Add to basket and Change delivery address to Australia to remove the vat and get this price (£197)
Apparently it's the non 4g version.
Add to basket and Change delivery address to Australia to remove the vat and get this price (£197)
Apparently it's the non 4g version.
Damnit this is one of those days I wish I missed this bargain!
354 poorer
Best price for one of the most awesome phone
Not 4g? That's what kills it for me. A great phone though! My only complaint is that I'd want a better camera.
Appears to be region locked to Europe only, according to a recent customer comment:
I purchased one of these phone from amazon recently and received it yesterday. I can confirm that the phone is region locked. There is a big sticker on the box and a booklet sort of thing in the box that says the phone is region locked and only works with European SIM cards. I live in Australia so this phone is no good to me.
It's only the first sim that's used that has to be European, after that any sim should work:…
There may be other ways around it:…
Bugger. Thanks, was just about to pull the trigger when I read your comment!
How do get it delivered to au? To me it is saying the item can't be shipped here.
Deal has expired, price is now 299 pounds. Please flag this.
Received mine yesterday.
There was no warning on the box regarding region locking. I updated to version 4.3 of Android, put in my Australian sim, entered APNs and everything is working as expected.
Can we claim warranty locally or need to post it back?