The free USB drive is for first 500 customers only.
Guess can combine with the hard drive deal published earlier today !!
+ 5% moneyback from mbc
Save $10 on any Purchase over $50 at Topbuy + A 4GB USB Flashdrive from LG (Worth $40!)

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it is hardly a bargain with 10 dollars shipping fee.
no good, unless u need a USB
while the thumbdrive deal is expensive due to postage required, the $10 off is fantastic. Will be using it to purchase the HDD with it. :)
I don't think it's been explained correctly.
These are the deals;$20 Discount Coupons
You will receive 2 unique Coupon Codes each allowing you to save $10 on any purchase over $50 at 4GB USB Flashdrive from LG (Worth $40!) - View Item
A third Coupon Code will be sent to you - You will then be able to purchase the 4GB USB Flash Drive from our website, use the Coupon Code when you checkout your order and the price for your gift will be $0. This discount/redemption excludes Shipping and Handling fees.
(Does the $10 discount apply to the current purchase? or your next one? I suspect the latter)
you can use this code for $10 off but it cannot be used with the one above apparently.
use coupon code: TB121516
The thumb drive is actually a good price (MSY has 4gig for $15..)…used one of the $10 discounts, thanks!! ^^
Thanks for the post. Used it when buying the hard drive deal. USB drive really isn't worth it. Better off buying the Kingston 16G which is only $30 with free shipping if you combine it to an existing order.
have to pay postage of $9.95