Nothing much to say, it's a Gaytime
4 Pack of GOLDEN GAYTIME for $5 (Save $2.51) @ Coles Starts 12th March
Nothing much to say, it's a Gaytime
4 Pack of GOLDEN GAYTIME for $5 (Save $2.51) @ Coles Starts 12th March
I am having the same trouble
Something always seems to go wrong with the Coles catalogue everytime there is a Melbourne public holiday on a Monday.
I don't have to worry about downloading the catalogue. My Salmat midweek deliveries arrived 2 days early and I have the Woolworths and Coles paper catalogues.
I bought a box of these last time. I like a gaytime as much as the next man but having four of them on the trot was pretty nasty to be honest.
I don't think I'll get any this time.
What is the difference between a regular gaytime and a golden gaytime?
The Golden ones are more fabulous.
once you go gold
you never go back
oops !
i read that as black..
The type of sausage fest.
I remember gaytime jokes when i was in primary school.
but they do taste very nice
I bet you did….
Cheapest price they have ever been at Coles?
Back when Coles was open 24 hours, my friends would visit at about 2am, grab the PA mic and announce stuff like "Gaytime cleanup in aisle 6" etc etc. Memories.
I don't know why these are priced so expensive ($7.51) in the first place? It's pretty basic as far as ice creams go. I mean, it's no Magnum Ego or Drumstick.
$5 is about right for a box I think.
it says' $8.15 on that link?? yeah i guess company's are charging consumers purely for the reason that these sort of ice creams just 'tastes nicer' than others. you can always go for a homebrand thing but it's all about the 'quality' isn't it??
Don't they increase the price of everything slightly for online shopping? I noticed that every usual item I buy from Woolworths is priced slightly higher in their online shopping (even for click&collect), and that's even before delivery charges are applied in delivery cases.
This applied to shelf items as well as fresh produce. Not sure if it applied to every single product though (but it was all of the ones I'd looked up). By 'slightly higher' I mean under $1, but anywhere from zero to one dollar higher than in-store.
I don't shop at Coles much but it could also be the case for them, which explains the $8.15 online price. Perhaps someone could confirm by checking in store? :)
Yeah all the regular prices on the online stores are increased, has been for some time, very dodgy.
of course that is to be expected — the online distribution costs the retailer wholesaler more, so are 'subsidising' delivery prices that are lower than would otherwise be, including 'free delivery' days. this means the minority who use 'click and collect' get ripped off more than everyone else, but convenience is everything for customers and making megabucks is everything to the duopoly.
:O Personally I prefer the taste of Gaytimes over Magnums. Drumsticks are pretty ordinary too apart from their delicious cones. If there was a Gaytime Drumstick, I might just die of joy.
Is this what the kids are calling it these days…
Thank you earth!
Didn't sell enough in Sydney during Mardi Gras now overstocked ;)
One of my favourites! Cheers, theearth
I'm going to leave them in the freezer until they legalize gay marriage, because only then will it truly be a Golden Gaytime.
Can't believe they kept the name…
Nowadays when you think of gay time, this not what most people picture in their mind
So? Why would the modern interpretation be a bad thing that warrants changing the product's name? :P
cos the product name has become a joke that's why
It sells well precisely because the name has become a joke. Otherwise it would just be another ice cream out of dozens of types and brands.
While traveling in Japan I would buy products precisely because the name was silly. Crunky, Pocari Sweat, Watering Kissmint, Colon, etc
When I was in Belgium a few years back I was at a cafe and bought myself a nice big bottle of "Loosa Juice". I think it was tomato juice if I remember correctly. Made for a good photo.
I used to cop so much shit when I'd get these during long road trips over Christmas. One day I decided to shout everyone a golden gaytime, now the whole extended family is hooked.
Not sure if I can hold the freezer space till the next Christmas getaway though..
Here we gay again…
FYI - if you are looking to get these regularly go to Aldi - they have them in larger packs and it's relatively cheaper (sorry I forgot price off the top of my head).
whats with this Gaytime promotion every month? so gay!
give me some of that golden shower gaytime!
thanks guys for the post .. i just went bought 6 boxes :)
Bought some this week..
Best err Gaytime ever haha -they were not mushy like you normally get..biscuit coating was actually crunchy.
I'm having trouble downloading the Melbourne catalogue in PDF from the Coles website. I managed to download the Sydney catalogue but everytime I donwload the Melbourne one it brings up last weeks catalogue.