Not sure if this is the right place to post, but I am looking to buy some swisse vitamins in large quantities preferably direct from a supplier. Does anyone know where I can purchase this and at what cost? Thanks.
Buying bulk Swisse vitamins in Australia

Thanks man :)
I can always help, as I have allot of products that I deal with at a wholesale level..
Hi Jess, I am looking to buy some vitamins in bulk quantity,please let me know the procedure. Thank you.
I would like to find out the procedure too.
Hi Jesses
Could you plz provide me more infos about what products that I can buy from you at a wholesale level?
If you're not fussy on brand, is the cheapest place I've found to get vitamins. I've bought thousands of tablets from them in the past, we even took some overseas to family because they were so cheap compared to what they could buy locally (and what we can buy locally in Australia).
They don't sell Swisse though.
If you end up buying and feel like using a referral code, PM me. You get $10 off your order and I get some credit too.
Lol. Looks like a lot of people are trying to resell to China haha
Wasn't trying to hide that haha. I'm sure all the shipping companies that are popping up everyday is evidence of the booming imports into China.
Anyone can still help on this? I am looking to buy a swisse vitamins in large quantities. Thanks!
people buying them in large quantities to sell them overseas?
Probably a good way to make quick bucks.
i saw couple of weeks ago in 120 capsule high potency one for $12 in coles, the best price with 50 % off was 19 in Chemist Warehouse
Wholesale store…