Online review issues. eg Masters Home Improvement. Any others experiences?

Having just spent some time reviewing a product I bought at Masters (which I liked but I gave it had some warning for use).

Anyone else had similar experiences with Masters or other retailers with regard to reviews.

In summary the major issue, is that while they are so polite in rejecting the review, and say I can resubmit, they offer no indication of how the review offended their guidelines.

Was it too glowing, or was it not? Was it not meant to give a safety warning? Was 4 out of 5 stars the issue?

In their email they say

"… opinion is important to us…."

if it was you would give some feedback on why it wasnt acceptable, rather than a generic word processing reply that really shows how much concern you idiots have.

".. encourage to review our guidelines and resubmit…"

what waste my time, where you cant waste yours to indicate what part of my review wasnt acceptable, something that would be rather simple because you know

Then going online, there is no way to email them, for clarification, I can chat with some turkey live, who has no idea of what I wrote or the specific issues they have?

So rather than waste my time with them again, by resubmitting or chatting with some tool, I wont bother.

Instead I have come here, to at least let some other consumers know, that their product reviews are probably not indicative of all buyers experiences good or bad, because of very poor moderation of the reviews.

Anyone else had issues like this with Masters or other online store reviews?


  • Did you use any colourful language in your review?

  • dunno, i've seen 1 star reviews on masters before

  • do you care to paste your review here, would be curious to see
    heard they are loosing a fair but of money everyday because of issues with sales time with their supplier/partner Lowes

  • Sorry I didnt keep a copy of the review.

    No profanities, just saying it worked well, but when collapsing the unit back to it's original shape, you need to be careful as it drops fast and can catch your fingers. No issue if you are aware, and thats what I was saying.

    Problem is that they dont tell me what the issue is

    Here's the response

    "Your opinion is very important to us and the Masters Home Improvement community. We appreciate you taking the time to write a review on Werner Telescoping Multi Ladder. Unfortunately your review did not meet our guidelines for posting on our site.

    We encourage you to review our guidelines and resubmit your review on Werner Telescoping Multi Ladder."

    • if you are using firefox as a browser then i recommend installing the lazarus add-on which is able to recover old form texts that you entered (but obviously not ones before you installed lazarus).

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