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Eliminate Odours on Your Hands with The Everlasting Stainless Steel ‘Soap’ Bar. $2.95 Shipping


Get rid of nasty garlic and onion smells can that linger on your hands after cooking with the Stainless Steel ‘Soap’ Bar. The science of stainless steel means it is able to strip your hands of the odour that comes with onion, garlic and fish — simply use like a bar of soap under running water. Better still is that this deal won’t cost you anything except a $2.95 postage and handling fee!

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Will you end up with a smelly bar of stainless steel instead?

  • would it work as a bathroom soap though or more just for onions ect

  • +2

    Its science

    • +2

      If Wikipedia, the most dubious source of information on the Internet, says something is dubious, then you know it's pretty shifty…

  • +2

    You mcan buy one of these from Daiso, $2.80 of course. The quality should be the same as its just a molded piece of metal. Not sure if they work as well as advertised, but the bars supposedly work by using the steel to catalyze breakdown of some odours so the steel doesnt actually smell after use.

  • -3

    So its like a PedEgg for your hands??

    • It is nothing like a PedEgg for your hands.

    • +1

      No, that would be the stainless steel grater.

  • +1

    It looks nice as a paperweight I guess…bit of modern office décor?

  • +3

    $1.60 ebay

  • I have one and I think it works for garlic, haven't tried for fish, but I can't be bothered finding it when I could use it, so I do as above and wipe hands around the inside of the sink.

    • +1

      For fish, just use a bit of lemon juice.

      • and a flock of seagulls

  • Don't think I'll buy… but interesting concept nonetheless.

  • +1

    To the doubters in this thread, I tell you these will put out fires also. Simply use like a bar of soap under running water and PRESTO the fire will go out.

  • +1

    When I worked in a kitchen we used this all the time. They actually do work, I laughed at the chef till I tried it myself. It actually shocked me that it worked at all, but it did!

  • +1

    They do actually work, but they're readily available for this price or less all the time.

  • I'm sorry but I have to comment on "Get rid of nasty garlic and onion smells can that linger on your hands after cooking with the Stainless Steel ‘Soap’ Bar.".

    Really? I can get rid of the smell by cooking with the SS Soap Bar?

    Who writes these pieces? An infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters?

    • it usually only takes one and then a committee to approve it.

      so at least 7 monkeys.

  • Have been given one of these, and although they kinda work (smell less than doing nothing), they are still nowhere near as good as soap as they leave your hands smelling a bit.

    They are also available for less than this quite often.

  • Watch these people, they're after your repeat business at a MUCH HIGHER PRICE when the ss soap bar wears out!! :-)

  • The science of stainless steel…


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