I love Arnott's Shapes BBQ flavour but is 2 packs for $4 worth it?

I have been eating them for a couple of years, sporadically. Within the last twelve months I might have polished maybe 20 boxes. All by my lonesome. I eat it when I feel like it - insanely good. I eat the whole pack(175g I reckon) as a serve and sometimes as a meal-replacement. Buy them from Coles & Safeway when on sale, or usually 7-11 as deals(2 for $5). Now that I'm not in the best financial position I'm second-guessing myself. So far I have restrained myself from going to the local IGA and buy 12 or so, that and the Kettle chips. I'm a sucker for chips.

I don't buy a lot of outside food at all (sucks to be poor) and cook healthy. If I crave unhealthy I just buy those frozen french fries and bake after seasoning them myself, or bake a simple cake (without animal butter or eggs maybe using spelt flour).


  • +5

    How do you put a price on love?!

  • +1

    iGA has a special on chips this week, and kit kit is half price, go NUTS!

    I bought a dozen packs haha, I wouldn't call myself poor, I just love snacking. :)

  • +2

    This is one of the best things I've ever read on the internet.

  • MSG says yes, buy me and eat me.

  • +3

    You can get them half price at woolworths/safeway every month-2 months for $1.24 or something. I'm assuming coles does this too, as the duopoly generally does the same half price deals on rotations…

    Side note: chicken crimpy all the way!

  • +2

    Shapes used to be specialed at $0.99, but I don't think I have seen them at that price for maybe 2 years, and that was a surprise. They are packed in 175G, so that probably means they used to be 200G.
    I'm with Brezzo, under $1.30 is a fair price, anything more is just exploitation of an addict.
    Same ripoff as Cup a Soups. Buy the bargains over the next month or two, then get ripped off for the rest of the year.

  • I think 2 for $4 is pretty good. You can get them cheaper but sometimes the flavor you're after is sold out when there's specials. So you have to get to the supermarket when the catalogue starts. And sometimes the catalogue is delivered halfway through the sale. That gets annoying. But if you look at the ends of the isles, woolies sometimes piles them there and you can be lucky. 

    • +2

      But if you look at the ends of the isles, woolies sometimes piles them there and you can be lucky.

      It is for this reason that I usually take in two trolleys just in case, and abandon one if BBQ shapes are not on special.

      • +1

        You killed me with this comment, blitz.

    • +1

      If they've sold out when it's an advertised special, ask for rainchecks! I've never done that myself (yet) but that's what everyone here seems to do. Sounds like they only give you a certain number of rainchecks though… so you might have to drive to a few stores to collect enough for a decent stockpile once they have stock available again.


  • If you have the ingredients at home already (ie you hopefully don't have to outlay more on ingredients than it costs to buy the shapes in the first place) you can give the below a try, looks interesting:


    • Looks good but sandsay loves BBQ flavour :(

  • +1

    Sandsay, have you tried the Woolworths branded Shapes-copies? This is what they look like.

    I haven't personally but I know they go on special at 2 boxes for $3 sometimes. Give it a shot, though they probably won't be quite as wonderful as the true Shapes.

    I spent quite a bit of time trying to Google for bulk buy Shapes for you, but no such thing seems to exist. Shame really, because you can buy other Arnotts biscuits/crackers in bulk (usually for offices).

    • That's kind of you, turnip. I suppose it's a real cash-cow for Arnott's. After all it's made of dirt cheap ingredients.

      • +1

        Your other options would be to try the Aldi version: Snakos.

        and/or scour discount stores like The Reject Shop etc regularly, since they stock branded foods at heavily discounted prices (not out of date or anything either). Thing is, iirc, products come and go so it's a matter of luck if you get what you want.


        • I've tried the other versions before. Safeway I think. Sucks so bad. But your suggestion is a good one. I'll be going to the discount store nearby every other week or so from now on. No pain no gain!

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