This was posted 10 years 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Shakira's Latest Full Album - MP3 (Usually $16.99 in iTunes)


Shakira. Free. What else is needed? :)

The promo is being run by T-Mobile, but no need to be a customer!

1) Click on link
2) Enter a first name (any name is fine), an email (a throwaway eg. Mailinator is fine if you don't want to use your real address) and any random collection of numbers seems to work fine in the phone box.
3) Sit back and wait for the download link to arrive to your email! Only took a minute or two for me.

Album is in MP3 format, 192kbps. Get in as soon as you can, as I'm not sure when the promo is ending. Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • Only 192k???? Is it any good?

    • -6

      To my knowledge, 192k is CD quality, good enough.

      • yep. I've had a play through, haven't had any problems. Sound is good :)

      • +5

        192k MP3 is not CD quality -

        • Depends on mixing and the encoder. Some songs are mixed specially for certain encoders, to be used on certain devices (aac, ipods and iphones).

          With the right audio engineer, these files can be higher quality than the cd mix as the audio engineer can guarantee the output exactly matches the artist’s vision.

      • -4

        CD is 1000k+, not that you'll notice the difference when listening though

      • +1

        320kbps is near CD quality.

        • +1

          if by quality you mean bitrate then no, 320 kbps is not even close. If by quality you mean "nearly indistinguishable to the human ear" then yes, pretty much.

    • +5

      Only 192k???? Is it any good?

      seems about 192k more than required for the quality of music ;)

      • +4

        Oh I thought the size of the JPEG was 192kB. Who cares about the music, I just want the photo of the babe. :)

    • +1

      192 kbps MP3 can be close to indistinguishable from the original, but that's assuming they use non-crappy encoder and encoding options. I skimmed the album and did notice some clipping (e.g. track 6 at 2:50 and track 12 at 2:35), which can be a sign of bad encoder/settings, or perhaps it was that way from the source (which would indicate terrible production).

  • +2

    Thanks OP, my email link arrived 1 minute later :)

  • +2

    Instructions are brilliant. Love the 'any numbers' for the phone.

  • +1

    Nice find aviator! Thanks.

  • +4

    Correct me if I am wrong but I think it is against their T&C to download if you are not a genuine T-Mobile holder. Not that different to music piracy IMO

    • +3

      I would agree if the T&C actually said anything about who is entitled to the download. I did not manage to find any restrictions.

      Can you link to what you mean?

    • The. It comes down to what defines a customer. You visit their websites, should that make you their customer?

  • -5


    • +2

      As if you would say no…

      • +5

        I think he means the music, not Shakira herself in various states of undress performing acts upon his person.

  • 57.1MB

    • Also don't interrupt the download or you will have to get another email.

  • +1

    It keeps asking for T Mobile number. I cant get it through with random numbers.

    • Just keep adding digits until it passes.

    • +2

      I think I Googled and used T-Mobiles's support number.

    • +2


  • +8

    Too expensive.

  • +2

    Just finished listening to the album…don't really liking any of the songs =/

    • +3

      Yes. Sounds very commercial and so-so to me.

      • Yeah, have to agree, the two Spanish songs at the end were only slightly better.

  • Works well here. did take about 5 minutes for the email reply though. thanks. 192k MP3 is good enough for me though.

  • Thanks, and thanks for the heads up with mailinator.

  • +2

    Heard her on the radio today


    good to see her back! :)

  • An error has occurred
    You do not have any more downloads left.

    Tried to download but got the above error.

    • Get another email, you must have interrupted the download and it's marked as used.

    • same happened to me, got another link and it worked
      the key is: try not to click on the link on ur phone, do it on a comp

  • +2

    It's lucky Shakira's breast are small and humble so you don't confuse them with mountains.

    • +2

      It has to be one of the corniest lines I've heard in music. Maybe it was poor word choice because her English wasn't as good back then.

      • You need to expand your horizons if that's the case, it was popularised for a reason …

      • Yes but how many other lines of her songs can people remember ;-)

        • Ohh I won't deny, my hips don't lie… la la la la la la etc. etc.

          That's all I remember.

        • +1

          I can only remember the la la la la part.

    • It's lucky Shakira's breast are small and humble so you don't confuse them with mountains.

      But her brain seems to be as big as a mountain.

  • -3

    why doesn't someone just share the zip file up on a drop box or something for all of us to download from? ;)

    • +1

      I suppose that same someone could ask why you don't do it :)

    • That would be illegal

      • '.'

        • Really?? We're going for full stops now?

        • Being the grammar teacher is hard life. lol mao

        • Again lolmao is a name so one word is acceptable.

        • '.'

  • Well done, OP.
    Great offer.

  • whoops just got it

  • Getting error message as below
    You do not have any more downloads left.
    You can also email the system administrator at [email protected]"

    • Use a desktop PC to download the zip file when you press "GET YOUR MUSIC NOW."

  • downloaded perfectly, make sure to unsubscribe at the bottom of the email, ehehehe

  • Men, do yourselves a favour and watch the Can't remember to forget you videoclip on that there YouTube. Hot Damn

  • Me likey

  • +1

    No more!

  • Just worked for me.
    I used a phone number with a format like this 8089999990

    When I got the link it said there was no more. But in the background, the file downloaded. Still worth a try if anyone wants in.

  • Still no email code :( how longs is it taking everyone?

    Edit - Got it, took 5min

  • Confirmed it still works, r3d3mption.

  • And if you like this, go get her best album (IMHO) - Donde Estan Los Ladrones.
    Released back before she needed to talk about Laundry and her breasts.

  • +1

    I can't believe she's 37. Milf-factor of 11.

    Good make-up, or good genes. Don't really care, with hips like move like that.

  • listening to it now, glad it was free coz its pretty crap but the chicks hot so who gives a dam

    • I think it's pretty good. Better with repeated listens.
      And better than her last few albums.

  • Still working, but why did I download this - its shockingly bad.
    Can see why they're giving it away

  • +2

    The .zip don't lie.

  • I was supposed to marry her. What happened?

  • Deal has expired

    • Thanks, I've gone ahead and marked it expired.

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