This was posted 10 years 11 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation 4 Console with inFAMOUS: Second Son - $588 (Free Shipping) @ BigW

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PS4 console with Infamous Second Son for $588. Infamous Second Son is $70 in the other deals, so getting this bundle makes the PS4 come in at $518.
Free shipping online, don't know if this bundle is in store.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Yes, this bundle should be available in stores starting today. Also, if you're staff (or friends/family to staff), I believe it's staff discount weekend this weekend, so that's another 10% off. :D

    • Seems as though the in store price is $598. See catalogue

      • Just saw this in store for $588 - At BigW southland (Melbourne)

    • do you have a link or anything to the staff discount weekend. i cant find any info on it.

  • ..

  • -1

    I have been thinking about the Xbox One but if it real only plays at 720p then why is so much excitement for it as this would have to be the superior system or is the Xbox one going to be 1080p in the future via a software update..

    • The Xbox One is fully capable of outputting 1080p already, but developers are having trouble, for whatever reasons, optimizing their games so that they run at 1080p with a steady frame rate.

      • -3

        sounds like a system architecture problem, they've have all year to figure this out for the xbone.

        yes, i believe they'll get there, but by that time the PS4 developers will learn how to output 4K @ 1080p…. i'd rather be ahead of the 8 ball, than behind it… :-\

        • +2

          The lack of knowledge is strong in this one.

        • +1

          8K @ 480i is what I'm hoping for.

    • Personally it comes down to exclusive titles on each side and price and for me ps4 wins both categories (most people seem to think this way since ps4 sales seem to be way past Xbone)
      Im pretty sure that Xbone will fix the 1080p problem in future updates.
      Also some titles are able to get it to 960p or something

    • -1

      the xbox has less processing power then the ps4 and therefore their games (multiplatform and exclusives) runs at between 720p and 900p if they disable kinect and push it to the limit (pushing a console to the limit in the 1st month of release is not a good thing). that is why ps4 get 1080p and xbox gets 720 to 900.

      As to why there is so much excitement for it it's because during the xbox360/ps3 period (2005 to 2013) those people growing up in those 8 years grown acustomed to the xbox360. so it didn't matter what the xbox 1 can or can't do, these people who feel attached to the xbox brand (or their acheivment socre) would buy an xbox regardless. why is why the under powered xbox 1 is selling for more then a ps4 which is more powerful. Microsoft knew this so they set this price to maximise profits (which works cos xbox 1's are selling pretty well).

      PS4 on the other hand didn't have as much momentum with the ps3 so they needed to attract customers with the quality and value for money of their product. that is why the ps4 is more powerful and cheaper. the GDDR3 ram they use is very expensive but they still sold it cheap. PS4 are loosing money for each console sold but they are doing this to get marketshares and make profits from game sales.

      although xbox 1 is less powerful and more expensive some people buy it beleaving it will be easier to priate and therefore get games for free. the piracy precidence set from the xbox 360 vs the ps3 creates this illution that xbox 1 is easily pirated.

      will the xbox release 1080P games? probably if they are small graphically less demanding games. where as if it's a AAA title then no, the xbox 1 is not powerful enough.

      • the xbox has less processing power than the ps4

        Agreed. The PS4 GPU has about 1.5x the raw power of the Xbox One. Although this may not relate to 1.5x framerate, 1.5x quality or 1.5x anything, but it's a 1.5x better way to start a generation of console that may be required to last another 8 years before an upgrade. The main issue many have with both of these consoles is that they are using out-of-date last generation mid range graphics processors.

        When deciding which console is for you it is likely more than just the resolution;

        • What you have now (PS3 or X360) and if you want to keep that same environment (PSN vs Xbox Live, friends, subscriptions etc)
        • additional services, online video streaming etc
        • features, PS4 share function, Xbox1 HDMI input + IR thingy
        • exclusive games
        • etc

        Personally for me it was a no-brainer, I was PS3 before so I'm PS4 now. My friends are all PS, so why would I switch and be lonely? The X1 had nothing I wanted and exclusive games is something you lose on no matter which one you choose (assuming you only get one console). I expect that it is the accepted upgrade path to stick to the same brand, and the tough decision of which to get is only an issue for new consolers.

        Lastly, if you want 1080p gaming for every game get a PC, 500$ (sans OS) will get a PC capable of doing that, with the added benefit of generally cheaper games.

  • +2

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts..
    You guys provide more information than a google search..

  • +1

    Would just like to confirm that it is now the staff discount weekend and 10% off applies for woolies staff- Just picked this up for $529.20 (online order that is)

    • Just picked this up in store for the same price. Was listed at $588, 10% staff discount brought it down to $529. Sweet deal

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