Have you checked your Citi Bank transaction

Remember! there was a deal from citibank few months ago. Free for life credit card and six months of interest fee balance transfer. I applied considering that offer with $2000.00 balance transfer. There was no minimum payment for the month of January and $76.00 for the month of Feb. but I paid in full against with all transaction and made just $2000.00 balance in my account but I got two interest charge on same date in Feb's statement.


I called the call center and asked how the interest is charged. The lady said, I will keep record of your concern and somebody will give you call within 24 hours. Waited for 3 days, no call. I again called citibank today. The call center lady said the transaction is genuine and interest is right. First she said there is no 55 days of interest day for balance transfer. I had the paper sent by citibank. I read the paper and she said there will be only 25 days interest free. Then I asked her, it is written 55 days in paper so in which date If I purchase can get 55 days interest free. So we went through date by date and according to calculation, one transaction got 50 days of interest free and another got 43 days of interest free. Later she disappear for few minute to check my further detail and came back and said that amount will be revert in next month account.

Now I am scared to use this card. Have you checked your interest charge from citibank and found problem?


  • I was issued a Citi Bank card a few yrs ago, i took up an offer of 2.9% on All transfers and purchases (which i thought was awesome and had them send me a letter stating that as usually its just on transfer). They stuffed up the transfer and then charged me interest for 2mths that i didn't actually use because of the stuff up - the money was still on my other card. That was eventually refunded but i still paid interest on the card fee. Then i paid a few bills on the card and the next month there were 2 interest amts, on inquiry i was told the lower for the transfer and the other for the purchases. When i said i had the same interest for both i was told that is not possible.
    I faxed them the letter and after many many phone conversations later was basically told that it didn't matter what i had in writing, they didn't not do nor offer that reduced rate on purchases and i would continue to be charged to the full rate.
    I was going to take it to the ombudsmen but i wasn't up for a fight back then so i just went and got another card -which i still today- and transferred the bal and told Citi Bank to shove their card where the sun don't shine. Bottom line is do not trust Citi Bank.

  • +1

    Reading between the lines of what you've written, protocol061, you have made purchases as well as the balance transfer, is that correct? If so, then any interest that has been charged on those purchases is correct, because to have any interest-free days on purchases, you need to pay the ENTIRE balance on the card before the due date, including the amount of any balance transfer.

    While there is any of your balance transfer amount remaining on the card, you get no interest free days on purchases.

  • +2

    Is this your 1st Credit Card where you have made a BT? There are no interest free days on purchases when you make a BT. You must make the payment on the Credit Card via Bpay on the same day the purchase transactions are posted. I got the same card via the deal 2 months back and have a BT of $5000, use for purchases but pay them off via Bpay once the transaction is posted in Citibank online , so did not even get a 1c interest charged yet.Apart from that min 2% minimum dues to be paid every month before due that for the BT.

  • One of them refers to the balance transfer and the other is for recent purchases/cash advance.

    Pay your card off entirely and the BT related one will disappear.

  • +1

    It's not 55 days interest free, it's "UP TO" 55 days interest free.

    How it works is you get 25 days interest free from the closing date of your monthly statement. So if you made a purchase 1 day after the closing date, you get 30 days to the next closing date, plus 25 additional days, of interest free period, making it 55 days. But if you made a purchase on the closing date (assuming it goes through and is included in that period's statement), then you only get that day, plus 25 additional days, of interest free period, making it 25-26 days only.

    Read the fine-prints of your credit card policy statement and you will see it.

    Also, looking at your transactions, it seems you did not pay the FULL BALANCE of your purchases made in the prior month. When this happens, you are charged interest for the prior month, plus interest immediately on your purchases balance to date. If you made purchases on the card, plus having balance transfer amounts, then any repayments onto the card will only apply to the balance transfer amounts, unless you call them and insist they apply it to the highest interest component first per the new credit law. I'm assuming this is what happened to you.

    Again, if you read the fine-prints of your credit card policy statement you will see this outlined.

    TL;DR - never make "purchases" on a card that you have a balance transfer amount on. NEVER.

  • +1

    yes yes… once you got the cheque from citi (cheque to self option/or normal BT), put the card the my drawer.
    only 2 months after you paid off the amount you can start using it again.

    • Why 2 months?

      • its the condition…. trust me just follow that.. or check whirlpool.. or call the citibank team

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