eBay is trash

Hi all,

I've had my eBay account since 2004 and have around 600 feedback score, and up until recently I have never sold anything on there.

I decided to try out selling a dSLR and an Xbox360 both are in great condition etc etc.

I put the dSLR up for auction about two weeks ago for buy it now and it was sold around 6 hours after to a person from USA (my listing said Aus only). I waited two days after it had sold to wait for payment which never came so I relisted the auction with the relist button.. 2 days later exactly the same thing happened again.. waited then relisted.

In the meantime the auction for the Xbox360 finished and the highest bidder was from North WA (I'm SW VIC) and eBay calculated $71 express postage, the buyer complained that I was trying to scam them.. I had nothing to do with the price of the postage as it was done via the auspost API on eBay. I entered the correct dimensions and weight, I checked the postcode via auspost's website and the price was exactly the same.

The buyer will not pay nor will they cancel the purchase so I can relist it.

…now to today!

I received an email from eBay that I have been charged $91 for listing fees and my account has been closed for review "to ensure a safe marketplace".

Is this a farking joke? none of the items have actually sold nor paid for so I don't understand..

Where can I sell online where there isn't shitheads with fake accounts and people who can't read?


edit: it seems people aren't reading this post before posting themselves, the person who bought the xbox360 was in a remote location (North WA) and selected the express shipping option (price was visible before selecting) then whinged that it was too high

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  • +4

    Sorry to hear of it. I avoid eBay :/ like the plague for selling. Usually sell to mates. Actually Scotty, perhaps have a trading section on OzB? where local sales or trades are possible? If you're keen on the idea, I'd be able to help

    • +22
      • +10

        Didn't even know that existed, will post them up there :)

        edit: Might be worth putting a link to that section in the header, been here a while and didn't know it existed lol.

      • +13

        Uhmmmm… based on the mindset of OZb pple, i doubt it'll sell for more than it will on gumtree.

        I'd personally use gumtree and forums.

        • how heavy are the items altogether ?

        • Ebay is UTTER SHIT. Gumtree has always worked out better for me

        • +4

          eBay owns Gumtree.

          Notice how they now want you to pay if you want to change anything in your ad?

        • Posted two ads on Thursday, and it said
          Editing your ad is free for the next 12 hours!

          Sold the STB today. I'm not changing anything in the other ad so it doesn't bother me. But Gumtree are becoming more aggresssive. Nagging emails to bump your ad, plus more I'm yet to discover.

        • I don't mind having the ability to do it freely still. If you are writing up an ad, you will edit and review then and there - unlikely you do it afterwards. If you need to edit, just upload a new ad again. Goes to the top of search list, and free ;)

        • You can change the ad for free, even though it seems like you would be charged. I have done it numerous times. No need to make it a new ad unless you want to bump it up for free, then you need to end and relist a new listing.

        • You can use the Android mobile app to edit your ad for free beyond the 12 hour limit.

          In a web browser, up until a month or so ago, you could edit, even though it took you to a payment page - now you can't.

        • +2

          Ebay is UTTER SHIT. Gumtree has always worked out better for me

          Total opposite for me. I've experienced everything terrible you can imagine with Gumtree. I VOWED never to use it ever again.

        • Two ads posted on 20/03. Second item sold on 22/03.
          Gumtree wins.

      • Oops I didn't realise it! Thanks guys

  • +1

    When a buyer does not pay you must goto resolution centre in order to get your fees back. When buyer does not respond, you cancel the transaction and are credited the fee.

    Secondly do research on postage prior to listing an item. ie. Express Post large satchel is $23 Australia wide.

    • +19

      $23 yes, but are you going to post an xbox in a satchel?

      Aus post parcel rates are ridiculously expensive.

    • +5

      do research? i did exactly what it asked, xbox360 for example is 5.4kg which is too big and too heavy for a satchel. it has to go via parcel.

      • +2

        Did you go to a post office and actually find out the best cost?

        Have you considered regular postage with tracking (e.g. Click and Send), which allows up to 15 KG, even for a tiny Bx1 box? Are you absolutely positive that $71 is the lowest possible postage? Would you buy a brand new XBox 360 with that kind of postage yourself? If not, why do you think a buyer would accept that kind of postage for a second hand Xbox 360?

        • +10

          Yes for the third time the price is $71 whether I work it out online or go to my corner store that is an auspost post office.

        • +1

          Think he means without express.

        • The destination is a remote town and all couriers will charge an arm and a leg to deliver there. At work, I once sent a 19" monitor to a mining town in NSW for about $140.

          The buyer is probably young and buying online for the first time and doesn't know that couriers don't like traveling to remote towns.

          EDIT: For comparison, if the destination is a major city, I can get the 19" monitor delivered with TNT for $18.

        • +3

          It's not the responsibility of the seller to shop around for the best price for postage. They can if they want to broaden the appeal of their products but it's up to them. It is however the responsibility of the seller to be upfront about what postage options he is offering and the buyer can take or leave it. The seller is right and the buyer is totally in the wrong here.

  • I've heard some people say eBay now automatically calculates the postage for you but I am still able to choose my pricing. Do you pick flat rate to all locations?

    • +1

      I had it calculate the postage, i gave it the correct size and weight. manually putting into auspost's website gives the exact same price as it does through ebay. the person would of been shown the postage cost when viewing the item..

      ive bought like 1000 things on ebay and never had this problem lol

      • +6

        eBay's postage calculator is something which was introduced recently. It is not good. It is for lazy sellers. Most of the items you bought, the sellers would have used fixed cost postage.

        I personally don't use that feature because it can come up with some really crazy postage cost.

        • +5

          it might be lazy but the shipping cost is exactly the same if i was to use ebay, auspost or go into a post office.

          it would be pretty stupid to say $20 flat rate shipping then the actual cost to be $70~, considering the item is only $150 in the first place.

        • You should consider the ebay flat rate postage boxes OP. Reasonable and flat pricing :)


        • +1

          Those are only to 3KG, my package was 5.4KG

        • +2

          You can use a Flat Rate Bx4 box via Click and Send, Australia wide / up to 15kg allowed.

          Large (Bx4) Mailing Box - Dimensions:
          430mm x 305mm x 140mm (suits A3)

          Postage cost $15.05 + the cost of the box (about $3).

          Bx4 Boxes can be purchased at any Australia post outlet.

          Click and Send is free and easy to use.

          Please also read the following, it will show you how to set buyer requirements (countries allowed, unpaid item strikes etc)


          You say you have nothing to learn about selling on ebay. The evidence points to the contrary. Perhaps you should "do some research" :)

        • +1

          I have done all those after the first bot account, and the bx4 is not big enough to allow for the box size of the xbox bundle i was selling.

          the problem is that even after creating the listing to be aus only it still allowed people outside aus to buy it. problem lies with ebay.

          thanks anyway

        • +19

          You poor bugger, none of these clowns are actually listening to you.

        • It somewhat tricky. But if you don't want the buyer out of Aus to buy it, you need to set buyer requirement when you do list the item. You must tick option to block buyer-Have a primary postage address in countries that I don't post to.

        • it might be lazy but the shipping cost is exactly the same if i was to use ebay, auspost or go into a post office.

          Yeah, buyer is an idiot for wanting express post for a massive package while living in a rural area. The normal postage few will by a fraction of that and only a few days slower. Tell them the non-express cost and if they don't pay, file a non-paying bidder action against them.

          Note that you'll have to do that for your camera "buyers" too or ebay can only assume they paid somehow and charge a percentage in fees.

      • It's better to courier than use australia post. I have no idea why anyone would use auspost for anything other than a letter.

        Services are slow, the tracking system is rubbish (there appears to be only "awaiting pickup", "in transit", "delivered" as status', and it is far more expensive than it needs to be.

        • +2

          still cheaper flatrate than any courier i know for up to 3kg

        • I had to return a notebook to a company and went overnight express delivery through TNT for around $30 for a full sized notebook (3KG). if you can find Auspost doing that, please let me know because I couldn't find it anywhere near that price.

    • Couldn't you send them an invoice and alter the shipping fee from there?

      • There's nothing to alter though, the shipping price they got is exactly what it costs me..

        • I get the picture now. Didnt the buyer see what the shipping price was prior to committing to the purchase?

          If he did, then I agree the fault lies with the buyer for not seeing the postage fee (which I have to admit, is quite high).

        • +3

          They requested express shipping, which was $71. Regular shipping was $35 and I provided both.

        • +4

          Game consoles especially attract a lot of 12-year-olds on their Mum's account who don't bother reading about stuff like "postage price".

  • +5

    Several days after the listing ends, you can "resolve a problem" and report that the buyer didn't pay. After some more time, if the buyer doesn't respond, your account is credited for the fees (you might still have to pay the listing fee).

    When I sell stuff that's big, I just list the dimensions, weight, and location in the description and say for buyers to organise their own courier if they can't pick it up (I also mention I can drop it in to Aus Post or courier nearby).

    eBay has gotten expensive. PayPal (owned by eBay) also takes a cut if the buyer pays using that, which they frequently do.

    • +1

      There's no listing fee any more (under a certain number each month)

    • But if the buyer reject it, you would have no way to take your fees back again

      • The buyer cannot "reject it".

        They either pay, or they get an Unpaid Item Strike and the seller gets a refund on the fees.

        Seller is NOT out of pocket on Unpaid Items. Ever.

  • +5

    I generally use gumtree if the listing is over $100 as the near 10% paypal fees are insane and gumtree is a lot easier to use.

    • +1

      Gumtree is owned by eBay. So it may not be free forever

      • +1

        The problem with Gumtree is that you are aiming for locals to pick it up. Nobody in their sane mind would send you money without any insurance that they are actually going to get the item.

        Gumtree scams are also very common, however buying off eBay is usually better as there is Paypal Insurance for eBay purchases.

        Yes it is 10%, but things generally get sold quicker on eBay than on Gumtree unless your item is new and a popular item. You prob won't be able to sell your xbox 360 on gumtree as there is so many of them, unless you massively undercut somebody there.

      • +4

        It will stay free. EBay just bought Gumtree when they saw they were getting pretty big.

        Now eBay own them they can keep them crippled so they don't ever become a direct competitor to eBay.

        That's where eBay's interest in Gumtree ends.

        • +2

          It's gone down hill since ebay took over. The very basic stuff is free, but once you want to edit your listing after a number of hours, they want to charge you! Of course anyone with at least half a brain wound just make a new listing, but it's annoying.

        • Not true you can edit your listing at any time free of charge (although it looks like it will charge you - it does not)

        • +1

          If you click 'cancel' on the payment page, your listing doesnt change. I think they found out and have closed this loophoop. (I just tried 2 seconds ago)

        • Well that would be a stupid move by them as they will just have a whole bunch of unhappy buyers getting mucked around by outdated ads! Really silly move, but no surprise when a company gets taken over by Feebay… Something else will come out and be 100% free soon ;)

        • +1

          Something else will come out and be 100% free soon ;)

          It has already come out, been out for ages, called Quicksales.
          Unfortunately, the number is buyers and sellers is a lot less than gumtree/ebay.

      • +1

        I think if gumtree stops being free all completely, people will find an alternative over time. Some new website will pop-up for local classifieds.

        I actually wouldn't mind if they had website advertisements on gumtree, to support themselves. Rather that than it not being free.

        • The alternative will be gobbled up by eBay. They're monopolistic with the market cornered.

    • +3

      10% ebay fee is pure robbery.

      • +2

        It gives you access to a massive pool of buyers. 10% to access unrivaled marketing and access to buyers nationwide is cheap.

        • +5

          Unrivaled because they dominated and squashed any competition perhaps.

  • +1

    i know what you mean. I've moved to gumtree and find it a lot easier to sell things for a higher net price.

    if you go into your site preferences and set everything to the highest restrictions, it should help. Hasn't happened to me since

    • +2

      I've sold over $10k worth of items on my eBay account since opening it in 2009 and I haven't had any issues whatsoever since I changed my buyer requirements.

  • I had similar problems. I listed an item for AU only then some scammers try to buy my item; 3 times, and asked me to sent it to Africa(different USA accounts), such a waste of time.

    The other one, a guy in NZ bought my item, asked to ship to NZ and agreed to pay the postage. Then I got a neg feedback that I overcharge for the postage!!

    Complaint to ebay and got a reply that they cannot do anything. It's the buyer experience!!


    • +3

      You can set up some restrictions on who can buy from you, including geographic restrictions and feedback requirements. I have found that it stops this kind of rubbish.

      • +2

        This is great advice and very easy to do. I always choose this and also tick the other 2 boxes, no buyers without any feedback at all, and none with any sort of dispute or neg feedback. (also you can choose only buyers that have completed the full ID verification checks - useful for higher value items, although may limit your buying audience more than you really need to)

        I have had 144 fairly trouble free transactions in Ebay, just a couple of disputes when people took a couple of weeks to pay and wouldn't respond to my requests.

  • +4

    Welcome to Ebay, where sellers are the enemy, even they they are the ones who pay the bills.

    • +3

      eBay knows buyers are the ones who pay them. Most of the new enhancements are done on helping buyers list items faster. However, eBay is also getting quite greedy lately and keeps on increasing the final value fee. Hence the nickname: FeeBay.

  • +1

    You can set settings on eBay that will only allow a purchaser from Australia which I always do because postage and freight to overseas countries is a rip off.

  • +1

    I am a Power Seller on eBay and my experience has been bad as well but eBay is popular platform because it gives sense of security to buyers and this is a big disadvantage to sellers.

    If you have to put something for auction, then you have the option of setting minimum price at which product will be considered sold.

    After you sell a product and you don't receive payment, you have to wait for 2-3 days and then you can file a case on eBay, reporting that buyer didn't pay and you will get your charged fee back.

    If you are finding same buyer is bidding on your listing and trying to scam you, then you can block the buyer/bidder but if he is a scammer then he might have multiple IDs.

    If you have a premier PayPal account, then you can ask for immediate payment (which means customer has to pay immediately after committing to buy a product)

    You should select "Only ship to Australia" while listing products.

    Now you can listed your product so many times that you know how much it is going to sell for. You said add shipping price in total listing price. This way buyer won't complain about the shipping but disadvantage is that eBay charge you for product you sold for, not for shipping charges (usually 10%), so if you going to have shipping charges included in total then eBay will charge fee on that as well.

    You can put listing on eBay and mention in listing that pick up available and if buyer will pay cash, then 5-10% off (depends on you)

    • +1

      You can put listing on eBay and mention in listing that pick up available and if buyer will pay cash, then 5-10% off (depends on you)

      This is actually against eBay policies.

      • +2

        It is against eBay Policy but this is just one off and when eBay charge 9.5% selling fee and PayPal 2.4% + 30c for each transaction, you are better off doing it.

  • +4

    It is generally better to start by selling something simple / low in value. Being a buyer is different to a seller. You need to decide:

    • Do you want to get the highest possible price for your listing? If yes, auction with flexible payment options is what you need to offer. However, the down side is you could attract too many buyers, including ones who change their mind too easily or over bid and regret it later on - and not pay.
    • Want to avoid those not so ideal buyers? Then, you need to use buy it now with immediate payment (and accept the PayPal cut). You also need to price your item properly.

    What I realised… People want to get bargains from eBay. Even you and I want that. So, when selling items on eBay, it is generally best to offer a bargain price (or a reasonably good price). The only exception is that you have items which are rare in Australia (in that case, you could sell them for profit). Some suggestions:

    • You need to try and find the best deal you can on postage. For large items, consider offer regular postage (check out Click and Send). While AU buyers are more willing to accept high postage charges, $71 postage for Xbox 360 is way too high (would you buy it with that kind of postage?). Avoid custom dimension, try to use one of the AU Post standard parcel boxes (Bx1, Bx2, Bx4 etc…).
    • Understand every option eBay offer you in the listing.
    • You need to behave like a proper seller. Find out why your customers are unwilling to go through with the purchase. If they have issues with the product, see if you can help out (if it is technical issue) or offer a refund.

    You need more experience as a seller (or find a friend who has done it a few times to guide you). When your item's price + postage is too high, you increase the risk of people refusing to pay you. In your case, it is the postage. If you want to use the auto postage calculation feature, you need to know the max postage it is going to come out. Think of yourself as the buyer, you don't want to get overcharged on postage. A lot of buyers are also sellers so it is obvious when a seller is not doing his/her homework and overcharge.

    • +2

      I'm sorry but I don't believe I need any more experience as a seller, the prices were clearly visible before the person decided to buy the item. If they don't like the price they shouldn't buy..

      Considering the person was in a very remote location in North WA I would assume they would be used to paying a premium for express postage.

      The people who were not willing to go through with the process were either hacked or trying to scam me, the only legit person bought it didn't read the listing. Which I have posted at least 3 times here..

  • ebay + paypal fees suck. but ebay is good as a minor money maker. I sell elcheapo items for a 1000% mark up. usually I make about $10 - $20 a day profit (365 days a year -do the math). it takes virtually no effort.

    what irritates me about ebay:
    -fees (including paypal)
    - crap sellers who don't pay for items they win (even an email saying "sorry, i've changed my mind" would be fine)

    • +1
      • crap sellers who don't pay for items

      The buyers are the ones who must pay.

      I never understand why so many people get this confused (it's a common mistake to mix them up)

  • I sell on eBay and i hate it everyday. Hope there was a better way to sell. I feel as if eBay is just sitting in the middle giving the finger to both buyers and sellers.

    In your case, it would be better to sell via gumtree. Or sell on ebay with pick up only option.

    For posting, you could try clickandsend.com.au, it is auspost but slightly cheaper rates, i dont know why

  • Most of my experience on eBay has been fine. I'll cop that the fees are high, but if I want to sell aus wide and don't know the value it's much better than gumtree for finding buyers.

    I recently had a bid retracted on an item. Fair enough, honest mistake I thought, until I looked at the buyers bidding history and said he had 168 retracted bids in the past 6months. Nothing I could do, would have liked to leave neg feedback for him, but that just isn't an option. So much for once you place a bid you have to buy.

  • Sounds to me like someone was just removing other listings of xbox 360s from eBay so theirs could sell for the most. No one in America would buy an xbox 360 from Australia, it works the other way around.

    • +1

      Nobody bought my Xbox from America, that was the dSLR.. please re-read the OP :)

  • I also sell stuffs on ebay.
    Sold some xbox 360 consoles before and i only paid $23 including signature on delivery.

  • +1

    I ocassionally sell brand new Lego via ebay. The key to a successful sale is to make your listing available to Australia only. Also clearly describe in your listing the dimensions, weight etc and ask them to check on postage. Make sure you are as upfront with things as possible. I also avoid the "buy-it-now" option like the plague when I sell stuff. This way, when you get a bidder with less than 10 feedback, you can decide to remove their bid or not.

    My recent selling experience involved 5 different boxes of Lego…3 paid, 2 didn't, so I went through the steps and got my final listing fees removed.

    I really hate time-wasting buyers who win and don't pay…sometimes I wish I could "legally" send these idiots something in the mail as a "thank you"…if you know what I mean…

    • I occasionally buy Lego, Star Wars etc through eBay. I don't waste time paying for something i have won and usually receive items within a few days. Although these items are much cheaper in USA the postage is a killer. Only purchased once from USA where it was a really good bargain even with the high postage factor. Item did not show up (of course) and had to follow the annoying appeal process, but at least i got a full refund. Australia sales only is the way to go. Have not sold much but I have found the pick up/collection idea works best. Gives the buyer a chance to change their mind so you can cancel transaction quickly too; which has actually never happened. . I even offer to deliver if local. Yes, got to agree with you on those "winning" time wasters; had a couple of those too… rather ignorant of them; not to take the time to withdraw their bids so you can get on with selling.

  • +1

    AusPost is not the only option for delivery. Use Temando http://www.temando.com/ to get an online quote from most carriers (you can then choose). To get quotes just fill in a form with weight and parcel size, perhaps put in a few capital cities to get an indicative price which you can show on your listing. Put contact seller for other areas. It seems you had pretty unfair treatment from eBay.

  • -2

    To storyteller. Do you know why the WA buyer asked for the express postage? You would know if you are an experience seller.

    • It takes a long time for an item to arrive at WA using regular post UNLESS you posted it on the correct day(s) (from Victoria).
    • Your regular postage cost is way too high so he thought he checked with you for express postage. But you gave him a bigger shock.

    Also, if you are an experienced seller, you would know for really large items, you need to look at other couriers. I don't understand why you think $71 is an acceptable amount for postage.

    • +5

      Well that's kind of the point he's making, he's not an online store or minishop, he's just trying to sell a few things i.e. not an "experience seller". He just wants to sell something online and ship it off without a hassles like having to check different couriers, negotiate with customers all the time, etc.

      • +3

        Thank you for understanding my point of view, I'm not out to sell 1000 items per month but just to get rid of some stuff around the house.

        • +2

          Use buy it now with req. immediate payment.

          If you don't want to make your listing more attractive by finding a cheaper postage option and want to get paid first, just use that.

          Experience helps because: FeeBay don't care whether you are a new seller or not. Their rules apply to all sellers. You need the experience to know exactly what to do (so you don't get whacked with fees after you did not sell the item). Also, if you don't list the item perfectly, you could attract inexperience buyers who forgot to check the postage cost before they click on Buy It Now (again, that's why calculate postage cost is dangerous). It is always better to not get into those situations in the first place.

          I know it is very frustrating for you, but for FeeBay, they want you to sell items consistently and they don't want buyers to complain about you - because they don't want to go through all the trouble dealing with buyers. They want you to keep selling and give them their 10%. Big sellers are their bread and butter, casual sellers like us - honestly, they don't really care.

    • -2

      I live in WA. Have never had any issues receiving items bought from interstate. No idea what you are rubbishing on about with that. Second point just means the buyer is an idiot.

      $71 postage for a packaged console (original box size), with insurance, with a weight of 5kg is what Auspost charge. That is why he quoted it. If Auspost says $71 is a reasonable cost for auspost to quote you, why is it unreasonable for you to pass that quote onto the customer?

      • did you actually read the OP or not

        • I was replying to netsurfer, not to you. Unfortunately ozbargain isn't too clear on the reply chains.

  • +3

    As a seller, you need selling experience because:

    1. You 600 feedback score is useless. Buyers like me will check your actual feedback. If you have 0 seller feedback and there is no star rating for your seller feedback, I know you are a rookie seller and your rating is basically 0.
    2. When you don't have enough selling experience, you don't know what to do quickly when something goes wrong. You also get very emotional and upset when you have an unpaid buyer.
    3. You don't have any experience on how long it will take for the item to reach the buyer. Also, for buyers far away from you, you don't know ways to get items to them earlier / faster (i.e. are you willing to post an item for a buyer on a Saturday? I would).

    For you, you don't really need the money. You kinda want just a bit of pocket money and you don't want the XBOX 360 and your DSLR go to waste. However, because the way you choose to post the item and the way you list the item, you ended up getting the wrong buyer(s).

    If your XBOX 360 can fit into a Bx4, look at the cost of Click and Send Bx4 option, find out how much it will cost you. You CAN still offer the $71 express post option (though I still think it is way too high). The key is use Buy it Now with Require Immediate Payment option. This way, the buyer must pay in order for the item to be considered sold.

    • +1

      Good advice, Ebay works better if the seller has patience, and understand that the buyer/customer is always right however hard it can be to swallow sometimes. Ebay make it very easy to contact them and give advice on what to do when things don't go as planned.

  • +4

    For new eBay sellers:

    • Try selling smaller / less expensive items first.
    • Know all the options in the listing (google them if you have to).
    • Block buyers with low rating, unpaid records.
    • Consider Buy It Now with Require Immediate Payment (it is a safer option).
    • Remember, you need to keep buyers happy. If they are unhappy (even after they paid), you will have a tough time - unless you are willing to provide full refund (which is not good for you).
    • Postage.. keep it low. You get better rating and it helps (in the worst case situation where you have to provide a full refund).
    • Avoid putting custom firmware on devices. Rollback to official firmware before you sell.
    • Things don't always go according to plan, items can be damaged during transport.

    As a new seller, you really need to succeed in your first few eBay sells. Otherwise, FeeBay will close your account. It is strictly business for FeeBay. Too much trouble/hassle selling on FeeBay?? Then, don't sell on FeeBay.

    • +1

      Most excellent advice there ;)

  • Online shopping giant eBay doesn’t allow sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers

    • +3

      Does allow you to block buyers with 0 feedback to avoid those people who just opened an account.

    • FFS - the change happened about FIVE YEARS AGO.

  • +1

    To storyteller…

    You need to contact eBay and try to get $91 or some of it back. Some information is missing from you though.

    When a sold item is not paid, you need to make sure you get your final value fee credited back. Avoid Re-list. Simply start a new listing from scratch.

    Explain to eBay that you are a new seller and you have been very unlucky. Try to get as much back as possible. Is the $91 all insertion fee charges? Any final value fee charges? You shouldn't be charged any final value fee. Unfortunately, eBay may want you to pay all Re-list insertion fee charges.

  • Ebay only cares about making $'s and they sure do that.
    They do not care one bit if a scammer is screwing people because they make a fortune out of their fees.
    Ebay itself is basically a scam itself these days and they have no intention of cleaning it up while they are making a lot of money out of it.

  • Did you email the buyer appologizing for the high cost of express postage to his remote location , linking him ti the auspost postage calculator and stating the dimensions so he can verify your claims. Finally did you then offer the alternative of still sending the item in standard post for $35 explaining it may take a little longer to arrive.

    • The buyer did not pay. FeeBay whacked him with final value fee (possibly listing fees for the re-lists, if he re-listed them too early before he got the final fee rebate).

      Honestly, $35 postage, you might as well not sell it on FeeBay (for XBox 360), unless you are willing to sell XBox 360 at a really crazy low price to compensate the buyer for paying that kind of postage.

      This whole thing is a combination of: (1) there is an increase number of dodgy buyers and rookie buyers (2) OP under estimated selling on FeeBay is not straight forward for new sellers and (3) the need to go through unpaid process properly and when buyers dispute an item with really high postage, FeeBay won't rule in buyer's favour - FeeBay may think you try to save on Final Value Fee.

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