I've had a Billion 7301VGP for years which functions fine. No/rare drop-outs, low-quality streaming has is fine most of the time. Speeds can vary…
Upstream 832000
Downstream 5600000
Is it worth me upgrading to the 7800VDPX? I can buy a second hand one for $75 (still has warranty/receipt, only 7 months old). Someone wants to buy my current modem for $25, so it will basically cost me $50.
The dual-band/wifi isn't a big issue as I only stream low quality content/my Wireless-G is doing the job fine. And I have a DI-632 (wireless-N) router repeating the signal over EoP.
I have no NBN planned for my area, so don't need the fiber features its' got.
Please help me decide. Am I likely to see any difference in terms of line speed/other performance? I believe it has a better chipset, and a larger NAT table but I dont' really know what that will mean.
I think you answered your own question, your current one does the job well and you don't need the features of the new one.
Unless there's a problem with your current router, and there doesn't appear to be, switching from one Billion router to another isn't going to net you a difference, if at all.