Coke Rewards Confessions

Hi - My name is shmahoo, and I'm a coke rewards addict.

I have to admit that the other day I was shopping at Woolworths, and an employee had left a half drunk bottle of coke inside a caged off area (obviously was going to drink the rest later).

With my smartphone I was able to take a photo of the bottle from a distance, and the bottle was positioned in a way that I could actually read the redemption code inside the label.

Soon after I redeemed this code for my account.

Has anyone else done a sneaky redeem of someone else's code?

C'mon, there have to be other sad cases out there like me? Let me (and others) know in comments and/or the poll below

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  • 13
    I've NEVER done this and think the OP is despicable and desperate
  • 2
    I have done this kind of thing once but now can't sleep at night over the guilt
  • 7
    What chu talkin' bout Willis? - I would do this every chance I could get. Finders Keepers!
  • 0
    mmmm, yum, candy!

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Coke Rewards
Coke Rewards


  • its stealing dude.

    thanks for the confession.

  • +1

    In the food court I look longingly at coke bottles people have at their meal and hope they might leave them behind. More often than not though, the overly 'helpful' drinker will clear their table and put it in the rubbish. Nooooooo.

    • Intercept them at the rubbish bin and offer to recycle it for them.

  • +3

    PS - that must be a good camera you've got on your smart phone!

  • +1

    come on dude, it's ozbargain, not ozprofessionals.

  • muahha

  • There was a couple rummaging through the recycling bins on our street early this morning, I thought they were after the 10cent bottle deposit but perhaps they were coke rewards professionals lol

  • I do this every time at work, cause the customers just leave like 50 empty coke bottles on the tables.

  • I better start scrounging the bins at work.

  • its only cool if you know the person having the coke wont use the code him/herself.


    I've got a whole bunch load to giveaway but since cokerewards messages me to cease what I'm doing, I can't do it anymore

    • Ohh I'll glady take some off ya. Pick me, pick me!

    • Yes please, can I have some?

    • Wow, I figured the labels would be yours to do with as you wish.

      I would be interested to know what sort of ownership Coke feels they retain after the bottles have been sold.

      If it's about terms of the rewards program, well that would apply to the person redeeming the reward, not the dude reciting label codes.

      btw feel free to send me as many codes as you want.

    • Me Me ME~!!!!
      I am in Adelaide!

    • Me!!!!

  • I went around the stands of an AFL match years ago and grabbed a heap of empty bottles, grabbed the labels and put them in a recycle bin. I wouldn't take a code off someone unwillingly though.

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