Went to local post office to pick up my parcel, tendered my passports. Was told to bring back a proof of address and ID with signature. I looked it up on their website, apparently this is the normal standard these days. What does everyone think of this ?
I assume they do this to minimize fraud or theft. But to me, this rule is just bloody unnecessary. ID with signature will have suffice.
If I wanted to commit fraud or crime , I would have to :
a) steal the pick up card from else where containing exactly the same name as me. What are the likelihood of these even happening ?
b) steal the pick up card from else where and create a photo ID each and every time to match the name. Bloody consuming time and I don't even know what I will get in the parcel.
If I came in as an authorized agent, then yes I will have understood the extra measures they have taken
Don't you already have residential address on the driver's license?