Small Cockroaches at Home


I have got tiny cockroaches (not the big ones) all over the home. Anyone know how to deal with them? Tried a couple of cockroach sprays like Mortein and Raid and some Chinese insect pills but no effect.


  • Proper cockroach bait gel and growth inhibitors will stop the cycle. I used to have fairly bad night time kitchen cockies but I haven't seen any lately.

    They're expensive in Australia, cheap in the US. The bait gel is a quarter of the price overseas then it is here.

    • What do you use? Where do you buy it off?

    • Thanks for this. Any brands you know and where you can find them (instore or online)?

      • Try Mortein but don't buy the spray can in the red, that is rubbish. Make sure its the black coloured can, its their strongest range and works as a great surface spray which lasts a fair while (they quote 6 months) Price is generally between $8-9 a can. I spray all my window seals/ and door entrance areas and even after a couple months the flies/ roaches even the larger outdoor ones still drop dead.

  • +2

    wait till they grow bigger and just eat as snacks
    they have good protein content , make sure you bake them first

    • +2

      ok for a serious answer
      i had same problem
      i bought this tube of gel bait stuff from IGA
      its called roachkill , i used it along with the spray every night for a week and it got rid of them

    • I always wondered what you did with those roaches caught in roach traps

    • Mmmmm, num, num, num, crunch chew.

  • I've always wondered about the cockroach baits in the boxes - they supposedly have a lifespan of say, 6 months, but the box, other than being glued shut, is not really 'sealed' as such. So if they've sat on a shop shelf for 2 years before purchase, how does one know that they're still any good?

  • +1

    We had a plague of them years ago. I worked out out what time they were most active (which was about 1-2am). Got up and sprayed like 'ell!

  • If those are German cockroaches (the really really tiny ones) - they are the worst! You'll need professional pest control to do the job.

    • Yes, they are the ones. Just curious…Did you try bait gel before you called the exterminator?

      • We tried many things, though not bait gel.

        They are very hardy little creatures though!!

  • We had to have a pest controller come in and use some gel, which worked for about three months

  • There are plenty of natural ways to make bait to attract and kills these disgusting things, google is great!

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