder how come you increased it now?
Sorry, We was listed S5 at $929, we dropped to $899. never listed at $849
Can you please confirm if the S5 is Aus stock and will have Aus warranty?
100% Au Stock, 2 years Samsung AU warranty.
How do these phones get updates if they aren't provider branded. I am thinking about the Nokia 1320, but I want to make sure updates for it are simple and not delayed because its not a Telstra/Optus phone…or are they quicker because they aren't branded?
For windows phone, you will get the update straight from Microsoft. Not always the first to get an update though.
Yes, the unbranded phones get the updates quicker. The updates are released to unbranded first, then branded.
The reason for the delay for the branded is that the telcos need to add their bloatware to the updates as well as 'test' it to make sure it works.
Any chance of getting the 1320 is a different colour? Not really a fan of the orange…
Hi beralj
Sorry, special price only available for the Orange colour.
Pity, will wait till more colours are available, orange doesn't work for me. Good price however :)
Any chance of Note 3 special ? (or in the future)
Hi temz
Yes also working on the special deal on Note 3, will keep you update here.
Awesome, thanks!
Hi rep.
Could you make a good offer for Lumia 1020.
Would love a deal on the 1020 as well
What do you need??
Nokia LUMIA 1020 Yellow, price is up to you, but if you hit the right spot, you can sell at least 2 of them straight away.
OK, You can use same coupon code for Nokia lumia 1020 Black $549, white $529 or Yellow $519.
i was hoping for at least same deal ($40 off) or even better like 4 days ago.
$50 off will make my day.
Yeah the yellow 1020 was 509 during the last deal. 500 flat would be perfect.
499 looks more catchy.
Anyway specs are like a 2 years old L920 +1GB ram, 41mpx CAMERA, -wireless charging and it costs extra $200 bucks.
but till would be successor of this great camera, price will be still high enough to be just niche product.
any deal with a plan ?
i need to get it with telstra
Bought mine from Telstra today, they have it listed for $840
No issue with price matching.
Moron who negged my question, go get a life and find something better to do with yourself
Is the M8 16 or 32gb? Mobile version of the site doesn't say :(
Are there any cheapo nokia smart phone Op?
How come the camera for the M8 is only 4mp? Or is that the front one? Seems rather underwhelming for a 2014 release phone.
Also microsd card slot up to 128gb, damn thats tempting. Too bad just bought a new phone last week :(
And the M8 comes in gold too, Im a sucker for that
Yep you're right. It comes with two 4MP rear cameras. It supposed to do better job at low light shooting, but sadly at the price of everyday photos because of the low pixels.
The weird thing is the front camera is 5MP. Go figure.
I have a HTC One and i have no problems with the pictures its takes, there are a lot of write up's about why its 4MP, one Google search will answer any questions.
Pro's n Cons of the HTC camera,…
I haven't read about the dual camera of the HTC one M8 so i cant comment. But MP don't automatically mean a good camera, for instance i prefer the LG G2's camera to sony's Z series which is at a lower res.
Everyday photos is exactly what 4MP is good for. A full HD bluray movie is only 2MP - has anyone complained about the "low pixels"?
With regards to low light, last year when I had the old HTC One, I did a quick low-light comparison at a restaurant with the S3, S4, and Xperia Z. I used default settings like a normal person would do. This is the result:
yep i have similar experience with the night photo's … :) also same deal in the article i posted.
It really depends on how you look at it. In the phone industry there is some which advocates that megapixels isn't the key to crisp pictures.
People seem to think higher resolution = better pictures, however it actually isn't.
You can get awesome pictures on a 4-5MP and it will look better than a picture at 15MP.
Since higher resolution is good for enlargements, but for normal prints you don't actually need that many pixels.
Therefore don't just judge a camera by its MP, judge it by the technology and quality it is using. If you aren't so familiar with the technical workings of a camera, then best bet would be to go online and search for Camera Picture comparisions between different phones.
Deal for Nokia 1520 rep? :)
Nokia Lumia 1520 $699 free shipping
I'm very keen on this one
Kogan is selling $539.00 + $23.00 shipping
$699 is quite steep compare to above, any better deal rep? :)
Kogan selling non Australian model, only 1 year warranty non manufacturer warranty, price excl GST and Shipping cost $22.99, Our stock are 100% Australian stock, 2 year warranty, price inc GSt and Free Shipping.
Fast delivery on a 1320, local stock for best price I could find anywhere
Any love for the Samsung Galaxy S4 i9505 rep? ;)
Hi quarkz
Still working on the S4 and Note 3, hopefully we can better deal next week, will keep update here.
Thanks mate, appreciated!
would also be keen on the s4
Thanks for the replies rep :)
Any news regarding when and what price you'll have for the Sony Z2?
Kogan have just listed their price for the import version.
From what I read, Australian Z2's are delayed until May, so till then, you can only get grey imports
How about a better deal on LG G2 (Genuine AU Stock)?
you want the $50 hey ;)
Oh yeah! Also Harvey Norman has it for $598 PLUS $50 gift card so I am tempted to go with them unless I get a better deal here!
jb has it for $566 before asking for a better deal (i got mine from jb for $510)
If you use HN for shopping normally, then their $50 gift card kind of brings it down to $548. How did you get it for $510 from jb anyway?
Hi Rep, great deals.
this is random and most likely you dont know, any news for nokia 930 release date and how much.
thanks again
Nokia 1320 JB Chadstone sell it 278-280. The rest of Ops deal are great though.
Do you have a receipt?
Any new on the 32gb Htc m8 or 32 gb blue galaxy s5
Hi Rep
Last week Dick Smith had 12% off store wide bringing the price of S5 down $817.52. Can you give a better deal?
To me the m8 almost seems like a side grade over the old m7. The camera in some instances is even worse because of no ois. Of coarse it wins out in many other areas, but not by a huge margin. I think this gen the z2 is the phone to get, but I'm waiting to see what oneplus one will be like, it should easily be best bang for buck. Plus in the next few weeks when the hype wears down the prices should too. :)
Is it possible to get in and do a somewhat decent deal on the 32gb Black or Blue Samsung Galaxy S5. I cannot seem to source Australian stock anywhere?
hi dmc900
I have check with Samsung and they distributor, only 16GB version for the Au Market at moment. this phone support expend micro memory card upto 128gb
Mate we know it does but why do these Samsung and htc do this. When Apple announce something it's the same worldwide and also all the accessories are available off the bat. Get your shit together man
Then get an iPhone. Why asking if you already knew the answer? Get your shit up with HTC and Samsung instead.
Thanks for responding.
It's a shame they don't have 32gb memory.
As far as I know you cannot use 128gb Expandable memory for apps unless you root the device and until there is a way root without voiding warranty I probably won't be interested in a device with only 16gb.
I have 16gb on my Note 2, and I'm always struggling to find room to store all my apps. I have rooted my Note 2 and it's frustrating using Linking apps to link my big apps to the memory card. Particularly when I like to change memory cards sometimes.
It may look like I'll have to order via Grey Stock, which is a shame because I prefer local warranty and I don't mind paying GST. Plus DSE managed to get this device real cheap with the 12% off. Shame there is no 32gb.
I also hate touch wiz I should be going for another phone but there are some features the SGS5 has that I would make great use off.
Bought a white Lumia 1020. Hope its camera lives up to the expectation
Thanks, You will be happy with Camera quality with Lumia 1020.
Does the M8 come with any carrier software loaded? Don't suppose you know what CID it would be? I would want to root it and use custom roms and this can be troublesome with some phone and many Australian CID's such as Telstra's TELS_001..
Mate your asking the wrong people these guys have no idea
Sorry Rep, any deal on Blackberry z30?
Hey rep, any chance of $30 off nokia 720?
Has anyone got the galaxy zoom? Worth getting? $319 is lowest I've seen for oz stock.
Ordered the HTC One over the weekend hopefully get it mid this week :D
Nokia Lumia 1320 $319, please correct the title.