This was posted 11 years 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Oscar® Must See Movies $10* Each - Event Cinemas


Oscar® Must See Movies $10* Each.
It's Oscar® season and we want you to celebrate with us! See any of the select Oscar® nominated movies below from 20 Feb - 5 Mar for only $10*! Simply enter the promo code ‘OSCARS’ online or quote the code in-cinema to receive the special price.

• 12 Years a Slave
• The Wolf of Wall Street
• American Hustle
• Philomena
• Gravity
• Captain Philips
• Dallas Buyers Club

*1.10 online booking fee applies. surcharges will be applied for 3d & vmax if applicable. not valid in gold class. valid only for sessions of: 12 YEARS A SLAVE, WOLF OF WALL STREET, AMERICAN HUSTLE, PHILOMENA, GRAVITY, CAPTAIN PHILIPS & DALLAS BUYERS CLUB between 20 FEB - 5 MAR 2014. Not all films available at all locations.

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Event Cinemas

closed Comments

  • Real shame that these are all great films, yet the world is in the phase where they will only head to the cinemas to watch action/sci-fi films. Real shame.

    • +10


      • +2

        "only" is hyperbole but:

        Top grossing films of 2013:

        1 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire LGF $423,626,642 Action/Sci-Fi
        2 Iron Man 3 BV $409,013,994 Action/Sci Fi
        3 Frozen BV $384,108,132 Animation/Fantasy
        4 Despicable Me 2 Uni. $368,061,265 Animation/Comedy/Sci Fi
        5 Man of Steel WB $291,045,518 Action/Sci Fi
        6 Gravity WB $269,275,323 Action/Sci Fi
        7 Monsters University BV $268,492,764 Animation/Comedy
        8 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug WB $256,636,874 Action/Fantasy
        9 Fast & Furious 6 Uni. $238,679,850 Action
        10 Oz The Great and Powerful BV $234,911,825 Action/Fantasy
        11 Star Trek Into Darkness Par. $228,778,661 Action/Sci Fi
        12 Thor: The Dark World BV $205,808,339 Action/Fantasy/Sci Fi
        13 World War Z Par. $202,359,711 Action/Fantasy/Sci Fi
        14 The Croods Fox $187,168,425 Animation/Fantasy
        15 The Heat Fox $159,582,188 Comedy
        16 We're the Millers WB $150,394,119 Comedy
        17 The Great Gatsby (2013) WB $144,840,419 Drama
        18 American Hustle Sony $144,115,172 Comedy/Con
        19 The Conjuring WB $137,400,141 Horror
        20 Identity Thief Uni. $134,506,920 Comedy/Con

        You can sort of see his point. Action/Sci Fi/Fantasy adaptions ruled the roost.

        • +1

          The major audience for cinema movies is males aged (about) 16 - 35. So the studios prepare "potential box office hits" with them in mind.

          It's a shame, but there are good movies made regardless.

        • Cute, people still think Oscars have any legitimacy (and some how believe they know what 'higher culture' is).

        • Those box office mojo figures are US only. Some US films do better overseas. You'd really need to see the worldwide box office. I think it would still be similar.

          It would be also be interesting to see the top 20 films with percentage gross. I think the films would be different then.

          e.g. Blue Jasmine - budget $18 mill. Box office $94 mill. That's a 500% profit.
          Hunger games - budget 140 mill. Box office (worldwide 861 mill). 600% profit.
          We're the millers - budget $37M. Box office $269M. 700% profit.

        • yes mi lord, please enlighten us, how Academy award isn't legit source for excellency in cinema.

        • @daveted - the profitability stuff would be interesting to me and maybe to youº. They wouldn't be particularly indicative of how many people saw them, just an interesting byline about how many saw them for how much was spent on them.

          The worldwide figures usually track pretty evenly with the US domestic, especially on the top end of the scale. Let's take a look!


          In the US domestic top 20 there were 10 strictly action/sci fi/fantsy type films. There were 4 more borderline ones with animated kids films.

          In the worldwide top 20 there were 13 strictly action/fantasy/sci fi films plus those same 4 kids films.

          Worldwide appears to be more sci fi/action/fantasy oriented than the US… huh. I would not have guessed that.

          º you don't appear know that that's just the production budget and that those are gross figures not net figures. It seems likely you haven't found them interesting enough in the past to investigate what they mean. After prints & advertising budgets and net gross are taken into account Blue Jasmine probably only made $5 mil, a profit of ~25%, Hunger Games probably profitted ~$230mil with a ~115% profit, We're the Millers around $81 mil with a profit of around 150%.

          These are ballpark figures based on averages, of course, 'cause films don't publically release all their info.

    • Truer words have never been spoken.

      100% agree

    • +2

      You are ignorant ng the fact that you don't need to go to the cinema to get what you want out of a more cerebral me view. I never watched a Woody Allen movie and thought "Gee I wish I had a 10m screen and the surround!"

      • -1

        The subtlety of the big screen acting is not as noticable on TV e.g. someone on the verge of crying noticable by a glimmer of moisture in the eye. This is quite obvious on the big screen, totally lost on TV.

        TV acting is also different, and has to be a bit more exaggerated because the screen is smaller.

        And slower, cerebral movies can be mesmerising on the big screen, but become a yawn-fest on TV.

        So, Woody Allens' Blue Jasmine is actually a big screen film.

        • Well, funny you mention that movie, as I just watched it on my 52" in FHD and didn't feel like I lost anything. Maybe you just need a bigger tv?

    • +2

      Who needs to see a thoughtful character-driven piece on a big screen with surround sound?

  • awww not Robocop?

    • +1

      Silly Chongy, that was made 27 years ago.

      • -1

        Think Chongy talking about the remake.


        • +1

          and has only just been released, so not eligible for oscars or 2013 box office charts.

        • I don't know what you're talking about. There has been no remake and that IMDB link is dead.

          There was also no Robocop 3, although I've heard people talk about it like it's a real thing.

        • Are you using the Internet to access the IMDB link or some sort of other new invention that doesn't work with IMDB.

          I've just tested the link above on all 3 of my devices and it works. If it wasn't working, could you not possibly go to IMDB and type in Robocop and see what magic happens? Just a thought.

          Anyway, I made it tiny for you, see if it helps you out.

        • I tried that but I just got Robocop and Robocop 2. And Robo CHIC, for some reason.

          Maybe if you told me the director or star I could find it that way?

          I'm not sure why you linked me to the Steam Community page of a sexually confused illiterate.

        • Sorry this is the first time using the World Wide Web for you, but the director is José Padilha and if I type Robocop in IMDB it is the first search. No big deal, just like proving a point to people that are wrong

        • Chongy

        • Nope, that director hasn't had anything released since 2010 and what he's got coming out later this year isn't Robocop.

          I took a screenshot as proof:

          I'm pretty sure it's just Robocop and Robocop 2. Maybe you're confusing it with the myth of Robocop 3, or that nonsense I heard that there have been two separate TV series based on it. All ludicrous of course.

        • Your satire wins.

        • That's actually the new TMNT movie. You can see Rafael in the background of one of the production stills:

        • I think we can all agree that the only person who won here was Chongy.

        • Hah. Agreed Jack.

    • Points to first comment above ^^^^

      Give my Oscar homies a chance.

  • +11

    Telstra Thanks Movies - $10 all the time (except after 5pm Saturdays and Public Holidays).

    • +2

      Yep, no booking fee too.

      • +3

        Yep. Buy and activate a $2 prepaid sim and register for an account for "Thanks Movies".

  • +2

    It would be nice to see them do the same for Sundance etc… but I would bet this is Event just doing the maths of how many more people go to an Oscar winner, the short attention span of people who live off Oscar results and the news telling them what they should go watch, and capitalising on everyone who's got the guilt of still not seeing that must see Oscar winner with the ambiance of sticky floors and whispers… If and when they do a promotion for more independent acclaim and worth, such as Slamdance or Sundance etc I would support that and go…

  • +4

    And don't forget about the Amex-Event Cinemas Spend$20 and get $10
    heres the direct link if u want to register your card and it expire in 3 days

  • +1

    VIC only has moonlight cinema…

    • how bout one in Russell street cbd

  • Looks scarily like the top 20 movie list on torrent websites at the moment. Think one of those sneaky judges might've let the cats out of the bag so to say?

  • Great find op and also Joni for stacking amex deal. Date night coming up

  • +1

    I tried to buy tickets for "The Wolf Of Wall Street" at Moonlight Cinema Melbourne and got the message "invalid promo code". Anyone else experienced this?

  • I can't seem to buy tickets for gravity either. Seems like this deal is a no go for 3D

  • American Hustle is a great movie!

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