This was posted 11 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Canon Pixma MX396 Multi-Function Printer $19.50 @ Woolies


Originally $80, then $39 a few weeks ago….and now at clearance price of $19.50.

Not sure if these are nation wide…but a bargain if you can find one - saw them @ Mirrabooka Woolworths.

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closed Comments

  • great deal

  • $29 at Wodonga Woolies this morning.

    • +1

      Wow … I originally intended to ask if anyone could confirm $19.50 elsewhere, but upon seeing Boodek's post it seemed unnecessary, so I requested my post be unpublished. No offence was intended, but I now wonder if this is a record for neg-voting a post which plus-votes a deal?

      • +3

        People probably thought you were asking the OP not to publish the deal so it could be kept secret!

  • +1

    anyone knows if this model has auto Duplex printing ? I am too lazy to flip the papers :P

    • +2

      Only does manual duplex which would require flipping papers. The canon software handles it quite well though.

  • +1

    You won't get a fax cheaper

  • My understanding is that the duplex is manual only on this model. Anyone see it for this price anywhere in NSW?

    • from this site, it has the auto duplex function.…

      I am going to check WW (strathfield NSW) if they have it for the same price will post back

      • +1

        Cheers. I checked Seven Hills and Toongabbie and they were sold out. Winston Hills has them but at $39 as I was told over the phone.

        The auto duplex printing appears to be only available on its bigger brothers:

        "When it comes to scanning and copying multiple pages, the Pixma printers’ ADF 30-sheet feeder on the MX396, MX456 and MX526 comes in handy.
        The MX526, MX726 and MX926 can also save paper and produce professional documents by also offering double-sided printing."

        Please do post back if Strathfield will do less than $39.

        • +1

          just got back, they are sold out :(

  • With these "cheap" printers ($20-$30). Anyone know, is it almost as cheap as getting the original cartridges?

    Or do they put hardly any ink in them? Or, are the cartridges dirt cheap?

    • +1

      its kind of sample ink inside them, half full. what I usually do refill them with some ink

    • +8

      Refill ink is extremely overpriced and printers are subsidised to get you to 'sign up' to their brand. Yes I believe it's cheaper to buy a new printer every time, but it's quite (profanity) up for the environment. There are options like replica ink which is still not that cheap and would take a bit of trial and error to find a reasonable source and Canon especially has a few tricks to stop you doing so. I think laser printers are more cost efficient on toner as opposed to ink and I have been waiting for the perfect deal on one.

      • +2

        Yes, they chip their cartridges to try and make sure you only use theirs. You can buy replica cartridges, pull the chips off the old cartridge and put on your new ones.

        • +3

          I actually have a similar printer. It remembers your last few cartridges used and how much ink they had as a way to make you purchase entirely new cartridges instead of refilling. You can order replica cartridges with recycled chips but they aren't super cheap. There are lots of whirlpool discussions on this and recommendations. I have bought a few duds and it's making the slightly more expensive yet low to run printers look more enticing.

      • I'm no tech but there were some cheap laser printers under $50 in officeworks when I was there yesterday. Less than $50 I think. Didn't take a lot of notice as I don't need to purchase one now.

  • +3

    please note it doesn't come with USB cable as the jb reviews say…

  • I need this…may be tomorrow….thanks.

  • +1

    Use it until the ink runs out then throw in bin.

    • +11

      yeah, screw the environment!

      • +1

        More like Gang R*$e

      • +3

        or dipose of it 'thoughtfully' - dump it on the street outside your local parliamentarian's office

      • +2

        just stick it in a neighbours wheelie bin for free disposal.

        • If you lived next to me, I'd come out with a shotgun if I had one. I am sick to death of morons putting stuff in my bins when they're out for collection. I'm on my third and last warning from the council for putting non-organics in my green bin - and I have NEVER put plastic in there. Idiots passing just throw a bag of c**p in MY green bin - damn the lot of you. rant off

        • I'm guessing that a Canon Pixma MX396 Multi-Function Printer in the green bin might just tip you over the edge. I'm sure the council can find a way to recycle it ?

  • Great printer for price. Unfortunately no network access, LAN or Wireless.

    • +3

      A true Ozbarginer, we want LAN and wireless for 19 bucks!!

      • +11

        A true Ozbarginer, we want LAN and wireless for 9 bucks!!

        • no fax……. panasonic fax still cost at 139 dollars

        • +1

          Nothing has come close to that cracking Dell deal since. :)

        • +4

          Many people got upgraded to the Dell V520 with Wireless, ADF, duplex and fax for $9 delivered. I did :)

        • I also got the Wireless version. Still probably my best Ozbargain victory to date!

  • None at burwood nsw

  • $50 @ Officeworks atm. Great price for a low-end printer.

  • +8

    Wow just realised this guy signed up back in 2009! Just thought that was cool, with 3 posts and comments.

  • $39 in Campbelltown and wont price match..

    • +3

      did you stomp on a tomato in disgust?

  • Picked up the second-last one at Braybrook VIC for $25. The last I think was put on hold by another customer.

  • What Isle are these found in?

    • +12

      Apparently mostly in the western and southern parts of continental Australia excluding NSW but possibly in the Isle of Tasmania too.

      • +4

        No, PC only, you won't find one in the Apple Isle.

    • +2

      Damn autocorrect - *aisle

  • +1

    I bought 2 for $39 each. Happy to sell if anyone is interested. PM me.

  • Wow great price. Its a shame it doesn't do double sided scanning :p But for $19 who would complain.

  • +1

    I've never seen a printer in a Queensland Woolworths.

    • Try looking on top of the shelving - that's where my local Woolworths has them stashed (above the batteries/lightbulbs section, across the aisle from the computer/phone/tablet accessories section).

  • It works out at 29c a page or thereabouts, so really not that good a deal, when after approximately 69 photos, you need to buy some quite expensive cartridges.

  • As a matter of interest, since these kind of things never seem to be mentioned in the specs:

    1) Can it copy without having the connected computer turned on ?
    2) Can it enlarge/reduce, (eg. A5<->A4) ?

    • 1- yes you can.
      2- not really sure but I think yes

      • No.2 is a Yes

        • Thanks for the replies.

  • Anyone seen them in Vic?

    Do they scan/copy? I have a b&w laser for regular printing, but no scanner which gets annoying!

  • It's still sitting n gathering dust at my local woolies. The price is $39 [i seen it last night, vic]

  • Just asked at Woolworths Mordialloc, said last one was sold before for about $35? Said somone else had also come in with this 'innacurate' post, lol

  • Bought one @ A$39.
    Tried at 2 Woolies in Doncaster, VIC. 5-6 of them at each store.
    Both refused to price match.
    Won't be using the print function. But the flatbed scanner and fax will be useful for a few years yet.

  • 2 left @ $39 at moonee ponds as of 6pm

  • 2 left @ $39 - Bella Vista, NSW. Bought with 28degrees just in-case the price drops :P

  • 3 left in wheelers hill Safeway $39

    • +1

      I guess the prices are not too bad for the ink cartridges, for example here:…

      BUT, you have to think about, how many pages can you print with them, not much, I'm guessing, according to my experiences with colour printers

      My sister was using a brother all in one colour printer/scanner. After a while, she hated it. The four individual ink cartridges were a hassle. When one colour ran out, you couldn't even use the still full black cartrdge just for printing text only or black and white/greyscale pictures. And the thing is the individual colours ran out FAST. In other words, all the ink cartridges had to be in use and full for the printer to work at printing for example, just the black text. The genuine ink packs (4 pack of colours) cost a lot. The compatible ones don't cost alot. They are probably refills of used cartridges.

      Ok, you might be thinking, what if we refilled the cartridges ourselves? We don't know if you can do that i.e. if the hole is there to refill because we didn't try with this printer/scanner model, but then some printers have this computer chip in them, and they refuse to print with refilled cartridges, we don't know if brother does that with its printers

      But then, we noticed we were not getting many pages printed, and then a colour ran out. What a hassle of a printer.

      So we went for a laser printer with the black toner cartridge. O.K. so we cannot print colour, but colour is not important to us. I am going to try printing a black and white photo from my camera later. I don't know if its going to work well or not.

      We LOVE it, we have got THOUSANDS of pages printed with this, We are NOT going back to the colour printer, forget it, you might like it and it might be good for you, but not for us, no way

      • The colour printer worked like this, a couple of months of occassional printing, then one colour was gone, she replaced it, another couple of months of occassional printing, then it happened again. We got to thinking, how much ink did they put in those individual colour cartridge, two teaspoons?
        At the moment, of course we are not using it, later I'll check if the scanner part of it works, who knows, the scanner is probably disabled because the ink part is not operational, you never know.

        Planning on getting a wireless laser printer? this is how it works

        A wireless printer works the same way that any wireless device does. You must install your printer drivers on your computer and make sure you have a wireless connection. This will allow the computer to communicate with the printer and wireless router.

        If its not wireless, you need one of those printer usb cords to attach to laptop/computer

        • The colour printer I was talking about was the brother printer not the pixma

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