we have 2 boys that love action sports, bike riding & adventure, they would love a GoPro - which is way out of my budget. I found this in the Big W catalogue today, and checked it out online and have compared it with the GoPro that Big W also sell. To me (yes not very technical) the difference is 3Sixt does not have wifi and only goes to 2 metres underwater (GoPro is 60 metres) I am sure for those of you that know about camera's and technology there is many more differences. But for less than 20% of the GoPro price is maybe a great alternative that is way more affordable.
And for this mum, I am going to go in and check it out, and hope that someone in the stores knows about sports action cameras.
I will also be interested to read other ozbargainer's comments.
It's a NoGoPro