•World's highest capacity card for Android tablets and smartphones
•Twice the speed of ordinary cards
•File transfer speeds up to 30MB/s
•10 years warranty
•Records up to 128GB of Full HD video
•Highest capacity, twice the speed
•Water-proof, temperature proof, X-ray proof, magnet proof, shock proof
SanDisk Ultra 128GB microSDXC UHS-I Card with Adapter $127 USD Delivered from Amazon.com

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No. There is no circuitry in an SD card adapter. As long as nothing is interfering (resistance-wise) with the contacts, speed will be unimpeded.
Thank you!
Good deal but $127 USD not AUD as far as I can see.
When I checkout using Australia visa the amount charged was $127aud. Amazon loss my gain.
How do you know it was in AUD ?!?
I don't see any indication it is in AUD, and since it is a US site, surely you would assume it is in USD, as per below :Items
Estimated shipping & handling
Total before tax
Estimated tax to be collected
Estimated order total
$127.06If it was shipping in the USA, it would be 119.99 with free shipping, the $7.07 charge is because you are shipping to Australia, but that doesn't automatically change it to AUD…
My bad, i try to convert to aud and it would not so its must be usd by default. Will edit. Thanks.
But will it blend?
Will this work for the PSP?
I dont think the psp would be sdxc compatible.
Nope. Doesn't read them above 32, tried it with 2 mem stick adapters
Are you absolutely sure your '2 mem stick adapters' are themselves compatible with cards above 32GB, or 64GB? Many are not.
Possible! All I can offer is my experience with a legit Photofast 5200 and a cheapo generic and neither were up to it.
It does work for 64gb. I used a single 64gb on the psp and it does work, but I didn't have enough stuff to put on it, so I switched back to 32gb. Seemed like a waste.
Just be careful if you've got an older phone or off-brand tablet you're hoping to put this into - make sure they're "microSDXC" compatible.
I now know my (3 year old) phone does not like anything bigger than 32gb and I've wasted my money on a 64gb card in the past.
You just need to format it as fat32.
Works on the Note 3
•Records up to 128GB of Full HD video
How many GB of 720P does it record?
Ummm…128GB of 720p video?
Depends on the bitrate.
hmmm… bit slow
Usually ships within 4 to 6 weeks.
Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.Thats because it was only released ~2weeks ago so they need to manufacture enough units/stock to fill orders.
Estimated delivery: Apr. 24, 2014 - May 14, 2014
That's a really long time. From experience, the estimated delivery date is usually accurate.
The first media I stored data on was a 5 and a 1/4 inch floppy disks that stored a whopping 720kB of data and this device is smaller than my thumbnail but stores over 180,000 times more data…. Woo!
After re-reading I can't help thinking "Cool story bro", still posting it.
Coolest story bro
5.25" stored 360KB and the high density version stored 1.2M. 3.5" stored 720KB, 1.44MB, 2.88MB.
Imagine how many diskettes would be required to store one FULL HD movie.
Edit: I remember having a program that would format the 360KB diskette into 800KB and 1.2M to 1.4 or 1.6M. Got much more value out of the 360KB diskette.
It is crazy how they manage these capacities on something this tiny!
If you're amazed now wait till they cram 1TB into these in 5-10yrs time. Can't wait!
Prolly some new storage medium will have super-seeded mSD by then & even more practical than cloud.
they can encode over 2000 TB of information in a single animal cell's DNA. DNA encoding will be the new means of information storage.
Thats probably for DNA from people like Steven Hawkins and Michio Kaku. I reckon my DNA would hold 1TB max.
actually, people with more DNA than necessary are dumber. i.e. downsyndrome people
I grew up on 1.44MB 3.5" disks. My school was way ahead of the curve and I got a sick Toshiba laptop in 2001 - complete with floppy drive. The rules were pretty strict about sharing floppies due to potentially spreading viruses (the innuendo was not clear to me at the time). However, I broke ALL the rules and distributed Desktop Destroyer en masse, via floppy. </nostalgia>
Just dropped on two of these based on the Sandisk Compatibility listing them to work OK in the SGS4.
Fingers crossed I'll now be able to have all our legit MP3s on our phones and leave the online music services for anything extra we want to listen to. Ahhhhh. It's been a long wait but I really hope these make it a reality.
+1. Been waiting for 128gb for what seems like forever. No more choosing what songs go on my phone, they can all go on. Imma wait for the early adopter tax to expire though - I still remember paying £200 for a 128MB cf card back in the day lol.
just wondering, if you use one of those micro sd to (standard) SD card adapters, will the speed drop?
this 128gb may be fast enough and more than enough storage for dslr use, especially for video recording