Optus Not Keeping to Contract terms

Hi Everyone!

First post here, but been a long time reader though ;)

We've been recently having a lot of problems with Optus Billing.
We have a huge bundle which includes Home Phone, Internet, TV, and iPhone. All together it costs a fair bit, but tonnes cheaper than Telstra's option.

When I signed up, I made it very clear that I was happy to pay the extra $3 or so dollars per month for a Paper Bill, however we are yet to receive one - despite numerous 2 hour long calls to their [overseas] call centres.

Mail billing is the only way we can pay for various reasons. We do not want to switch over to email, but they never ever send us proper mail bills (but we pay for this).

So, today the mobile service just randomly cut off, no notice at all. That was when I found out that it was due to an overdue bill… which was, guess what - NOT sent to us via post. Not only this, but they added a hefty overdue fee to the bill. I payed the bill online, even though this is really inconvenient for me.

Are Optus breaking the contract terms, and unfairly overcharging us?

I'm really unsure what to do next.

Also, thought I'd add, that even though we pay extra for the fetch TV, they never sent us a fetch box.

Really grateful for any advice. Thanks!

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    • Thanks! will do, email is probably a good way to go, I'm so sick of spending hours on the phone to them.

  • Optus was once my favourite telco. The most effective way to communicate with Optus is through this exclusive social media enquiry link. Past experience is that an Australian customer service will make contact and attend to the complaint within 1 to 2 days. Save you from long waiting time on the phone, learning foreign language and all the "yes but no but…I'll speak to my manager…wait a minute…(another 15 mins)… and still get a NO." Good Luck.

  • Mail billing is the only way we can pay for various reasons

    later on in your post you say

    I payed the bill online, even though this is really inconvenient for me.

    Even though it may of been inconvenient, wouldn't you of found a way to pay online before they cut your service off which would of at least been a couple weeks

    Also, thought I'd add, that even though we pay extra for the fetch TV, they never sent us a fetch box.

    I'd also complain by email and get a refund for the overdue fees and maybe compensation for the fetch tv box if it takes so long.

    Just curious why you can't pay online. You have internet and you're capable of writing this post and seemingly able to know how to pay online.

  • Yesterday was the day that the new credit reporting system came in, so you'll be needing to make sure they fix this properly. Given that you've already tried dealing with this issue, just go straight to the ombudsman.

    • Feel like naked under the new credit reporting system.

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