This was posted 10 years 10 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes Xbox360/One PS3/4 $39.99 Pre-Order + $1.99 @OzGameShop


noticed the pre-order price dropped for the metal gear solid ground zeros
one of the good games that interesting to play
haven't try ozgameshop with pre-order but I hope to get it in the release date.
here is my referral links (I appreciate it)
xbox one

free shipping for order +$50

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closed Comments

  • +1

    $1.99 shipping fee for order less than $50.

    • +2

      will update the post, got free shipping. I ordered other stuff

  • +1

    Don't forget, this is a prologue. It offers two hours of gameplay.

    • -2

      There's way more stuff to do than just the main mission, but if you're a one-and-done kind of gamer then, yeah, this thing's probably not for you.

      I'm going to get the digital version from the US PSN store ($30 US), but I think this is the best price around for a physical copy. I wonder if any local stores will beat it on release, though. $38 from Big W is a possibility, given that the RRP seems to have been changed to $49.95.

    • +9

      I might rent this game.

      There's no way I'm paying $40 for a 2 hour prolog. Konami is just taking the piss out of us.

      • +1

        this should be a digital download game for around $10 … some of this cash grab stuff from the big dev/studio's are just moronic!

        • -1

          If it's a demo, more like 99 cents. If that.

      • -2

        Two hours if you just rush the main story and then switch off, never to play it again. That's not how most people will play it, most will play all the available missions and since it's a stealth game they'll take that approach not rushing it all guns blazing.

        • -1

          Yep, agreed. The two hour figure that keeps going around is based on what is essentially a speedrun. Isn't there a youtube video somewhere of a 2-hour Skyrim speedrun?
          In saying that, this should still be a $20.00 digital download.

        • Even if it was a 4 hour main story I don't think it would be worth it.

          And it's not my style to replay a game. Too many good games on my backlog.

          That's why rental is the best option for me. I can't justify the price tag if I don't intend to replay it infinitely like some people (I've got other games I'd rather play than the same game over and over).

        • -2

          Nobody mentioned replaying it. There are more missions besides a rushed single player. Neg me all you like but its a fact that you seem to ignore.

        • Here's your quote on replaying it:

          Two hours if you just rush the main story and then switch off, never to play it again.

          Also, I don't think the guys who played it mentioned anything about 'rushing' through it. They may not have done the bonus missions but what editor previewing a game would rush through it?

    • -2

      Let's not forget, MGS 1 for playstation was also a 2hour game :) and look where that took the franchise.

      Fans of the franchise would still buy it, but most would probably just watch it on youtube since MGS is heavy on story and cutscenes.

      • I doubt people beat it the first time in 2 hours without skipping the cutscenes and dialogs.

        It was about an 8-10 hour game for me.

        Are you saying that MGS5:GZ could be padded to 8 hours if I don't rush and don't skip cutscenes?

        No. Something tells me the editors who played it didn't skip cutscenes either, and the 2 hours includes the cutscenes and radio conversations.

        • -1

          How's your guess any better than his? Best thing to do is to wait and see for yourself.

        • What kind of video game journalist/editor playing a game would skip cutscenes? You're supposed to report on what you see of the game. Why would you go skipping content? Especially if you're given enough time to complete the game. If you had a 15 minute slice, then yes I would understand rushing through and making the most of your time. But these guys weren't time limited.

          krisspy is calling MGS1 a 2 hour game, which is simply not true except for speed runners. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time was speed run in 40 minutes I think. No one is calling that a 40 minute game.

          To equate GZ to MGS1 in length (which had no side quests btw, 100% of it is main story) would be implying that to a non speed runner could get 8 hours of main story content out of GZ which is ridiculous. The guys who beat it would have mentioned that if it was true. Konami themselves did not deny that the story mode was 2 hours. They only said you could replay it and do extra missions.

          Did you work on the game or something? You're defending it like a blind fanboy.

          If you want to make a short prolog and release it as a separate product instead of including it with the rest of the game, by all means, just don't charge $40 for it.

        • Possibly the same kind that never bothered doing the other missions and was looking for hits? You're jumping to conclusions off of the rumour set by someone you havent ever heard of in your life. I'm not a fanboi you child, the game is coming out on all systems and I have no preference to any of them. You're just being an arrogant halfwit as per usual. It wasn't that long ago you used to crap on the Vita and then you bought one I recall, let's see how this pans out as well.

        • -1

          I said the Vita was going to fail, and it has.

          Me buying one because it's cheap doesn't change that.

          I don't need to have met someone in order to trust their word, otherwise pretty much 100% of anything I read on the internet isn't worth trusting.

          It is no rumor. Game Informer played the game, and they published their experience in their magazine. Rumor is when you hear second or third hand information and the originating source is not willing to come forward. If you consider a published report of a first hand experience as "rumor" until you have played it yourself, then you don't know what a rumor is. Are you actually suggesting they never played the game at all but just made it up because they wanted attention? Konami themselves never denied the shortness of the story. The story mode is 2 hours. Some missions add to that, but I'm not interested in doing them. I don't play MGS to do side quests. So for me it's a 2 hour game for $40. No thanks. You can replay the whole game and get another 2 hours out of it. You can replay it 10 times and get 20 hours out of it. You can even get infinite time out of it if you want, but you can do this with any game.

          There is no such thing as "hits" for a print magazine. No credible source is going to make shit up just for hits. The hits don't last long, then your credibility is shot and no one will believe anything from you again. Not a very smart thing to do.

          I never called you a fanboi of some console. I don't know why anyone would when the game is on every platform. But you do sound like a fanboi of the MGS series itself.

          Do you actually TRULY believe this is going to be a full length game (i.e. it will be as long as TPP)? If not, STFU because I'm done with you.

        • -1

          Off you go then champ.


          Let's get the facts out of the way. Ground Zeroes' main campaign is a single mission. Depending on one's play style and a bit of luck, this could realistically be completed in under an hour. Others will take it slow, experiment and maybe start over every time they're spotted. Under these conditions it could last upwards of four hours. It took me about two and a half, when I played it at Konami's camp in Nasu, Japan. But here's the twist: Ground Zeroes' main mission is only a tiny sliver of what the game has to offer.

          So much for all that garbage that idiots keep spouting about this game.

  • $30 for the digital copy from US store or $50 local RRP. I have a feeling well be able to grab this for $45 on release day.

  • +2

    Since when do they start charging shipping fee below $50? I preordered senran kagura just last month for 38 and it was free shipping.

    • Not long after I guess, it's true.

      • That sucks :( Not only the price is getting "Australia Taxed", not it even force shipping. Might as well just pick it up from JB.

    • About a week ago

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