Assume that the tablet has cellular capabilities.
Why do smart phones cost more than tablets?

A lot of Samsung's stuff usually has the capability, I think.
A Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 with 3G can make phone calls.. Mine does!
it depends on size, if it's bigger than 6 inch, no way can you use it as a proper phone! i always wondered the same thing but tablets are just for minor internet surfing. Phones can now be used as a 'tablet' also known as 'Phablet' a cross between a phone and a tablet.
It is because it's so much harder to cram the components of a smartphone into a 4-5 inch device. You get much more space to work with for a tablet. It is expensive to make these small sized components that are required for a smartphone since there is so much more technique required.
But phones are getting bigger (like the Samsung Note series), why hasn't there been price drops?
Demand is also one factor. Everyone needs a phone but tablets not as much.
Also 3g components are fairly expensive, have to consider the licensing costs to operate the device in triband or quadband 3g, 4g, IMEI number registration, audio codec licensing, plus all the extra technology that goes into the modem and antenna design.
Like scrimshaw said, the demand is also a huge factor.
In general, smartphone components are crammed to put in as much specs as possible to entice customers since it is a larger market. The Note 3 may be a larger phone, but it is significantly better than any other phone since it is still incredibly packed with high-end components.
Whereas, for tablets, companies tend to get a bit lazy. The Retina iPad mini and the iPad Air run almost the exact same speed - they both have the A7 processor. The difference between the two tablets is 2 inches yet they both essentially run at the same speed. That's the same as a 4.5 inch phone running the same speed as the 5.7 inch Note 3. That's why tablets are cheaper since there isn't as much effort in the production compared to a phone. You can tell that the iPad Air isn't as good as it could be given they have an extra 2 inches to work with. Tablets in general aren't given that much priority since the market is significantly smaller.
Depends on the smartphone; some are incredibly cheap. Personally I'm only interested in the $150-$200 mark and I often look at China models. If you buy from the most advertised and newest crop of phones on offer, expect to pay through the nose.
the smartphone is more needed by the customer this is a marketing technique despite that the tablets costs more materials but the users will pay for smartphone as it's a modern communication needs they do need it like crazy.
Generally the rule is, you will cop a gouging if what you are buying is a phone, but it can also depend on the individual phone or the tablet.
The Huawei Y201 that I use as a travel phone (in other words, if it gets broken or lost, no big deal) cost $39.50 at Coles (after an OB alert). It came with $10 of Telstra credit and cost $6 or so to unlock, so the net cost was $35. Not bad for an Android phone that goes just fine with an American or Euro telco's SIM card in it.
On the other hand, my Asus tablet (another OB alert!) cost me $129, which was a really great price and I am happy with it. But even so, it cost way more than the phone.
If you move upmarket… the Nexus 5 phone, with 4G and 32gb of memory, has an RRP of $449, plus shipping, from Google. The Nexus 7 tablet, with 4G/LTE and 32gb of memory, goes for $439 from Google. Both run KitKat OSs and can do similar things and the phone is ONLY $10 more.
Certain phone makers have made billions from charging a ton for their handsets, and some do likewise with tablets. But it is not hard and fast across the board.I know this is an old post, but ELI5 has basically nailed it:…
which 3G/4G tablets can make phone calls?
I doubt any of the newer one can be used as a mobile phone.