Motorcycles allowed to filter through traffic from July - NSW

Fully-licensed riders will be able to ride through stationary traffic at speeds up to 30 km/h, but not in school zones, beside kerbs or next to trucks and buses, only when safe to do so.

Some drivers don’t actually understand that by filtering, riders are getting out of the rear-end danger zone which is the most common crash in NSW

As a motorcycle rider, I think this is great, many motorcyclists have already been stung with infringements because at the moment, its not legal.

What do you think?


  • I think in most case, it is a matter of common sense.
    I have been done once. but it was by a cop who wanted to throw his weight around, the official infingment was "did not have both feet on the footpeg", I was travelling at under 10kph and I had my feet just off the ground.

    I only filter when traffic is standstill or crawling.

  • I don't think its illegal in Victoria. My understanding of the law is that you can pass stationary traffic only and must remain within the same lane (this is mostly impossible), if you cross the line at all you can be pinged for not indicating for a lane change.

    During the license testing, we were unofficially told that its up to the officer.. If they want to find a reason to fine you they will… Much like the above comment, "a cop who wanted to throw his weight around"

  • Sorry, I have edit the topic to reflect this a change for NSW.

  • sorry to the law abiding riders but even before lane filtering/splitting was legal most riders did it anyway, just because "they could"! i'm not a rider, i have to wait in traffic just like everyone else, maybe 20% of bike riders wait but the rest just ride ahead no matter what, and when accident stats for bike riders go up they wonder why?!

    i would be interested in the before and after accident stats to see if lane filtering increases/decreases with the change in law. Also think about insurance, if the law allows lane filtering there is little doubt in my mind there are going to be more minor accidents like scraped car doors/broken mirrors etc does this mean insurance premiums are going up?

    bottom line, riding a motorbike these days is already risky enough, this is NOT going to make things safer, not long ago there was a double fatality, a man and woman on a scooter died not far from where i live, it's not a pretty sight trust me

    • -1

      majority of motorcycle accidents are rear end because a driver does not stop in time or is distracted by their mobile phone, i'm all for lane splitting, its the only thing that protects a rider from dieing.

      • There is a difference between lane-splitting and lane-filtering.
        Filtering is during traffic jams and whilst the cars are stationary.
        Splitting is when cars are in motion and you're weaving in and out of lanes, as well as through the middle of two lanes.

        Filtering is great and I would love to see this applied to Learners and Provisionals since it provides a 'safer' riding experience. I am against the fact it is not permitted for learners/provisionals, albeit I can see the reasons why.

        Splitting is cool and fun to do as well, though it is dangerous as at faster speeds, cagers may not be able to react in time considering the speed at which you are travelling.

    • If you're worried they are getting too close, you could add one of these to your vehicle…

  • I don't mind lane filtering when cars are stationary - that's fine, and makes sense to have the more "fragile" and nimble motorists out in front, but they should take responsibility for any damage if they happen to scrape anyone on the way past.

    I have another but, and this is a huge BUT - I do not support lane SPLITTING at all, in any forms through moving traffic. It's an accident waiting to happen. The amount of times I've had to swerve away or abort a lane change because some impatient yahoo on a motorcycle decided to cut past while doing well above a safe speed are too numerous to count.

    To be honest, I haven't had my motorcycle license long enough to consider myself a "rider" but I still have some modicum of common sense when it comes to it

    • -3

      I think you just love your car and you move your car out of fear it might be damaged, but don't worry, most of the time they get the measurements right, most of the time..

  • Motorbikes are also tolled on citylink now :(
    fortunately I discovered that before they a send me a bill

    • I learnt the hard way.

      There were no warning signs of toll being charged until I hit the tunnel! (Citycross tunnel)

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