found this on facebook, free champ + skin if you follow them on twitter
Free Garen and Dreadknight Skin for League of Legends OCE

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Ali doesn't work, you need to ask them through support and they'll add it to your account.
I wonder if there are enough OzBargain members on LOL. We could have an OzB game sometime!
What abt forming a Ranked Team OzB? lol
Sounds good! I've got ADC, haha.
i'm going with my bronze level gragas support
sounds good.
My Lux mid :)YES lets do it add me "Snipor Luxor" ill Heimer jungle <3 or brolaf top
wow awesome, i can do mid
Awesome idea, I can take top. GL HF.
There would easily be enough.
I r keen.I r baboon
good stuff
To the fields of justice!!!
I wonder if my bro knows about this…
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO , get on the paint train. chug chug~!
Thanks! Will tell all my friend about it.
Thanks OP, i tried getting Garen and was told that my code was invalid. That's when i realised that the code's for accounts linked to the Oceania server and my account's linked to the North American server. Not sure if that's the cause for the error message though.
Anyone having the same problem?
The have the free skin for all servers. You'll need to find the appropriate link for NA though
I'm Diamond 1 noobs, fight me irl if you disagree
You're just a casual!
Thanks OP!
The free Tristana and Ali skin for liking their Facebook and YouTube page too!