This was posted 10 years 11 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo III $27.50 @ Shop


Diablo 3 is only $27.50 for those who are looking for it cheap as the expansion is coming out in a couple of weeks. They've pretty much overhauled the entire game, changed most of skills including the addition of Frozen Orb from D2, and will be getting rid of the auction house.

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closed Comments

  • I always wanted to get D3 but always thought it was too expensive.. now that its cheaper my question is: Do you need the original D3 to play the expansion? tried to find online and can't find anything…. does the Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls includes the original D3 story? if so its worth to get the expansion because as every online game once the expansion is released all the servers disappear. like BF4/COD servers… even if you want to play an old game there's no where to play online…

    • you need the original.

    • You do require the original to play the expansion. The original servers won't disappear, it's still the same game… It just lets you access whatever content you have registered to your account.

      If you buy and play D3 without buying the expansion (which you can do, D3 won't suddenly stop working) you can still play the whole game, you just don't get access to the new class, the new act, Adventure Mode, level 70 (level 60 would be your cap) and the Mystic.

      • It should also be noted that vanilla D3 players can still play with xpac players in the original game's levels. vanilla D3 players won't get access to xpac content by joining an xpac player's game though.

        My only gripe with patch 2.0 is that obtaining the hellfire ring parts is much harder - not because of the game difficulty, rather because of the drop chance. At Torment VI, the highest difficulty, there's only a 50% chance of keys dropping and 50% chance of organs dropping in uber fights. Granted, at Torment I difficulty, the first difficulty level where keys and organs start dropping, the chance is at 25% (up from the 10% chance or so with base level Inferno prior to patch 2.0) but for the amount of effort, it's a disappointment that there's not guaranteed drop like with Inferno MP10.

  • its an expansion. You need the original.

    Great time to get D3 original at the moment, since Blizzard games dont drop down in price that often. Only when there's a new release coming out.

    The D3 storyline is great. There was a lot of complaints about it since people said Auction house ruined it. So they removed it, overhauled the game, and now they are releasing the expansion. What d3 should of been.

    I'm excited about the expansion for this game. It seems to be what the sucessor of 2:LoD should of been.

    Blizzard games have had a good long history of being solid gameplay games. Starcraft 1, Diablo II, still played after 10 years of release.

    • Shame III sucked so much.
      Doubt I'll get xpac

      • +1

        Have you played since patch 2.0.1? Blizzard made great strides to fix the game (They started by removing the Game Director and hiring a new one), it feels brand new

    • +3

      You're the first person I know to actually have said D3 had a good storyline…

      personally i thought the story is easily the weakest part of the game.

      • LOL. The debate over D3's story never ends does it.

        Personally, I don't think it's bad, but it's definitely one of the weaker elements of the game being quite predictable.

        Still, having played through the story at least 10 times, it's not the worse story out there but definitely pales when compared to say, Starcraft or Diablo 2's initial impact. Cutscenes in D3 are still pretty cool.

    • This deal is an expansion?

  • Anyone found a cheap deal for Reaper of Souls yet?

    • Not likely, you can only get RoS either digitally from which is more expensive than the physical copy which most places are selling at around $40-45 for the standard copy. There's just no incentive for retailers to lower their prices to compete with

      That and the more expensive Digital Deluxe and Collectors Editions are selling well.

      Also of note is that anyone who wants a free pair of wings and access to the Demon Hunter character in Heroes of the Storm ought to get RoS within the first 6 days of release (and activate during this time). This is the preorder bonus atm.

      Another worthy feature from patch 2.0 is the inclusion of clans and communities… it makes a big difference being part of a clan and being able to find an open game quickly with like minded players. Communities are good to join too but they seem to have limited functionality atm which makes me question how useful communities are.

  • Weird they say its $19.99 on the diablo login page then when u click buy it says $27.50

    • +3

      It's the Australian Tax

      • i.e. USD vs AUD prices for those not use to this. Note that if you have US credit, you can log a callback with Blizzard who can then deduct your payment from your US credit.

  • Does the game still lag in single player?

    • Seems a lot better l8ly

  • -1

    wish they did a deal on the bundle with ros, at the moment its more expensive than buying them separately. Guess I'll be going with a physical version then.

  • I just reinstalled the game a few days ago…. you need to download quite a few gigabytes of patches and updates as part of the process. I think it was 8Gb+ can't remember exactly.

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