Hey guys, straight to the point.
Ordered a miracast dongle via the australian dealextreme website, first time was randomly cancelled after 2 weeks. Refunded soon after. Assumed okay there's no stock I'll buy the other one, ordered. Wait another 2 weeks again and the same thing happens except this time there wasn't a refund afterwards. I submitted a paypal dispute as a result and begun contacting them. The first time the guy on live chat just said let me check that for you, then never replied and ended the conversation. The second guy went as follows
Derek: you should remove the dispute 1st ,so we can refund
Me: Okay so after I do that you will process my refund?
Me: Why cant you do it during ?
Derek: because if you dispute ,the money will be hold by paypak
Derek: its not in our hands
Me: okay then, I will remove the dispute
Me: how long will it take you to process the refund
Derek: usually in 2 to 3working days after you remove it .
Me: Okay, also how come this has happened again? In my previous order I waited for maybe 2 weeks and during that time you said you will have in stock soon. Then all of a sudden you dont have stock again.
Me: But you still offer the product for sale
Me: I've bought alot from you guys but this type of service is really annoying
Me: Also I am in paypal right now, it says "Remember, a closed dispute cannot be re-opened or escalated to a claim with PayPal. Make sure that you are 100% satisfied with the outcome of this dispute before you close it. For example, if the seller is offering a refund, wait until the funds are in your PayPal account before closing this dispute."
Me: So their procedure is telling me to close the dispute only after you have refunded.
Derek: this is our company policy ,we have to follow it .you can consider this for some time.
Me: So is there any guarantee for me then?
Me: If I forgo the dispute, there is nothing protecting me from you keeping my money
Derek: sure ,you remove it ,we refund .very simple .
Me: I mean, there is nothing stopping you then from just keeping my money
Derek: the paypal already temporariliy hold the payment because of that dispute ,this is their way to protect the customer .
Me: Yes but if i withdraw the dispute then there is nothing protecting me
Derek: if you dont remove it ,then we are unable to refund \
Me: Okay I will think about it, should I message DX if i do remove the dispute?
Derek: no need ,plz remove it now
What should I do? should I remove the dispute and trust that they will allow or escalate it and wait for paypal to process the refund?
you won't be able to re-open the dispute if you close it …