I've been waiting for this to come down in price and just happened to see on /r/gamedeals that it's been heavily discounted.
Hope some others out there find it a good deal too.
I've been waiting for this to come down in price and just happened to see on /r/gamedeals that it's been heavily discounted.
Hope some others out there find it a good deal too.
Referrer gets, 5+ Chocobo Feathers (Item Tokens), Exclusive Mount, 20% Bonus XP Ring, Teleport Stone (Free teleport to set location).
Referee gets 20% Bonus XP Ring, 99x Free Teleportation tokens, Unique Greeting, 10X Silver Chocobo Feathers (Item tokens).
Agreed. That cliff hanger ending is so disappointing though! Ends right when they say they're going to Australia!
I can't even think of any games which are based in Australia.
Not compatible with Intel X86 devices.
Nice. PC version with the removal of in app purchases.
They're extremely optional thanks to the game save system. You can buy an expensive weapon, reload, buy another one and repeat. No need for IAPs at all.
On sale in the App Store for iOS too.
Great game, glad it is on the cheap.