This was posted 10 years 11 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Need for Speed Rivals PC (Standard Ed) on Origin Sweden (VPN) $5.20AUD


This one takes a little effort but well worth the effort for a latest, next gen release. Admittedly the PC port is rubbish but hey.. $5.20, I'm not going to complain.

As with other origin out of region purchasing (ie, BF4, Titanfall), you'll need to install and use Hola Unblocker extension. Load up origin, change the region to sweden, then reload the page. Add the game to your cart. Once you get to the bit that asks for your login, disconnect from Hola unblocker, login and pay for it either by credit card or paypal. Most people seem to have better luck with paypal, but I have no probs with my 28 degrees mastercard.

Edit: 9.24gb download according to Origin but I'm guessing it's lying.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good find, OP. Good week to be buying from Origin.

  • Thankyou now can you get my titan fall for 5 dollars :P

  • Is this cheaper than the Mexico origin? I Haven't heard Sweden origin being cheap before

    • Its most definetly a arror looking at there other itens its a priceing error
      this game is cheaper then the older need for speeds.

      • Ah that makes sense. Well I better get to it :P

        • adons for this game are more expensive then the game itself.

        • +2

          Yeah.. the DLC for this is crazy.. Maybe that's EA new marketing strategy. Sell a cheap shell of a game, and never discount the DLC/better vehicles.

        • Certainly the case for Battlefield 4
          game cost me $20 off ebay for nthe origin code and Premium costs about 40 useing mexico origin

    • Why would anyone do that? Plus the persons CC/Paypal would be linked to your account.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! There is an easy to use Firefox extension of Hola Unblocker, and as far as the poor PC port goes there is a fix to change the 30fps framerate cap to 60fps.

  • WURF

  • Thanks op!!

  • VPN on hola in sweden seems to be not working.. you guys killed it :) well done!

    Edit: it's back.. get on it..

    • Still not working for me, now when I try to go to sweden in hola, it just auto-redirects to the AU store. Half an hour ago it was just timing out…

      • me too
        do you have any luck now?

  • still not working for me as wel…..

    • +1

      Managed to get it working, although it was a bit more convoluted. Grabbed the Hola app for my phone (android, nexus 5) and set it to do sweden just for Chrome, which worked first try no issues. Had to disconnect from Hola when I got to the login screen pre-purchase, and then switched to wifi in order to get the page to reload.

      Hope that helps!

      • Did this. Worked perfectly. Thanks.

  • Good deal but boring game. The instructors voice put me to sleep

  • Trying deleting cookies/history.. My mate just bought it from sweden store..

    • tried everthing…still not working ….

      • Same boat :-/ what a bummer, it's exactly the kind of game I'd only want to pay $5 for really - an EA, online only game with a buttload of DLC!

  • Thanks! Just bought and now downloading. :)

  • If you're using chrome, try firefox.. if using firefox, try chrome.. I reckon theres some sort of sneaky cookie/history thing going on because it still works..

    • Further to this theory, I tried both chrome (my regular browser) and firefox (downloaded specifically for this deal) and neither option worked. However when I got hola for my mobile and connected via 3G it worked first time. I'm not techie enough to venture a theory as to why, except that it was a different device and IP so maybe it was handled differently by hola.

      Either way, that worked for me and it's now downloading…albeit very slowly since the deal has clearly been ozbargained and reddited :-)

  • So mad because it's not working for me!!! FUARK

  • Keep getting redirected to Australian Origin Store.

  • It get it so it displays 30,000 kr, however when i add it to the cart it automatically changes to $69,99. Omfg someone get me a copy, i'm so sad.

    • I think that they've done something about the loophole as its a lot more difficult to add and pay for it.. That said, I think they've somehow blocked hola unblocker IP numbers, but an alternative VPN should work.

      Edit: free 3 day trial of a vpn here..

  • The game is capped at 30 frames per second, if you attempt to unrestrict the frame cap the game will speed up in response.

    • Apparently that was fixed:

      'The above line hard-locks the game and simulation cycles to 60 frames per second. As he understands it, BetA notes that the sim time being 60fps and the sim rate being 60fps matches both the game speed and the simulation operations to the same frames-per-second wave length. If the MaxSimFps is 30 and the ForceSimRate is 60 the game will run at a full 60 frames per second but at half the speed. Just the same as the opposite was true when running the game time at 60fps with the SimRate at 30fps, where the game was running twice as fast at only half the frames.'…

  • +1 for sweden

  • This is an awesome game. Playing it on the PS4. I agree, DLC is a rip. Plenty of cars in game though, so wait for discount.

    I wouldn't unlock 60fps as the game will run twice the speed.

    • This game is so full of bugs its just not funny. Weird glitches like falling through the world, getting stuck on guard rails in single player are annoying. Glitches online are even worse — try playing with a friend. You'll both think you're coming first for the whole race, until someone actually crosses the finish line.

      Worst tested game ever. Never buying another NFS game again. There's going to be a lot of disappointed OzBargainers here…

      • Good thing you didn't pay the $80 rrp then :)

      • I heard the PC version is filled with glitches.

        I can share my experience with the PS4 version.

        So far in my 8 hours of play, I haven't experienced any falling through the world or getting stuck. I'm always online too and I have noticed the lag. However, most times that's either the internet connection or someone else is lagging. I have played with about 12 people online I see often and it's mostly smooth.

        The app on the phone is quite buggy, I can't even upload a profile pic lol, but the actual game on the PS4 is fantastic. I'm having a great time with the game.


        • DLC price is ridiculously expensive. Shame on EA!
        • Mobile app is buggy!
        • Players will experience lag online, but I haven't played a multiplayer game that hasn't had this.
        • Rubber band AI, which is sometimes annoying.

        Other than that, love this game.

  • Won't let me get past the payment screen. I try credit card or, it recognises that its visa then says what translates to "we can not process your payment right now. use a different payment method or try again later." I even tried paypal and that dont work either..

  • I tried on my Nexus 5, got all the way to the payment information, submitted my payment information and then it changed the region back to AUS and said that there was a problem processing my order :(

    • EDIT: I Managed to get it working through Firefox. Firefox is not my default browser, when I got to the payment information section I turned of Hola and continued.

      Thanks OP. Great find!

  • Received a paypal receipt but not Origin like I did with Titanfall…. hmm :(

    • Did you look in your spam folder? Mine went in there as it deemed it was in another language.

      • There it is. Funny how the Mexican Titanfall didn't get marked as spam. Thanks.

  • Had a ton of trouble purchasing this… then I realised I was running Peerblock and it was killing the payment portion. :P

    Worked perfectly once I turned off Peerblock. Cheers OP!

  • Nice find! If only there was a deal like this for SimCity :)

  • Tried to get it today, back up to ~$76 AUD.

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