University Orientation Week freebies - what have you scored?

Although I have finished university decades ago, as I actually live quite close to a uni here (UNSW), I'm still quite involved with things happening on the campus. For UNSW their orientation week starts tomorrow (Monday 24 Feb) and lasts a whole week. I do plan to get onto campus to try to score some freebies — food, sim cards, pens, whatever. All the marketing people there do seem to throw random stuff at you.

Any university students here? I am sure there are plenty. Any one planning to join the orientation week this coming week? Do share what you have scored here :)


  • Got plenty of free pens, highlighters, water bottles, lollies, reusable carry bags and paper from the ANU O Week two weeks ago. Also didn't have to buy any food at all for the whole week - free breakfast, lunch and dinner provided around campus :D

  • Do free condoms count? :p

    • +1

      New or ?

      • sharking for first years?

    • Which uni gave you that? USYD used to but all the … complained

  • One of my mates did some random raffle for fun and ended up with a Lumia 920 (back when it was considered top of the range)

  • I do plan to get onto campus to try to score some freebies — food, sim cards, pens, whatever.

    Food wise.. I haven't seen a lot free at UNSW Oweek, seen free lipton tea before and good ice cream but that's about it.

    Sim cards and Pens?

    Sim cards.. Not sure what you want to do with sim cards, it's usually lebara mobile/lycamobile there.
    Pens - UNSW Oweek pens aren't the best unless you can find big company stalls there (Microsoft, AstraZeneca, etc), for pens I prefer the Big Meet/Careers Expos, the freebies are of much higher quality (including pens).
    UNSW Oweek you usually just get.. jelly beans, at careers expos, you can get bottles and small umbrellas :)

    • I used to get so many freebies at career fairs. However shortly post-GFC there was a marked decreased in freebies.

      • Yeah careers expos had higher quality freebies: USB drives, torches, multi-tools, carabiners/handy snaps, wristband gadgets, etc.

    • Shit, wrong vote. Stupid fingers. You're an o week connoisseur!

  • Do you still get to meet the curiously attentive girls with the EU shirts?

  • I am in Sydney uni, each year score some mugs, note books, water bottles, highlighters, reusable bags, keyring and cold drinks.
    and chat with some pretty girls ;)

  • +2

    a long time ago (over 10 years) i got free loaf of bread lol from tip top

    • +2

      do you still have it?

  • We give out those reusable coffee cups, though they're made out of plastic so I wouldn't recommend it. Lots of pens. Fairy floss and popcorn on the main day. Used to do lunches for all, but with budget cuts 1 in every 5 person gets lunch.

    • Is budget cut something happening across the board? Went to the UNSW one yesterday and definitely noticed less freebies comparing to last year.

      • Monash is the same (has been for a few years). Freebies only if you sign up to clubs or open bank accounts etc

  • +4

    Went to the UNSW O-week again today didn't manage to score any worthwhile freebies however being well fed with pancake, muffins, flavored milk and BBQ. The scale of promotion some companies do to attract first year students is crazy…

  • -5

    Am I the only one disgusted at the fact that you aren't a uni student yet hang out at a uni? Creep…

    • +2

      :P All those lecturers eh? They are like in their 50s and they hang around the campus.

      • Fair enough. Is he a lecturer? Or a cleaner? Or work in the Cafe? I got the impression he had nothing to do with the uni except living near it.

        • As a university student, I don't really care (though this might be because I am fairly old for a uni student and I am a guy). There are universities out there that stretches and blends in with a city fairly well, so I guess in that sense, it's fine? I personally think the pathways within university is public at least and those O-week stuff happens around the pathways and the courtyard.

          Also, sorry about snarky comment, I realised that I might've sounded bit condescending. I didn't mean it like that.

        • Oh, I thought you were making a joke.
          What is creepy about going to a uni? It's not a pre-school.
          I go to concerts or the library once in a while, not to mention there are dentists, doctors, sports med specialists with their surgeries on campus, and most of the sporting facilities are open to the public.
          And they are usually nice places to go for a walk.
          I'm not short of pens and notepads, but when my wife (a mature age student) brings them home the kids like them, so I don't really see wandering past o week stalls as "creepy" either.
          I really don't get how any of this is disgusting.

        • +1

          I'm just appalled that he's taking advantage of the free servucea/products offered to people who attend the uni. Like a wedding crasher.

        • @lemc6125: As long as someone is not abusing the system and making everyone worse off, it's fine by me. If those products and services were absolutely meant for students/staffs and students/staffs only, they could easily seperate students/staffs from non-student by checking student IDs (it may differ between schools to schools, but we get photo IDs on it and I think you can get them during O-week and after O-week as well.)

          Though this is my 2c. I sort of see where you are coming from, it's just that I think most of the times, there are enough to go around for everyone.

    • +4

      I live next to UNSW. Many of my friends are current students. I do quite a few things on the Kensington campus, multiple days a week. I went to uni on Monday to help out one specific group (unrelated to OzBargain). Heck, OzBargain is sponsoring UNSW CSE Startup Expo 8 in March (which we'll do T-shirt giveaways).

      You are looking at a 30,000+ people campus here. A lot of people there aren't students.

      • -2

        I eat my words then,sorry. I mustn't have read the post correctly. I didn't see your phrase about being involved in doing things there in the original. I just had the impression that you went to the uni in the morning, grabbed all the free stuff you could then went home and sat in your lounge room surrounded by free pens and condoms! Take it all back.

      • +1

        heh hooking OZbarginers in early… like CBA and their old money boxes…

        • I still have my Dolomite box. Now if I could just find the key…

        • @Scrooge McDuck:

          what you've been putting just 1 coin a year into it?

        • @Baghern:

          There looks to be about $10 worth of shrapnel in there.

  • +1

    Orientation week is the best week of UNI. After that it goes downhill….till the next semester orientation week

  • +3

    I went today and scored a Number of a hot blonde chick - Bargain !!

    • What's a Number of a hot blonde chick

    • Awaiting further juicy goss details.

  • USYD used to give out flavoured condoms and bottle openers. Not anymore.

    • Flavoured condoms? No wai! When?

      When I went they just gave out regular condoms and… lube (wtf guys, we're 19 not 49 XD).

      I used to grab a few from the front desk of the SRC office in the Wentworth Building, they might still be there…

      • Until around 2012-2013 when the Catholic societies kept complaining.

        I assume the SRC still has them. I haven't checked. They used to have a giant bowl of condoms, lube, pads and tampons. Lucky dip!

  • The best O-week freebie I scored was free DDR, which I hogged for a couple of hours until my legs turned to jelly and my shirt was thoroughly messed up. ><

    • +1

      I had to google this as my first thought was of German history. haha

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