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PINCHme FREE Sample: Nestlé CERELAC Oats with Prune Infant Cereal + NAN Pro 3 Toddler Milk


Pinchme: Nestlé CERELAC Oats with Prune Infant Cereal -From 6 months

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  • Thanks.

  • 63 years too late for me! Mind you, if I were to lose all my teeth………..

    • +9

      how do they milk toddlers?

    • -1

      child labour?

  • +1

    Got to love the sales-slogan:
    "It's yummie, like you Mummy"

  • How come these aren't on the main page of their site?

    • +3

      Targeted email and facebook go out first, then they get to the main page (sometimes after they're sold out).

  • -4

    How many guys accounts have been closed last week coz of the multiple accounts? I just had two accounts but they closed both of my accounts, then I can't order free samples any more from pinchme:(

    • My partner and I have both been locked out of our accounts since mid January. We have both contacted pinchme to fix the issue (site states it doesn't recognise our email address but if we try to sign up again it says email address is taken). Pinchme support couldn't have cared less. Oh well… was fun while it lasted!

  • -1

    'site states it doesn't recognise our email address but if we try to sign up again it says email address is taken'
    Yeah, it is. I contacted pinchme, they said coz they found I have more than one account of one household so that they closed both accounts due to their terms. And they said they wouldn't return them back to me:(…

  • Yep. Me too. Just got this from pinchme.

    Hi Sally,

    We have noticed that your household has more than 2 accounts with samples claimed going to it hence we have disabled the accounts to make it 2 as this is against our terms and conditions. This also makes it fairer for everybody else. If you have any concerns please let us know.

    Thank you.

    Considering the original terms let more than one sample go to a household so long as you used a seperate mobile number, looks like that loophole has closed!

    • -1

      Totally the same email I got from them…

      Yeah, I joined pinchme last year, it worked all well with two accounts. Several weeks ago I saw some guys complained to pinchme on facebook about they could't get samples due to other guys's multiple accounts. Thereafter,pinchme maybe not let guys have more than 1 account… It sucks!…

    • One is enough.

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