My Fiance needs a good part time Job after having a baby. Any big $$$ working late & no, she doesn't want to be a hooker ;-)

Hi Guys and Gals. My Fiance (age 40) had a baby 8 months ago. She had a managers job that payed pretty good but she doesn't want to be away from the baby during normal working hours for 5 days a week. She may end up just working 2 days a week, but by the time you add in car travel and $100 a day for child care, you end up getting stuff all in your hand.

Does anyone here do coding for hospitals? i hear the pay is ok and you can work weird hours? Maybe there are short courses to do that can lead to high paid part time work?

Does any onehave suggestions for jobs over $30 per hour?

Any suggestions are welcome and i can investigate them further.

Thanks in advance for your time.


p.s We are near Frankston Vic area.


  • +5

    She could always call herself an 'escort' if that eases your mind…just kidding, BTW.

    Seriously though, does she have any marketable qualifications or skills that would allow her to command a higher rate of pay than any of the other millions of people looking for OOH work who would happily accept $20/hr base rate?

    • +3

      "She could always call herself an 'escort' if that eases your mind…"

      hahaha love it!!

    • escort , Ha ha, She is a team leader in customer service and got about $30 per hour.She has been considering stacking shelves at coles too.. Thanks for the reply.

      • Probably the best advice I could offer is to suggest she starts with a part-time job; you can work on adding the good part once she's bringing some cabbage home! ;)

      • coles/woolworths are better place to work than Kmart/BigW in terms of work load as there aren't a lot of heavy things to put on shelves and products doesn't switch places on a regular basis.

        • Also I know that woolworths pays over $20/hour part time and $24/hr for casual employment for a regular night-filler.

          Then there's also penalty rates after 10pm on Saturdays, and if she ever gets hours on Sundays it's +50%.

          It's a start if she is unable to locate other work. Note that coles/woolies often go through long phases of not hiring people - and they seem to prefer to hire younger (cheaper) people.

  • I'd say some kind of administrative work, either for a medical practice, dental office or hospital.

    Also visit OTEN
    for some short courses, try Business Administration (Medical). Course length is 1 year for Cert III but it's done at your own pace, so go as fast/slow as you require.

    • OTEN — good memories.

  • -2

    Stripper - drug dealer?

    • +5

      stripper after a baby? i don't think so ..

      • +3

        Tell that to 50% of the strippers you see at the more seedy establishments.

  • +2


    You have identified the downside of the time/cost of traveling and what Child Care will extract from any potential earnings.

    I'm not sure on the skill set your Fiance has, but I'll run this idea out there…

    I"d be looking a offering people a service to compile/produce C.V's from where you live for payment.

    If your Fiance has been a Manager, especially if they have had to interview people they would have a skill set that allows them to isolate peoples qualities and mentally check-off if they would employ people or work with them.

    Can you make money by convincing people that you can produce a better C.V. and/or Job Application letter than they can?

    I'd say yes you can, but you would need a plan as this isn't a charity and you want to have the service you provide a costed, professional product (on time) and of a high standard.

    The way I'd go with actually cutting costs on this is to develop a Template that people complete for input and formatting or production. Otherwise you are going to need to bill them according to how long they spend telling you their life story and interpret it all into an end product.

    With Unemployment on the up and people wanting to possibly transition from their existing job into something more secure, I think there is a lot of upside right there in Frankston.

    Anyway, make some enquiries, phone around and see what places are charging (you might be surprised) maybe even talk to a TAFE about Small Business Courses or HR Courses or talk with a Small Business Development association.

    Plenty of people out there with great skills but no ability to write a decent letter of application or produce a C.V. that says "employ me".

    Good Luck with it all!

  • +2

    Night fill at Woolworths or big w gets around 28 hours, starting midnite to early morning

    • Hi Juvenino , do they also have sunday rates or is $28/hr a flat rate all year round? Thanks

      • I'm thinking that's 28 hours/week.

      • $28/hour is a flat rate Monday to Thursday. You get a bit more if you work on Friday midnite.

        They do not have night fill on weekends due to cost which goes up to $40 plus.

  • Get some job at a grocery store and only work weekends for penalties.

  • +1

    What about a sales job e.g. Thermomix, Avon, Tupperware? Won't be regular but is very flexible.

  • +2

    Get into youth work. I'm a residential support worker who works afternoons and nights. Base casual rate is 30$. Weekend penalties are like 38$ and 48$ sat sun. Requires 1 year at Tafe. Because I work for a charity, I don't pay 15000$ in tax. This can push your income per year under the tax threshold so you end up paying 0 tax. Keep in mind that not all services are charities etc. Me personally, I gross nearly 1600$ a fortnight working 6 days and pay nearly no tax on that.

    It's good work and the pays ok.

    Just an FYI.

    • what was the course called and how/where are such positions advertised? thanks

      • Most NGOs will provide in-house training for new residential care/support workers, pretty much the only upfront cert you'll need is Senior First Aid.

        They often advertise in the newspapers or online when recruiting drives are on; or alternatively you can approach them directly anytime to give you advice on the role & they'll happily tell you when they're recruiting…then you've already shown some initiative & they'll remember that when culling applications, I can assure you! ;)

    • +1

      Because I work for a charity, I don't pay 15000$ in tax. This can push your income per year under the tax threshold so you end up paying 0 tax…Me personally, I gross nearly 1600$ a fortnight working 6 days and pay nearly no tax on that.

      I'm calling BS on that…whilst most bona fide charities themselves are exempt from some taxes, their employees & contractors are certainly not exempt from PAYE/PAYG (income) tax.

      If you are regularly earning $1600/fn as a wage then you are required to pay the appropriate amount of tax on that.

      • It's called salary packaging and is an ATO approved fringe benefit for Public Benevolence Institutions. Charities can Reduce their taxable gross by up to $16050 each FBT year. Legit.

        • Different thing entirely. I'm also entitled to salary packaging, but I don't work for a charity…I'm still calling BS on Mcgowd's claim.

        • +1

          I'm not sure what you mean by 'Different thing entirely'. I work in salary packaging so I can provide answers on this. Charities have the highest level of exemption under the ATO rules hence the large amount. Other organisations can certainly salary package, just not as much. Happy to clarify where needed.

        • Well, for starters Mcgowd never mentioned salary packaging at all, that was you…s/he basically implied that employees of charities are automatically eligible for a much larger tax free threshold than is actually the case. As we both know, depending on your individual circumstances, that scenario & salary packaging can most certainly be markedly different.

          Now, semantics aside, you've piqued my interest on this topic, so I'll take up your kind offer of elucidation. Yesterday, I had a chat about this with some colleagues who work for Calvary (a benevolent society) who don't seem to get as sweet a deal as you have outlined…could you please tell us what exactly you are packaging (car/home/CC/meal-entertainment etc) & how you structure the salary package to attain the figure of $16050 without incurring FBT? Cheers.

        • +1

          Hey mate sorry for the late reply. Very busy. I agree the initial post was not exactly clear but I interpreted it as a reference to salary packaging.

          Each organization is different as it depends upon their status with the ATO. Most charities allow packaging up to $16050 as they are exempt from paying FBT up to the grossed up taxable value ($30000).

          Employees have a list of 'full FBT' items available, most common being mortgage/loan repayments, rent and credit card repayments. They show evidence of having paid it the package amount ($16050) is then divided across the FBT year. The fortnight amount is deducted before tax lowering the taxable gross. A lower rate of tax is then applied resulting in the Net pay which the deduction is then added to and paid to the employee.

          Meal entertainment is a separate item, completely exempt from FBT thus not reportable. It can be packaged on top of the full FBT item.

          It is a retention tool to lure and retain staff. As an aside they can usually do novated leasing also.

          I hope this helps. Cheers.

        • I can certainly sympathise with the busy thing ATM…

          Strange to hear that even individual charities can have different relationships with the ATO, that's just bizarre! Do you know of a way to obtain a list of which ones have the best deals?

          I suppose the upshot is that more of my colleagues might take a bit more notice & ask a few more fiscal questions from now on whenever the various charity management fat cats are waddling through our office surreptitiously headhunting staff!!! Cheers!

        • I don't know exactly what determines the level of tax status with the ATO, I would assume that it has to do with things like the reported earnings, number of staff etc.

          It's definitely something to keep in mind when weighing up an offer. Take care.

  • +1

    I work as a concierge in a luxury residential building.
    Midnight till 8am for $22/h (only holidays are $44)
    But the upside is that 95% of that time I do whatever I want. Watch movies, read or work on my online buss:)

  • hey I work for silver chain and soon going back after having my baby 4 months ago. I'm a Care Aide and going back to do evenings fri, sat, sun. Pay will be base rate of $22/$23 ph plus 15% fri, 50% sat 75% sun. Depends if thats the kind of job she could do, certainly not for everyone. Personally I think it's great :)

    Oh we have a 24 hour call centre in WA too.

    • What is the best type of training for a Care Aide to be well qualified and confident to do such a job?

  • I did my cert 3 aged care with a training organisation which is no longer around but usually large organisations like sc will happily put you through your cert 3 while working for them.

  • I also have salary packahing but don't use it as it affects ccb

  • Abbreviations not easy to guess/decipher!! sc?? ccb??

  • Hi, interested in knowing more about the coding job mentioned in the post, what exactly is coding and how do you get a job? Anyone here do this a a job?

  • also wonder what is coding and how hard is it to get a job?

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