I'm looking for a decent pair of wireless headphones costing around $50-100. They will be used on a bed around 5 metres away for watching movies.
Wireless Headphones for around $50-$100

I think you're going to end having to get 2 x sets (Transmit & Receive) Scotty,, both using the same input.
edit… As I think about it, if you get two of the common FM band transmitter type sets, you need only use 1 x transmitter and both headsets can receive from that!
I bought an inexpensive "FM" set for a very-hard-of-hearing relative a few months ago. He uses it to listen to the tele' without driving his wife deaf/mad…
Hear's a quick search of sets under $130.
I thought I'd seen a Philips set in JB Hi-Fi, but I can't find anything on their online site,,, but Deals Direct do have a Philips set.Cheers,
\_/7You can get some sennheiser RS130 headphones that do the trick. You can also get an additional set of headphones for them. I recently bought a pair from here and am pretty happy with them.
http://www.audiojunkie.com.au/search.asp?CategoryID=30 These do not fall into the price range though, sorry!
edit: speeeeling
looking for one too.
http://www.topbuy.com.au/tbcart/pc/OMNI-Black-Wireless-Headp… (SOTD Price Only From 12:00 Noon 23/6 to 11:59 AM 24/6 or till Sold Out)
These are the ones I bought for my rele's.
\_/7They're probably gonna be $9.95 each. I have this unit, and just FYI, don't expect any excellent sound quality from these units. The background noise is just way too noisy for my liking. However if you're not too fussy about sound quality, then I guess this would be a bargain.
Harvey norman seem to have a lot of Philips headphones (travel, hi-fi, and wireless models) on sale as part of their end of year specials, although they weren't in any catalogues. I have seen the same ones on special in 3 stores now. Sorry but couldn't tell you which models or price specifics but I'm pretty sure they were in your price range.
Ok so I went to Harvey's and checked out the ones on special. They are Philips SBC HC8440. Priced at $88 supposedly down from $199.
No idea on quality or prices elsewhere but its definitely in your price range.
i've got one from shopping square was around 15 aud..piece of crap totally.
looking for sony or others below 100LOGITECH FREEPULSE WIRELESS HEADPHONES being promo'd for $75 a Wireless1 - from jasonz1981's deal posting.
\_/7Postage Estimate $17.05 to melbourne 3000
reasonable? via eparcel?
I am actually in a similar situation. Not watching in bed though — just need something to watch TV/videos in the living room without waking up the kids.
However I am actually looking for one that can actually take a two sets of headphones, i.e. one single output to the transmitter, and then two headphones as receivers. Does this kind of things exist?