Hi Guys,
I have just switched to powershop for my electricity (www.powershop.com.au)
They currently have a referral system offering $75 for you and Me.
(deal: http://postimg.org/image/eydtyvxt9/)
Add your link/username to the:
Hi Guys,
I have just switched to powershop for my electricity (www.powershop.com.au)
They currently have a referral system offering $75 for you and Me.
(deal: http://postimg.org/image/eydtyvxt9/)
Add your link/username to the:
Note that Powershop is now available in NSW.
Hi, I'm new here. Just registered to request a referral to powershop but it won't let me dm anyone yet. Anyone able to help me out?
You can edit your settings to accept private messages in the usual account settings page, i.e. 'My Account' on top menu bar → Settings.
To be able to be added as a recipient for new conversations initated by other users, check the “allow private messages” checkbox.
If you want to receive email notification or private messages, select either the 'Daily' or 'Every Message' depending on your preference.
Thanks for the reply. I was having trouble initiating a new conversation as my account is under 1 day old. Was hoping someone could message me to arrange a referral.
Activate the messaging and I will PM you.
My mistake, done that now. Thank you.
Ok, sent you a PM.
Me too, should we have a specific referral thread for this?