Best price for all-in-one PC with touch function for stroke patient in Brisbane

I am looking for an all in one PC with touchscreen for a stroke patient. Brand does not matter too much as long as it is good value for money and is reliable.
He just wants to surf the internet, use Office, and watch some movies.Facebook and Skype are also used.
Should be able to run(or come with) Windows 8.

I have check JB Hifi, HN, DS online, and Fireworks. The best I could come up with was 872 for a Dell system with i3, 4GB Ram, 1TB drive. As I said, this is more than is ended so happy for cheaper system of lower specs if one can be found.

Thank you for your help. Looking forward to your advice.


  • Why not consider a Windows based tablet if that is the preferred OS?

    I have stroke patients on my caseload using iPads & Android tablets with no hassles. Actually, the portability & versatility of a tablet opens up a whole new world to them, especially those with aphasia for whom the tablet literally becomes an augmentative communication device as well! :)

  • My recommendation is for a Dell S2240T touchsreen monitor, which you can attach to any desktop or laptop. You can get this from UMART for $329.

    The S2240T can be positioned so that it is at a very low angle which reduces arm fatigue when using the display for long periods of time — it's far more ergonomic than an all-in-one which cannot tilt up or down.

    The other alternative is a MS Surface Pro which is has dropped in price now and has a digitizer pen.

  • Thanks to both of you for your advice.

    I cannot find a standalone touch screen monitor - have searched the net and the few I could find were insanely expensive. Also, my friend has an ipad and does not like it. He cannot use one of his hands at all and holding any tablet with it and using it with the other hand will be near impossible for him. Also, it needs to be easily transportable with as few parts as possible.
    I found a 23 inch HP one for $840 with 4gb ram, 1tb hard drive, amd radeon graphics card etc. I think this is a pretty good.…

    What do you guys think, given it comes with Windows 8 and keeping in mind the needs of my friend outlined above?

    • He cannot use one of his hands at all and holding any tablet with it and using it with the other hand will be near impossible for him.

      Fair point, but it's worth bearing in mind that there are lots of fixable stands available for these types of devices which enable semi-permanent mounting solutions.

  • OK - point taken but they cannot make the tablet screen bigger. Keep in mind he is 75 years old and at that age eye sight is decreasing. So the bigger the better for him. And the good tablets running Windows 8 and Dragon Naturally speaking plus decent stand will be $600+ too. Semi-mouning is out as I am sure the resdiential care home will not allow that as he is only there for 6 weeks or so. So for $273 more he gets the big screen, a DVD Burner, 6 USBs, a separate graphics card, a wireless keyboard and mouse plus a decent stand. I did ask him about the screen and even between 20inch and 23 inch he wanted the 23 inch one. Given he has an ipad which he does not like and does not get much useout of (according to him, and that was before the stroke)I cannot see that changing anythime soon after the stroke.
    But thank you very much for your comments and suggestions. Maybe the suggested solution works best for the next person (not that I want anybody to have a stroke but I am sure it will happen and I will be asked again to find a tech solution)

    • I'd be interested to know why your friend had a premorbid dislike of the iPad?

  • I cannot say for sure but can only speculate.He is a big guy so has big hands. Also, given his age the screen was probably too small (I know, this applies to all tablets). I think that once he mentioned that a lot of the apps want a lot of permissions and he is not into that.
    I reckon he bought into the Ipad hype and simply expected more which Apple could not fulfill (when you look at some ads one could think the ipad can do anything and more - maybe that's why it could not live up to this in reality).
    But as I said, just speculation. For myself, it is the control Apple tries to exercise over its customers by using the walled garden system and moral censorship in their Apps store that makes me buy anything but Apple. Having to buy Apps again when changing to a different brands does not help either.
    I can ask him the next time I see him (probably when I install the new computer at the weekend) if you like.

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