This was posted 10 years 11 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Dungeon Keeper PREMIUM for Google Play Birthday


** Celebrate Google Play's 2nd Birthday with FREE Dungeon Keeper Premium for a limited time only! **
Dungeon Keeper Premium gives you an edge over the competition with a 40% increase in gold, stone, and gem resource generation and 25% increase in combat points earned, allowing you to quickly climb the leaderboard ranks and become the most notorious Keeper around.

Assuming that the Premium doesn't revert back to normal, amongst the games on offer currently for Google Play's Birthday, this would be the only deal not based upon a discount for IAPs (in-app purchase).

Link to all Google Play Birthday offers here:…

Update - Confirmed it is only a temporary boost like vt says below. I played through the tute and once able to see the boosts it is shown there as about 13 days. I will still play it for a bit though as I have not played the original before so will reevaluate after the boost expires.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Is this the new one thats crap and full of IAP to make any progress? or is this the old one that was awesome?

    • +9

      New crap one.

      • +1

        Thats all I needed to know thanks!

        • +1

          A shame, isn't it? I was so happy when I saw it released, and only to fall after playing it for 1 hour

  • +1

    This just means that everyone gets more "stuff" for two weeks. I'm playing it and it's the same for everyone. The app itself has been free all along.

  • Not sure whether it can be classified as a deal unless you don't have the game installed on an Android device. I started before the birthday and got DK premium applied automatically.

    The wording is a bit misleading as DK premium is an IAP boost and not permanent. Mine expires in around 13 days. Click the little icon above the "Build" icon to see how much time you have left on your boosts.

    • +1

      Says on the google play site,

      Dungeon Keeper Premium gives you an edge over the competition with a 40% increase in gold, stone, and gem resource generation and 25% increase in combat points earned

      Doesn't mention that the boosts aren't permanent. Scared to get this as I loved the original but have heard terrible things against this with people using it as further proof that EA is the most hated company in the world.

      • +9

        Anyone that played the original would be committing a crime by installing/playing this joke.

        Much better off with dosbox and the original DK on Android, or better yet getting DK2 off and playing it in its full glory under modern versions of Windows or VM in OSX.

        There's speculation that EA has been removing the 1-4 star ratings on the Playstore, or at the very least making it hard to give the game a bad rating without jumping through hoops. It's a POS and people should really stay away from this ultra pay-to-play game.…

        • +1

          It's not speculation its truth!

          They HAVE been tampering with the 1 to 4 star votes. They claim its because they've taken the critique directly as "good customer service" via email, instead of being ignored via online voting.

          Load of crap.

          When the game asks you to vote after playing a little while, it gives you the following question:

          Do you give the game 5 stars, or 1-4 stars?

          If you select 5 stars it takes you to google play to rate it 5, if you select the other option you cant vote in google play, but instead it emails EA (to be safely hidden away from other users).

          It's a dodgy game dynamic.
          Yeah its all "free"… but unless you pay real cash, game progression is painfully slow.
          EA can suck my circular external reproductive organs.
          Neg because the game claims it is free, but isnt.
          Neg because the developers unfairly slant game ratings by customers.
          Neg because this isnt a deal, its a scam.

        • agree. it's not free at all.

      • That's why I said it was misleading. I actually have the game installed and there is an IAP called DK premium which gives you the same benefits mentioned. You can see how long boosts are active for within the game which is what I am going off.

  • I think Francis explains it best :)

  • I watched Francis for 10 secs and couldnt stand him….. i prefered reading about it :D

    • His latest one about Cartman made me laugh :)

    • Some of his out of character videos are quite touching. I don't enjoy "Francis" that much as a character, but if you watch his personal videos, it sheds a lot of light on why the character exists and at least makes you appreciate it even if you don't enjoy it.

  • +4

    Not free. Totally misleading. Just a game full of micro transactions. And not little ones… they should be called mega transactions in this game.

    EA are under investigation on the play store and apple store for manipulating ratings.

    I played the ring hole out of this game when it came out nearly 15 years ago. This is NOT Dungeon Keeper. and it most certainly is NOT free to play. It is free to open and watch it do nothing, but to actually experience anything remotly game like, open up your deep deep pockets and start shoveling…

    I'm negging this because EA is dodgy as hell. Just google EA CEO talking about making you pay for bullets in online 1st person shooters.

    The product is defective. It manipulates the rating systems on both app stores

    And if you look around, you could buy and play the orginal Dungeon Keeper for less than the cost of your first gems purchase…

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