The challenge, run by Michael Jarosky (PT and SMH writer), starts on Monday March 17 and you simply email Michael to subscribe to the challenge - email address can be found at the bottom of the article in the URL link. I've subscribed and had a reply that the challenge will be emailed to me on Friday.
There will be no protein cookies, powders, or potions being spruiked. The cost? There's a joining fee of $0. Oh, then there's four easy payments of $0, all with a money back guarantee. Yup, it's free.
You'll receive 20 bodyweight workouts, a copy of the Cut the BS Diet e-book, a seven-day shopping list and seven-day eating plan, and an eight-week calendar to stay committed.
Basically based on cutting out the BS, it's not really a challenge or contest – this is about you changing your life and habits in eight weeks.
Challenge has evolved from his 2013 article 'It's time to cut the crap on weight loss'…
good deal, but will be a bit hard with all the pizza deals, free samples and restaurant discounts on ozb >_<