If you are a fan of Godaddy and want a free domain, use the above code to register a new .CO domain name for free. Usually A$34.99 a year (on sale currently for A$9.99). You can turn auto-renew off after registration so you have the opportunity to manually renew the domain or not.
Terms: Valid for the first year of one new .CO registration per customer; not valid for renewals or transfers. Offer expires April 1, 2014. After initial year, domain will automatically renew at the then-current renewal rate until cancelled. You may cancel automatic renewal by visiting your GoDaddy Account or by contacting GoDaddy customer service.
Mod: Referral links not allowed for 1st time posters.
Edit - Looks like GoDaddy has decided to end this promo early. Here's a link to an image of the actual promo flyer: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BiT0Fi3CYAAKS2g.jpg
Good deal. Just registered my surname.co. Autorenew is automatically set to off. No CC details required.