I know we have Member awards, but what about awards for Retailers who have provided amazing deals with great service for the year (or half)?
I got the idea while i've been traveling, and have seen that some businesses have awards from trip advisor displaying their rating. Some just have the basic trip advisor window sticker too, which might give ozb more exposure.
On the other hand (assuming it doesn't have legal ramifications) there could be awards for crappy retailers, similar to the choice shonky awards. For example convenient "pricing errors"/bait and switch from a large computer company rhyming with Mell. Getting a shonky award from Australias largest bargain hunting website might make the issue more of a priority for both the Retailer and the ACCC.
We awarded the best Rep to Shopping EXPRESS last year, and agree that good merchants should be recognised. Maybe once a year thing? As of OzBargain shonky awards, well I think we have already seen many of these in the forums where people make complains.