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Free Adult Cat Adoption at Rspca Victoria


From Wednesday 5 to Sunday 9 March, visit any RSPCA Victoria Adoption Centre and get to know our feline friends. If you're willing to make a lifetime commitment, there will be no fee to adopt an adult cat.

Support our adoption work
Please help improve the lives of more Victorian cats in our care. As an idea, the general adoption cost covered by us includes:
Desexing ($77)
Microchipping ($35)
Vaccinations (starts from $67)
Vet checks ($52.50)
Health and vet care; may include dental care, vet checks, x-rays (up to $500)
That's more than $700 costs covered by the RSPCA for each cat!

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RSPCA Victoria

closed Comments

  • +33

    Adopting an adult cat is a really kind gesture and I urge anyone considering a feline companion to look at this route. Adult cats don't get rehomed anywhere near as easily as kittens do, and consequently a lot of them get put to the needle.

    You might not get the outright adorable bit of time with a kitten (which has its own problems and wears off after a while), but you just might save a life and find a best friend to boot.

  • +1

    omg usually $700 to adopt a cat?.. never realised it was that much to adopt a cat

      • +4

        Definitely is :) I hope more people realise how much it actually costs to maintain good health and provide a great life for their companion animal.

        Also, more people should consider pet insurance too.

        • +2

          Pet insurance lol~ i read one that gave up to 15k insurance~~~ you may as well just keep spare money aside or fork it up when needed. then again i guess it depends on the deal u can grab .

          -Howmuch do you pay for ur pets insurance?

        • +2

          Pet Insurance generally isn't worth it. It's over $500-600 a year to have 0 excess as a norm, and if you get $100 or $200 excess you'll pretty much never go over that for the first 10 years unless something catastrophic happens as most visits and injections are under that. $100 or $200 excess was about $300-400 last time I checked.

          You're much better off investing it into a savings account as you'll easily have over $7k over the life of the pet for $300 every year, or over $11k for $500.

    • +2

      Usually it's about $70 to adopt an adult cat from the RSPCA, they always cover the other costs.

  • +3

    "Health and vet care; may include dental care, vet checks, x-rays (up to $500)
    That's more than $700 costs covered by the RSPCA for each cat!"

    Real cost is more than $0 but way less than $700, especially that dental care, x-ray nonsense. $500? Even my dentist doesn't charge that much. May as well say its over 9000.

    It's a good cause that sells itself. No need to pimp it out with free steak knives.

    • +4

      I beg to differ. Some of these cats may have been came into care very much neglected and may have been in very bad shape. $700 is not an overstatement.

      • Normally they just euthanize any cats that come in which huge problems like that since they are overcrowded and from time to time need to kill healthy ones for space. Its not worth the resources to waste time on sick ones at the expense of healthy ones. Sad but that's life.

        $700 is an exhaggeration and not normal or realistic.

      • Whether it is an overstatement is irrelevant. To adopt an adult cat from the RSPCA under normal circumstances is not expensive. We adopted our cat at 12 months old for $60. We don't know the history, she could have been handed in the day before. At the end of the day this is a bargain website and really isn't a place to score a free cat. Costs incurred by the RSPCA is irrelevant to the adoption process and to put a value on it to highlight some type of value is crass.

    • +1

      It cost me about $250 to get my pet x-rayed as they have to sedate them because they can't sit still. If you do dental work at the same time that will also be a few hundred.

      I don't know where your vet is but $500 is a steal for that kind of work where I am. How much do you think that kind of work actually costs for a pet? Vaccinations alone are about $120.

  • +6

    All animals deserve a chance. If you can, please go and adopt. Please.

      • +2

        Sometimes I believe that not all humans deserve to live.

        Why would you try and start an argument on a cat adoption post?

      • +2

        Not as much as i believe a lot of humans deserve to die amsaini15.How do you feel about giving your body to science to test a few theories ????

      • serious carnivore right up there

  • +1

    Great deal if they come with free neutering.

    • +3

      Given that they do, it's possibly a good option for the responsible few who have previously put off getting a cat because they couldn't afford to have it desexed.

      If you do take up this offer though, PLEASE keep it in at night.

      • +1

        Great deal if they come with free neutering.

        as far as im aware all pets (cats and dogs) get desexed that go through them. this is to try and curb the huge supply of unwanted animals that they end up having to put down at a later stage.

  • I really want one…bdw let's promote it

    Only problem is I live in sharing..Pets not allowed..
    Can I make this cat outdoor from day 1?
    Happy to feed and clean litter…
    But stupid house mates won't accept it indoor..
    Any suggestions?

    • +8

      I would suggest not getting one until you are able to have it living indoors.

      • Ty appreciate…its nt time to get one

    • +1

      Any cat will need to be kept in for at least a couple of weeks. Don't get one if you are likely to be moving a lot over the next few years. Sharehousing, renting, and pets are not a good combination, and usually the pets lose out.

  • -6

    Why not free adoption of a dog, it is because nobody wants cat?

    • +3

      its because there is more irresponsible cat owners than there are irresponsible dog owners, generally speaking… which means there is more of an oversupply of unwanted cats and kittens.

      mind you…. there is a hell of a lot of irresponsible owners of all kinds of animals. if you dont have a "value animal" (special "valuable" breed etc) then please get your pets desexed before they breed and make the problem even worse….

  • +4

    I did this 5 years ago and I couldn't be happier. I gained a BFF.

  • +2

    Is it just me? I just think giving away free cats are a bad idea. If someone have to pay for it, they are less likely to adopt one on a whim, and treasure the cat more.

    • +2

      It depends.

      If they're about to murder all the cats ("put them to sleep") because they have too many, then any chance for them is the best chance.

    • Is it just me? I just think giving away free cats are a bad idea.

      it's not free at all. This is just a considerable saving off the cost of gaining a new cat and knowing you won't have too much short term costs involved. You still have to care for and feed for the cat, and in time, maybe love it…

    • +2

      Yes and no. Some chance is better than none, but it concerns me that some people will consider them disposable if they are without monetary value. Also if one can't afford to pay for a cat or desex it, how will they afford to pay for unexpected medical expenses? People, please don't adopt an animal if you aren't prepared to look after it no matter what for the next 15-20 (or possibly more) YEARS. Don't adopt if you are renting and not prepared to have a hard time finding a place that will allow your pet. Don't adopt if you believe that you need to get rid of your pets when you have kids. Don't adopt if you don't want to deal with an elderly pet down the track.
      My cat is 19.5. She's moved with me uncountable times (including interstate). I'd never consider a rental place that wouldn't allow her and it's far from impossible to find a pet friendly place, not easy by any means, but not as hard as people make out.

  • It is just you:)

  • +7

    Free pussy. Nice

  • -4

    Reddit is going to melt down

    • +1

      Upvotes. Upvotes everywhere.

  • +2

    My cat has been through thick and thin with me the last 10 years. Best cat ever. I got him when my friend's neighbour abandon him. He is as Tonkinese as they get with twice the attitude and 3 times the affection.

  • -1

    I just love this. Awesome.

  • Deliver to Brisbane ?

    • if you meant pussies, the ratio is 2:1

    • +2

      They should put down all the idiots who breed more cats, not get them fixed or let them roam killing wildlife.

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