• out of stock

Hoyts Cinevouchers Valid Mon-Thurs (Expiry March 31st, 2014) - $6 Each


I posted these originally in the classifieds section and due to a limited response there, I assumed that not enough people checked the classifieds, so I've put them up for sale on the brentsbits.com.au website.

All voucher codes are provided by email so you can book online. I will get them out to you promptly but if you are planning a last minute movie, I might not get them to you in time.

Points to note:

  • these are vouchers for Adult tickets
  • valid for any regular session Monday to Thursday, including Xtremescreen and Beanbag cinema
  • 3D sessions will require an upgrade fee
  • cannot be redeemed for La Premiere, Director's Suite, IMAX or special/group events
  • vouchers expire on March 31st, 2014

Any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer.

EDIT: 27 more tickets added as of 3:30pm

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Brents Bits
Brents Bits

closed Comments

  • Hi Rep,
    - Is there a booking fee with Hoyts?
    - can you use it without online booking?

    • there is always an online booking fee with hoyts, it's $1.10 inc gst. even if you book without a voucher.

      You can use them in person, but you need the physical voucher and I would need to send them to you with all the associated hassles of Australia Post being unreliable (in my experience).

      • +2

        Actually that depends on the type of voucher you have. Telstra/Optus vouchers don't incur this booking fee I believe, at least last time I checked.

        Great deal.

      • there is always an online booking fee with hoyts

        Not with the Optus tickets.

        You can get 2 for 1 tickets for $8 each through Optus (finishes today apparently, pick a cheaper cinema like Sunnybank QLD, it doesn't matter where you redeem them) and they're valid any time except after 5PM Saturday. So you're effectively saving $0.90 per ticket.

        • I'm in Melb. You sure that I can choose Sunnybank and redeem it in a Melb Hoyts cinema?

        • +1

          Yes, I redeemed some at Chadstone on the weekend.

        • thanks, will buy some now then. What is the expiry dates of these e-tickets?

          edit: Optus ones have expiry of 30 June.

        • March 31st as shown above

  • Thank you. Ordered two.

    • My pleasure

  • Does anyone know how much is upgrade fee for 3D movies?

    • wow

  • I posted these originally in the classifieds section…

    If you are selling those tickets as a business you shouldn't have posted in the Classified in the first place.

    • +5

      well, I picked up a bunch of them and thought to list them there first. Not much response so I decided to put them up on my website for all to buy if they wanted and post it as a deal.

      If that's the wrong way of going about things then I apologise.

  • +1

    Just bought three, thanks

  • +1

    What happens after I redeem my Hoyts CineVoucher online?

    You will need to pay the booking fees and any surcharges with a credit card. Once payment has been completed a booking confirmation will be displayed on screen and you will also be emailed a copy. You will need to follow the instructions on your booking confirmation and bring it with you, at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your movie to collect your tickets and 3D glasses if applicable.

    • good information. Thanks for posting it.

      Once you've made your booking, you get a reference number and then take it to the box office.

      Also, you can get your hoyts rewards points when booking with vouchers as well. Just for a further bonus.

  • +3


    In time to watch THE RAID 2.
    Release Date:
    28 March 2014

    • +1

      Just. Only the Monday.

    • +1

      Hammer Girl is waiting for you…

  • +4
    • +1

      Now it's 100x for $350 from the same seller.

    • -1

      yeah, no-one was interested then! (well, one person) Brent - I think you owe me a spotters fee!!

      • Why the negative? Is $6 not a good deal for a movie?

      • Ok.. here's how I see it - that you saw my post and ran with it, and didn't credit it to me.


        20 Feb, Thursday - I list in General Forum to see if anyone is interested in group buy 100 tickets for $450 from a seller on e-bay. I was going to facilitate it and charge $6.00 per ticket to cover postage, PayPal fees and a bit for my time.

        21 Feb, Friday - someone with user ID b**b (11594) buys 100 tickets for $300 - make an offer accepted. (e-bay seller is from Sydney)

        26 Feb, Wednesday - Brentsbits (from Melbourne, had to wait for post?) lists 70 tickets available in Classifieds section at $6.00 each. States that he will e-mail code so you can book on-line (omits this will incur extra $1.10 booking fee) or will charge 60c for post.

        28 Feb, Friday - Brentbits lists it as a deal in main section siting Classifieds response low. They sell out in less than 2 hrs. Not to worry, Brent claims he has secured 300 more tickets. Someone with user ID b**b (11595) has bought 3 x 100 tickets for $250 each - make an offer accepted.

        I mean, it was a pretty ballsy move to buy the initial lot of 100 tickets with no pre-sales like I was trying to arrange with the group-buy (although, looks like you may have had 30 pre-sales, as you only listed 70 available in the Classifieds)

        Is $6 not a good deal for a movie?

        Well, it's not bad, but if there was interest in the group-buy, and we could have negotiated the tickets for $2.50 each, it would have been cheaper for everyone. I guess that was the point of my neg vote. Although, if you hadn't done it, it may not have occurred at all, so kudos, but just wondering if you could confirm if you independently discovered the tickets on e-bay on your own, or if you found them from my post, and if so credit me for it.

        (I understand that it is possible that we both found them independently, but notwithstanding it's also easy for you to say 'no' on a forum, and of course business sense speaking, you wouldn't want to have initially credited me for finding them - "here's this post about a group buy - but buy them from me instead")

        • I actually had no pre-sales, I only listed 70 cause I thought maybe I could go on a movie binge with my mates. Then there was such popularity I threw up the extra 30, hoping I could snag more from the same buy.

          Yeah, I found the tickets through your post, I waited to see if there was interest in a group deal and there really wasn't, so I snagged them. There were still 3 lots of 100 left for you if you could have put your group deal together, I only bought one of the 4 lots.

          Business is about opportunity and in this case, whether I bought them for $0.01 or $10 each, $6 per ticket is still a great deal for a movie given that a seniors ticket still costs $15.50 on non discounted days. Students are still $19.50 and adults $22 or something.

          So, no matter whether I am making a million bucks on the deal, I think it's a bit disingenuous of you to suggest that $6 for a movie ticket is "not bad".

          I wish I'd done my research. I probably could have sold them for 8. The other 275 I got (I'm keeping some for me) are going up shortly at the same price, despite learning that even selling them for $9 or $10 is still a decent deal, relative to retail pricing.

          I don't want a medal for it, I'm just doing business. Likewise, I don't expect to have some kind of guilt trip laid on me for taking an opportunity and making a buck and still offering a great deal.

          Anyway, it doesn't really matter in the end, everyone wins and that's the best outcome for everyone.

        • +1

          Thanks for the honesty in confirming it. Is a guilt trip fair? Well, you kinda stole my idea! But as mentioned it was a pretty ballsy move to buy them with no pre-sales, esp seeing as there was such little interest in the group-buy. But turns out, it was probably more a funciton of it's location in the forums than the deals. Although that was it's correct location, as it wasn't a deal then cause I wasn't willing to foot the bill to get it started - so again kudos.

          Back on it being a bargain, don't quote retail prices - only numskulls pay that. Every Ozbaigner would know all the tricks - there's cheap Tuesday, Entertainment book deals, the $10 optus/telstra deals, coke rewards, etc, Also, these tickets can not be used on Fri/Sat nights - plus they're only valid for one month. I doubt you could have sold them for $10 or even $8 with the extra $1.10 booking fee (to Ozbarginers - maybe to others you could have)

          All the best with the rest of the sales.

        • Like I said, I did leave some for you to pick up :-) Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Business is business, if I had taken something away from you I'd be a complete douchebag. Anyway, it's all good.

          You are right about the retail true. I think at the time I was posting it I was shocked cause it's been a long time since I paid retail too :-)

          Anyway, it's all good. All tickets are gone and I'm working on sourcing more.

        • Well you did leave some - till you realised how hot they were selling! ;-)

        • That I did :-) I've kept some for myself this time though.

  • +1

    Product not found…
    Am I doing something wrong?

    • They sold out faster than expected. I will put some more up shortly, once I know exactly how many I have left.

  • +1

    all gone?

    • there will be a few more shortly, as soon as I have processed all current orders and know exactly how many I have left over.

  • ignore me

  • -2

    WTH already out of stock, you had 10 or something?
    or you didnt set up a limit per user!

    • +1

      you snooze you lose!

    • I had 70 of them. I don't set a limit per user, I don't like to run deals that way. There are 27 more up now and more later in the week.

  • +2

    OK, another 27 have just been put up.

    Something I noticed about my shopping cart is that if two people have added something to their cart and checked out then it will honour both orders, even if the last one is selling more than I have in stock.

    I say this purely to warn that just in case the last person to order goes over, I will have to either refund for the ones I don't have in stock, or cancel the entire order. At the buyer's discretion of course.

    This is something I will talk to my web guy about but it's too late to fix it for now so I am just putting out the warning ahead of time just in case.

  • -2

    I have just secured another 300 tickets, so I will post them when I get them in stock later in the week.

    • +4

      @ $250 per 100 tickets. :)

      • +1

        That's business :-)

        • +1

          very industrious of you. Good work.

        • +2

          For profiteering from ozbargainers?

    • OT:
      how do you successfully run a business on such low valued items on eBay and include free shipping?
      postage on a lot these items would be at least $1.2 already, what's the trick?

      • That would be telling :-) Sorry, trade secrets

        • Oops. sorry.

        • haha, just a hint?


          $1.45 each, minimum $1.20 postage, 5c paypal, 15c ebay,
          5c profit not including price of item.

          I am thinking the multiple purchases are giving you the return.
          which is about 50c per sale averaged out.

        • I think when you have a large shipping volume, you can make a deal with Aus Post for discounted postage.

        • no hints sorry, it's how I make my living while studying 35 hours a week at uni, so I'm making more competitors for myself. I don't mind competition but I'm not going to manufacture my own competitors :-) Good luck to you though.

      • He's not doing it on ebay… he did it on his own website, so no commissions to ebay. He did accept paypal though so that might take a bit off.

        Considering that he got one lot of 100tix @ $350 and sells them for $6.00ea, he will make sufficient profit. The 3 lots @ $250 will give him a bigger profit margin.

        I think if you get the tix from him via email (codes and pins) then there is no postage. If you wanted physical tix, he was charging the 60c for stamps.

        • I'm throwing in the 60c postage now that I don't have to pay eBay.

          With the caveat that it's regular post and all that implies. Even if Australis Post screws up, the voucher numbers can still be used to book online.

          EDIT: By default, the physical vouchers won't be sent, it needs to be requested.

        • I just got 2x. Could you please post the phys. vouchers to me?

          Please let me know if you need the order no, & i'll PM you.


          the voucher numbers can still be used to book online

          That is until someone (who pinched/finds) the paper vouchers, uses them first…in which case INVALIDATED.

        • That's true but this is the risk with regular post, most of the time it's fine, sometimes it's not. Regardless, you have the vouchers available for use now. Please just send an email response to the email with the voucher numbers and I'll get them sent over the weekend.

  • @Rep,

    Link does not work.

    • apologies, try now, I forgot to click the button to re-enable the product.

      • Umm… Not working again?

        • Cause they ran out again, another 300 due early in the week.

  • Gone again

    • I am expecting another 300 on Monday or Tuesday, depending on Auspost. I will post them when they arrive.

  • Sorry, the product was not found.

    • -1

      I am expecting another 300 on Monday or Tuesday, depending on Auspost. I will post them when they arrive.

  • any more left

    • -1

      Not now, I am expecting another 300 on Monday or Tuesday, depending on Auspost. I will post them when they arrive.

  • Hi, I am happy to pay the same as Amelyn paid for 100 ticket. Thanks.

    • I didn't buy any. He bought them on ebay. :)

      • Thanks, the quick and the not so quick……

  • -2

    These are most likely purchased with stolen credit cards. Not the fault of Brent Bits but it is big out there just be careful with what you buy, Hoyts may cancel at anytime.

    Just a warning.

    • Do you have any basis for that assertions all?

      • Send me a PM. I'll fill you in.

        Not trying to be a smartarse just be careful!

        • +1

          If that happens I will just file dispute with Paypal, failing that I will go to bank with my credit card

      • +1

        Fair enough, is still irritating that you would pay something like this, here's why. First, pretty much everyone on ozbargain is an experienced online shopper and is aware of these things. Second, in the worst case scenario where either I or my supplier is being dodgy, there is recourse so pandabargain stated. Third, if everything is on the up and up then you have probably turned some people off buying these which means they've missed out on a deal for no good reason and your well intentioned information has cost me a sale, potentially.

        I get that you are well intentioned but unless you have specific cause to be concerned (as in specific information about myself or my supplier, not general concerns) then this kind of post is country productive to all involved.

        Like I said, I realise your intentions are good but there's a saying about God intentions.

        • I intend to grab more when they are back in stock. Already bought 6.

          People shouldn't be detered. Your bank will cover you.

        • Exactly :-)

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