I'll start… Putting price as $9.99…. Why not just $10?! I'd be a lot happier with that!
What grinds your gears?

People who hate their job and are miserable. If you don't wanna be there find another job! Stop making everyone around you miserable too…/end rant
Why don't you support the businesses that care about providing superior customer service (albeit at a premium) instead?
I hated my job so I quitter and made 6 figures instead… Best decision ever
People who tell me how 'lucky' I am to be able to be a SAHM or have a nice house, car, things etc.
Yep, it all just fell out the sky and into my lap - and those years of financial preparation, sacrifice and diligence had absolutely nothing to do with it.
I swear to god I read SAHM as Straight Asian Heterosexual Male because I thought your post was about privilege. I was like, shouldn't that be SWHM or just WHM?
Looked it up now though.
lol…sorry, obviously an acronym more common in baby forums…
I did get a giggle at your interpretation though…not quite the words you'd use to describe me!
SAHM - Stay at home Mum
You are lucky! Sorry I couldn't resist!
probably because many people who have spend just as much effort and time never made it. It TAKES chance.
cyclist who have their lights pointed straight forward
cyclist (mainly delivery guys)
who run red lights in the city while people are cross the road
one day i'll shove a umbrella into their wheel and watch them flycyclists.
People who ride their bike for fun are fine though.
Yea, because assaulting and potentially giving someone brain damage because they annoy you is a great idea :/
I can't believe how casually some people talk about causing serious harm to cyclists.This is a rant discussion, so chill a bit, lord henry. If djones was really going to do it, he would have already.
I ride a motorbike, and yes, sometimes (like 99.99999% of motorists) I do something in retrospect was a bit stupid. Doesn't mean I'm going to harm some idiot driver who pulls across my lane, even though I'm thinking of it.My point is that there are a lot of comments on the topic (mainly in comments sections etc) like that.
Some may be serious about it, some may not but it is troubling that so many people speak so causally about things like deliberately running down cyclists.
It normalises and makes it seem more acceptable. I fear that someone with views already in that direction might have their opinion bolstered and actually go through with it.
Its meant to deter you not endorse it.
I can't believe how you cannot take a joke and get offended instead.
You're an idiot.
Let's just imagine someone annoyed you for whatever reason and you said "I'm going to kill so and so!"
How retarded would think I was if I then said to you "Oh my God I cannot believe you just said that" and you said "What … why, what'd I say?" and then I said:
"It is troubling that so many people speak so causally about things like killing people that annoy them.
It normalises and makes it seem more acceptable. I fear that someone with views already in that direction might have their opinion bolstered and actually go through with it."
I'm guessing you would think I was an idiot.
- I wouldn't
- Your comparison is flawed. The anger is directed at a class of people, not jokingly at a single person.
Whether the original maker of the comment her was joking or not, many people who make comments like that aren't joking at all.
Last year a car tried to (dangerously) cut me off and overtake me while I was turning a corner at a set of lights, almost hitting me.
I called out to them, at which point they deliberately tried to hit me with their van. Not even joking. Luckily I was able to evade the van by cycling up a driveway and behind a parked car.
i dont get why cyclists are so angry (generalization 1. when i was a little kid ridding on a public velodrome, received the angry shooting of a rider,
a lady ridding with another person two bikes side by side was shouted at by a rider, swearing etc.
All of those issues could have veen resolved by a softer touch,
You should see it at Centennial Park in Sydney. I would pay to install some speed humps around that. The number of times I have seen cyclists tearing past (never mind the speed limit), nearly collect kids (or cars slowly doing their thing) and yell and scream at them as a result… Seriously, chill out… If speed is that important that people are willing to take kids out, try the M4 instead.
When I am riding my bike (preferably 2 abreast in a group with other like minded cyclists), Often car drivers grind my gears.
When I am driving my car, often other car drivers grind my gears.
People who think that making cyclists pay rego is a good idea grind my gears.
People who generalise that all cyclists are arrogant, think they own the road and we all run red lights as a matter of course grind my gears.
Perhaps not bicycle rego, but how about paying towards compulsory third party insurance, seeing that the bike groups are bleating about being increasingly involved in accidents with injuries? The money for Traffic Accident compensation (and the medical bills) has to come from somewhere. Only fair, seeing as motorcyclists were stung with additional levies to their rego as they were supposedly over-represented in accidents. While they're doing that and in order to keep track of what's going on and who's paying, they might as well recoup a couple more dollars to register the bike while they're at it to cover admin/bureaucracy.
(I'm a car/motorcycle/bike rider, and bicycle education instructor.)
Agreed. I do it voluntarily, but it goes to a private insurer rather than the government insurer because the government doesn't insure cyclists :/
What if you also have a driving licence and vehicle? Should you have to pay two TAC premiums?
What about pedestrians crossing the road?We have Medicare. Cyclists rarely injure other cyclists and when they do it is rarely fatal. It is drivers of motorised vehicles (large chunks of high speed metal) that do. Cyclists and pedestrians are travelling under their own muscle power. All other forms of transport require an external source of energy that allows them to accelerate and travel in a way that can cause catastrophic harm to others.
For every cyclist, that is one less car on the road which also lessens the burden on road infrastructure, particularly congestion. (e.g. lessens the need to spend big dollars on new roads).
Another 'cost' to the community, as indicated by strong medical evidence, shows that the diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle can be avoided. That is, those on bicycles are actually helping to alleviate this problem. Fat people sitting in SUVs are not.
That makes no sense. Third party insurance covers the victims of accidents caused by others. Payouts to cyclists injured in car accidents should rightly be paid by car owners. Unless you're suggesting that payouts to people injured by cyclists themselves in significant? I've never heard that before.
Stay one behind the other unless the road caters for having "2 abreast" so I don't have to swerve to the other lane to get around you. It grinds my gears!!
Buy a narrower car.
Wait patiently until there is a safe opportunity to pass
No. It's a ROAD designed for CARS and other things with engines.
YOU speed up or enjoy my draft in silence. Nobody forced you to travel in a dangerous environment, you chose to do so. Accept the risk? Great, don't whinge about it.
If you keep grinding gears, you're gonna have a worn clutch
Will be commuting to work by bicycle soon. Interesting, never really thought about pointing the light straight ahead or on the ground.
Wish more would think about it. I go to work at 4.30 am. Some bike lights are so bright and aimed so high it makes it hard to see potential hazards on the road ahead. Never heard of a cop booking anyone in WA (car, m'cycle or bike) for headlights too high.
how about cyclists that ride of the f@$!ing footpath, to whom i say you're not 5 years old, ride on the god damn road before i clothesline you.
Not wanting to ruin the thread talking about cyclists but I have close to getting out and having a polite word with those who use the strobe lights, bloody stupid!.
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the f…ing road not in the entire bike lane designed for them….
On a rainy day, people who do not know how to move their umbrellas to prevent collison or stabbing the other persons eye out with their umbrella.
you mean public arse kickings…lol
I almost had an eye poked as a result once. I now push the person's umbrella out of the way and they look at me puzzled, or at times, like I've done something wrong.
Bangkok is the worst for this, Being 6ft in a town full of little people dont help either,
- People who come to the front counter during busy lunch hour and take 10 minutes to decide.
- Sale promotions where the word 'up to 80%' means there is one rubbish item at 80%.
- Overly excited charity workers…stopping me…while rain is pouring hard !!!
Those charity workers are probably paid 100% commission
Agreed! I hate being stopped by 'chuggers' (charity muggers). Especially when they look at you like you are dirt because you choose not to support their charity, even though you support heaps of others.
Sidewalk spam is worse than email spam.
American terms being used as everyday language - the death of rhyming slang.
Just pull out your.phone and start shouting randomly.
Your first dot point - yes yes yes. Can't understand people that stand in a queue for ages before being served, with the menu right in front of them, and they only start to think about what to order once they're a the counter, and go "oh, ummmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmm, what shall I have today hmmmmm"
Same with people at the supermarket. They've loaded their items onto the belt and as the cashier is scanning everything, the customer just stands there daydreaming… then the minute they're told how much they need to pay, they realise "oh, I should find my purse inside my enormous handbag full of junk" then spend the next 10 minutes trying to find their credit card inside their overflowing purse.
When I worked at a checkout during uni days, the men were the most prepared. Cash or card in hand, ready to go even before they're served.
People who think it takes 10minutes of I do anything when if they stood there with a stopwatch would find out it's actually less than 60 sec on most occasions.
Sure, but that would still be 6 times longer than it would take other people. The point is how long it takes compared to others… the 10 minutes was obviously exaggeration for effect.
When it takes no effort to be prepared and know where your money/card is before being told the subtotal, it peeves people off when a person only starts looking for those things after being told the subtotal… as if they hadn't anticipated that step in the whole process.
I personally like being as quick as possible, not only to save my own time but also for the consideration of others behind me.
Another thing that grinds my gears — having to explain very straightforward jokes to slow people.
and then they pay in coins and dump them on to the counter and ask you to count :p
That reminds me: People who wildly exaggerate for comedic effect.
This just reminded me of my check out dude days in early uni, family looking guy in his 40s was buying nothing but a tin of rubbers (yes tin, not sure which brand it was). He had the card ready in hand ready to go before served, fast even by male standards. But somehow I managed to double scan the tin, then hit the wrong button for payment and then had to put the sale through again because I was too embarrassed (this is when I was a lot younger), don't think the person on the other side of the counter doesn't notice what you're buying!!
Speaking of my checkout dude days, hate #1 was people who think it's ok to talk on the phone when handing over payment like you're not even there / worth thanking
People who refuse to look in the direction they're walking
When there's people like that around something funny is bound to happen. I tend to sick around to enjoy the show.
School kids that walk in groups across streets (with no traffic lights or crossings) without looking at whatever is around them… usually because they're facing each other chatting away whilst walking. Unbelievable the number of people I see do this, including teenagers. It's like they think they're safe in numbers and that all traffic would stop for them no matter what.
That is one of the reasons why many Australians die/get injured overseas.
Most times, their eyes are glued to their phones.
Dirt and mud on my bike chain, literally :)
insurance- death- -loans- debt reduction ad's
that kiwi guy that does the steam pocket mop ad [& others]
the new talkover guy on ONE ch 50 that makes everything sound sooo over dramatic [ used to do SBS ]MUTE!!
the new talkover guy on ONE
Aduuuult theeeeemes, Seeeexual reeeeferences
Automatic death / TPD insurance with your Super. ><
I reduced this to the bare minimum of cover as soon as I saw this on my super statement (not suggesting everyone should do this, just saying you can reduce of cancel if you don't want it).
What EVERYONE should do is apply for a 'low risk' or 'professional' risk rating, you get more cover per unit which makes reducing the units of cover a less risky proposition
Don't watch commercial TV
solution: turn the tv off
people who still watches tv.. it so outdated.. get with the times!
Car drivers who do not respect cyclists. We all pay taxes.
I'm going to be riding my pogo stick down the main road next week. You know…cause i pay my income taxes.
Agreed. The city would be a much easier place to get around if there were less car drivers and more cyclists.
Cyclists are at more risk of personal injury themselves and many ignorant drivers either don't look, don't know the laws, overtake them on roundabouts or direct road rage towards them (is it jealously of them whizzing past in busy traffic?).
When I cant find the start of the plastic my newspaper is wrapped in
Those absolutely AWFUL and irritating Coles ads with hyperactive actors yelling the ad at you through the TV - looks to me like they have all been drinking too much red cordial. I know they are actors because most of the actual staff at Coles look very bored and as if they want to be somewhere else……"ta da"…..:-(
Down down prices are down.
You mean Deeper Down Down. Stupid.
Also the one with Curtis Stone where he says "Australia" or "Aussie" numerous times e.g. Grown on Aussie farms, sold in Aussie stores, helping Australia grow bla bla bla. A bit too much rhetoric in a 30 second ad.
I like when he says "we never freeze our produce". yeah, define "freeze"
People that eat loudly (especially on public transport). People who chew gum loudly.
People that breathe noisily.
People that let their young kids go mental in public spaces (restaurants for eg.) and don't say a word to quieten them or stop them misbehaving.
Traffic. People that hog the right lane without overtaking. Trucks that speed and drive like maniacs.
Doctors that run over 1hr late with their appointments.
Slow walkers.
People that stop to chat to friends they've run into in the supermarket, and they stand right in the middle of the aisle blocking everyone, and remain oblivious to the fact that everyone is staring them down trying to get them to move.
People that use self serve check-outs and are extraordinarily slow, or parents that use it as an amusement for their toddlers, letting them scan each item and press the buttons on the screen - which takes all of eternity.
People that cough or sneeze in busy public areas without covering their faces. People that actually cough IN your face while walking past.
Burnt coffee.
Teenage school kids.
Chucking soft drink bottles or a few beers in the freezer to chill quickly, and forgetting about them til they're frozen solid :(
Missing a bargain on OzBargain. Never finding a deal to contribute/post on OzBargain.
When a word is on the tip of my tongue.
Being 5-10c short of the exact change, and having to break a large note.
You my friend are a ticking time bomb.
Indeed. My anger management issues also grind my gears.
Hate to see your long list! :-)
Have you heard of misophonia? It's a disorder where people get annoyed by noises. I also hate the sound of eating, breathing, and other odd noises drive me up the wall. When I found out about misophonia I described the it to my husband and he reckons I definitely have it to some degree, haha.
lol I haven't been formally diagnosed, but I know I have misophonia (and misokinesia) for sure. I'm not proud of it, and not happy at all with being this way. Would love to be chilled out and less sensitive to sounds, but for some reason I pick up even the faintest, insignificant noise in the loudest places. Repetitive sounds get me the worst… chewing, breathing, pen clicking, nail clipping, whistling/humming, feet dragging, people scratching (for what feels like 'too long' lol). It's awful.
I think you might be my twin
You poor bastard.
Totally agree with teenage school kids
I don't mind slow walkers but they should just keep left with the other slow walkers. There should be imaginary lanes on footpaths just like most escalators/travelators do: keep left unless overtaking.The group chat peeve also happens on footpaths and usually just outside restaurant/shop/office entrances: great place to stop and have a chat NOT!
Footpath lanes would be wonderful. It's something that crosses my mind all the time lol. Definitely. Fast lane, slow lane, people with trolleys or prams lane. Ahh, utopia.
People that think the right-lane is for doing whatever speed over the limit that they like.
Who said anything about "doing whatever speed over the limit they like"?
I said:
People that hog the right lane without overtaking
Do you recall seeing any road signs that state Keep left unless overtaking?
Overtaking does not equal speeding over the limit.
Sitting in the right lane without intention of overtaking is illegal.
I never said you said anything like that. That is just something which grinds my gears,
However, speeding is also illegal FYI.
I sit in the right lane if I'm doing the speed limit. If someone honks their horn at me I'll move but only because I'd rather not fight them.
(NSW) You must keep left unless overtaking for speed limits >80km/h or where signed.
(Don't be stupid of course you can be in the right lane to exit the highway)
You realise that they have cars too, cycling isn't there only mode of transport. They pay rego.
This is a ridiculous argument.
I own a motorcycle and a car and I pay rego for both - and rightly so. Rego is per vehicle on the road, not per user.
It's not a ridiculous argument. You know a huge % of rego is CTP insurance?
I have a motorbike and a car, and pay 2x lots of CTP. I can't use both vehicles at once!
I ride my bicycle to work, so yeah I do pay rego, TWICE already.
Car drivers that call for bike riders to pay rego are very short sighted, how the hell do you implement such a system? Has anyone actually thought about that?
Do people who buy a bike to just leisure ride off road on bike paths twice a year have to pay? What about 14 year old kids?
Aren't we already all fat enough already to place price barriers to a healthy lifestyle? Shouldn't we be encouraging riding?
Do any other major cities in the world have bike rego? I suspect it's a big fat NO, but if so, does it work well?
Car adverts on TV which in the hard to read fine print say European model shown and not available in Australia ….go shove your car then.
The youii guy stalking clients across the country…youii I'd like to get you!.