Hi everyone,
I have an old laptop hp dv6 1007tx with windows 7 (5 years old), i know its old tec but still working without problems, couple of months ago the arm between the screen and the base broke, so cant really move it any more. I tried to look for a frame to move the parts to new frame but couldn't find any. I want to keep it one more year before buy a new laptop so i am thinking to take the screen of from the base and connect the base with lcd monitor.
So is that possible? Does the laptop will work without the original screen?
If yes, what is the best screen to buy in this case? What i should look for on the screen?
Is there any screen with usb hub?
Which better to buy new screen or second hand?
I really appreciate any help
Laptop base + LCD monitor

Last edited 21/03/2014 - 23:52
yes it supports HDMI and VGA out.
this why I am asking I don't really know that much about monitors and what I should get.
want the USB hub to hide the laptop base under the table or behind the monitor to have more space in the table to work on and I am using USBs a lot. I thought to buy couple of USB extension cables and stick them somewhere in the table.
Your laptop will still work without the internal monitor. If the lid assembly is busted, you can unscrew the top and ditch it, then continue to use your laptop as a headless system.
Just buy a second hand monitor with DVI or VGA input and you'll be set, but with new monitors as cheap as $100 dollars, do you really need a second hand one?
Just note however, the lid of the laptop also contains the Wifi Antenna. If you remove the lid, the antenna becomes disconnected from your motherboard. It's possible to extract the antenna from the lid and turn it into an external antenna.
this exactly what I am looking to do! thanks for the links,will take the lid off and hide the base somewhere while having a wireless keyboard and mouse. I didn't know the monitors are that cheap! I was looking for a used one in gumtree and saw them around $50 so thought the brand new +$200.
thanks for the info about the Wifi Antenna, didnt really know its on the lid. I hope its not hard to make it external or I will go with ethernet cable.
You can use a monitor if your laptop supports HDMI/VGA/DVI out. You might need to press one of the function keys to change the screen output to the HDMI though.
As for monitor, it depends. If you're after a cheap monitor, they can be found for around $100.
Also, not sure why you need a USB hub, your laptop should have USB ports and if there's not enough, get a hub for the laptop itself.