[Poll Research] Gender of OzBargainers

Just curious about the gender distribution of Ozbargainers.

Disclaimer: Please do not make this a sexist/derogatory post.

Poll Options

  • 19
  • 58


  • +12

    Forgive me, but you seem to have been conducting a few polls lately. It is starting to feel like a slow-motion, population-based, telemarketing survey.
    I am curious as to your motives.
    Why do you want to know our gender balance, our telco providers, our day jobs? [ https://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/120543 ]
    What will this information be used for?

    • +4

      I can assure you that these polls are purely done out of curiosity and interest, not some telemarketing survey. With the high traffic this site gets and our common interest in all things bargain, I just felt like knowing what demographics do we actually have on the site.

      Besides (correct me if I'm wrong, admin) but we don't actually know which users have voted in the polls unless they specifically choose to comment on it in the comments section. Just a little bit of fun? (Admin have the right to remove this post). Don't take part in the poll if you have doubts, simple as that.

      For those who have taken part, did you suspect something suspicious about this?

      If your worry is that some kind of demographics-based ad will be created with the aim of targeting those who have polled, then you can bookmark my user history and see what happens.

      That said, no more polls from now. I shall keep my posts to questions.

      • +1

        Thank you for your answer. All I asked was your motives and how the information would be used, to which you have answered with curiousity, interest, knowledge and for no other use.
        That is all fine and thank you for providing clarification.

        Eventually a person asking a lot of questions, gets asked questions back.

        My question to you was supported by other OzB'ers as indicated by the 7+ at time of writing and that means the question was worth the asking and that I was not alone in my interest being peaked by your recent burst of activity.

        If we are anything on OzB (in addition to loving a good bargai) it is that we are careful scrutineers of the world around us.

        Have a nice day and may the bargains forever be in your favour……….

      • I'm sure if you wanted this information, you could read the Ozbargain blog, I think Scotty posted the Ozbargain analytics info some time ago.

        Here might be some interesting data for you to look at

  • +1

    Your choices left out a bunch of people who don't identify as traditional genders.
    I'm sure you didn't mean to, but from discussions I have had with people, they feel let down that everyone gives them a m/f choice when neither of those things feel right to them.
    Here is how Facebook handled it to give an idea of the range of gender people identify with:

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