Coles, Woolies and IGA

Short and simple.

Can we please start combining posts. This is meant to be about bargains something special something different - not half prices specials with the front page FULL of 50% off items. MyGroceries does a fantastic job (used to) of putting up 50% specials etc, can we not just use that?

Yes, yes there is heaps more to talk about but short and sweet.


  • Stop the separate deals?

    Nah I notice the New deals with their heading and brief description. If its too hidden I miss them..

    • +1

      Fair call, i just think that every separate deal that is posted, was previously posted by mygroceries. Which showed all 50% off deals, id rather one deal than 10……

  • +1

    My groceries post their deals after the specials have started, not straight after the specials go online from 5pm Monday. Many people want to know the specials way ahead of time. I'm happy to sort through the grocery deals when they come in, especially if they come in before 5pm Monday.

  • +1

    You can use the "hide from listing" feature if these deals bother you.

    • Great thanks! Didnt know about this feature!

  • Just for reference, this was discussed a couple of years ago and the community decided that they prefer having the list of grocery special deals AND individual supermarket deals. Judging by the voting for both, I'd say that is still true.

    As PissLUR pointed out, hide from listing is useful for blocking stores or specific user posts.

    • +1 for individual supermarket deals, as most supermarket "specials" in their catalogues are not actually very special. Most of the ones posted here as separate deals are pretty special! :)

    • I did read that, but it was also a couple of years hence me asking again.
      Am now using the hide from listing :)

    • They did post last week, but was removed as a dupe.

      • February vs July

  • +1

    Can we please start combining posts.

    especially those from the same poster for the same store catalogue :)

    • That i agree on! Plus 1!

  • Would be pretty handy to have a dedicated section of the site for a table of this information, which users update weekly as items go on sale/expire.

  • -1

    Hope it's ok to bump this still.

    After looking at all the posts today, some from the same poster, I'm curious to know what others are thinking and what exactly is the go with what is and isn't counted as a post or a duplicate. Just for example looking at today: Coles - Included on (Compare deal) Coles - Not a 'half price' deal though, so i assume this one is ok Coles 50% (some) - An added 50% deal on (bit of both stores 50%) ,also now included on (Compare) Coles - Seems to be specific to a store, possibly others too. I think this one is fine too. Woolworths - Is an added 50% post on (bit of both stores 50%), also now included on (Compare)

    It might be a bit petty and i don't want to hide any of those deals as i enjoy having a quick browse at what i might get. I also understand that they can take time to format and do appreciate it. I'm just unsure as what is considered a dupe and which isn't considering when each deal was posted at.

    Is it time to look at some other way of displaying these deals now? Possibly like a wiki page that can be edited by anyone and then posted as a deal, whether that's 2 individual ones for each store or 1 big combines post (like mygroceries did).

  • Yeah I can understand that people rush to post deals from catalogues only to do another major combined post. It's better off just doing the combined posts straight away if you choose to do it that way. My groceries is a good format but are posted too late in the week,

  • Duplicates are compared per titles, with exceptions specifically:

    The original deal is a list of multiple items and the item is not contained in the title of the original deal.

    So probably best to get all the titles for comparison by posting time/date.

    1/2 Price Sorbent Toilet Tissue 24pk $7.50 @ COLES | Smiths Chips 175g $1.50 (Save $1.69) @ WW Starts 30/7
    Patties Party Pack 30 or Mini 40 Pack $6 Was $12 @ COLES Start 30/7
    $6 Redbull 4 Pack at Coles from 30/7 to 5/8
    50% off Carman's Museli/Bars $2.50, Kraft Peanut Butter $2.84 + 10% off Selected Gift Cards @Coles
    50% off: Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta or Lift Varieties 1.25L $1.39, Prima Drink 6x200ml $1.62 @ WOW
    50% off Quaker Oats 500g $1.74 + Natural Confectionary Co. 315-350g $2.14 @ Coles In-Store Only

    Those deals are highlighting individual products and are not in the title of the deal below.

    Compare Liquorland, BWS, Coles & Woolworths Specials Starts 30th July

    This deal is a comparison of all (e.g. a list deal).

    So all of these posts are fine by the community guidelines.

    Is it time to look at some other way of displaying these deals now? Possibly like a wiki page that can be edited by anyone and then posted as a deal, whether that's 2 individual ones for each store or 1 big combines post (like mygroceries did).

    Feel free to start a wiki page to update the weekly supermarket deals. That would be useful as long as people are willing to keep it up to date.

    • Thanks neil.

    • Thanks Neil, still a bit confused though. The patties deal (which is 50%) was posted after a deal containing 50% specials from coles and woolies, this sounds like something can should be combined rather than a separate post. The combined post was posted most recently which then would make a few of the others dupes essentially unless it gets based off when the deals are submitted.

      I just want to add that i'm not targeting MM but rather getting an idea of what is what first before deciding or reporting (if need be) deals for being dupes.

      If i get some time i might look at doing a wiki page, although someone else might be better at formatting it than me. Is this something that can be posted as a deal though?

      • Yes but the Pattys Party Pack wasn't mentioned in the title or even the description of the first post.

        However, yes, the deals should have been posted as one (per our combining posts guidelines). The duplicate rule was to assist different posters who may have missed earlier posts but not for the same user. It's also a bit confusing having a deal highlighting Coles & Woolworths deals and then a few hours later having another deal by the same poster with Coles & Woolworths deals (and BWS).

        Monty has put in a lot of time and effort into his posts which is great. Maybe Monty can step us through his process so we can understand better?

        If i get some time i might look at doing a wiki page, although someone else might be better at formatting it than me. Is this something that can be posted as a deal though?

        Do you mean posting a deal pointing to the wiki page?

        • Yes Neil. I should have combined my patties post and tissue one.

          What I try to do is put one post of Coles sand Wollies in evening and compare one at night.

          If you want I can stop posting Coles and wollies single post and just post one compare one.

        • Do you mean posting a deal pointing to the wiki page?

          Yes exactly that, the idea being if we had a single (or 1 for each store) page that was updated by 1 or more people, then this one page can then be posted as a deal. Any other deals (store specific, less than 50%, etc) which aren't on this list/s can be posted as a separate deal as usual.

          Edit: Thinking about it more, wouldn't be a need to submit the page as a deal, you could just copy across the text and formatting. Nevermind me on that bit..

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